Soportando las calamidades con buen humor|Bearing calamities with good humor

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Llegar a la vejez es una gran bendición, así lo veo, me encanta poder abrir los ojos cada mañana y luego de agradecer a Dios por su infinita bondad me dispongo a disfrutar del día, de este presente que me regala la vida. Disfruto el día completo muy motivada.

En ocasiones creemos que llegamos al lugar que teníamos que llegar, que ya hicimos todo lo que debíamos hacer y ahora nos toca esperar la muerte, sentada en una mecedora, echando broma a la familia o simplemente lanzarnos en una cama y solo esperar que llegue el momento de partir de este plano terrenal.

I love being able to open my eyes every morning and after thanking God for his infinite goodness, I get ready to enjoy the day, this present that life gives me. I enjoy the whole day very motivated

Sometimes we believe that we have reached the place we had to get to, that we have done everything we had to do and now we have to wait for death, sitting in a rocking chair, joking with the family or simply throw ourselves on a bed and just wait for the moment to leave this earthly plane


Desde hace un mes he podido disfrutar de un programa de televisión, en este canal trasmiten un programa que se llama "Vivir Del Cuento", es un programa de humor, en este programa suceden situaciones muy graciosas, donde los vecinos son muy pintorescos, en ocasiones pienso que exageran un poquito, es que pasan cada situación, pero muy en el fondo siento que son casos de la vida misma.

A mi edad siento que no tengo ninguna adicción, debo agradecer a la vida que no fumo, tampoco ingiero café, el licor no es mi prioridad, aunque respeto a las personas con sus gustos, siempre agradezco a Dios que no ingiero estupefaciente, nada de eso, pero con este programa siento que me tiene acostumbrada a disfrutar de varias horas de casos muy graciosos.

Entre cuentos, calamidades y algunos casos de disparates total, se puede pasar un buen rato. Se puede reír sanamente, compartir experiencias con la familia y también recomendar el programa. Muchas calamidades que sufren nuestros hermanos cubanos se reflejan desde el buen humor y la amistad.

Since a month ago I have been able to enjoy a television program, in this channel they transmit a program called “Vivir Del Cuento”, it is a humorous program, in this program very funny situations happen, where the neighbors are very colorful, sometimes I think they exaggerate a little bit, it is that every situation happens, but deep down I feel that they are cases of life itself

At my age I feel that I do not have any addiction, I must thank life that I do not smoke, I do not drink coffee, liquor is not my priority, although I respect people with their tastes, I always thank God that I do not ingest narcotics, nothing like that, but with this program I feel that I am used to enjoy several hours of very funny cases

Between stories, calamities and some cases of total nonsense, you can have a good time. You can have a good laugh, share experiences with your family and also recommend the program. Many calamities suffered by our Cuban brothers and sisters are reflected in good humor and friendship


Siempre escucho hablar de este país, pero sus habitantes la pasan muy bien en ese programa; en cada país se debe ver estos casos, pero lo más lindo es ese aprecio que traspasa la pantalla de televisor. Se imaginan durar 28 años en coma, otro vecino con una inocencia extrema, las damas con cualidades de aprovechadas, otras enamoradas tratando de que su pareja la lleve a viajar por el mundo, otros con gustos por el mismo género y algunos que quieren pescar en río revuelto para mejorar su economía; cualquier coincidencia es pura casualidad.

El adulto mayor juega un papel muy importante en esta comedia, entre suponer, creer, pensar por el otro y que todo lo puede solucionar pasan situaciones que se escapan de las manos. Este programa deja una gran lección, eso me encanta saber que podemos ser felices a cualquier edad es de gran motivación. Loa invito adultos mayores a dejar que este programa saque muchas sonrisas. Imaginen por un momento la siguiente situación; creer que una señora de casi 60 años está embarazada, resulta que la dueña de la perrita le colocó su nombre y toda la vecindad preocupada por esa situación tan embarazosa. Era la perrita la que estaba embarazada.

¡Un abrazo inmenso!

I always hear about this country, but its inhabitants have a great time in this program; in every country you must see these cases, but the most beautiful thing is that appreciation that goes beyond the TV screen. They imagine lasting 28 years in a coma, another neighbor with an extreme innocence, the ladies with the qualities of freeloaders, others in love trying to get their partner to take them to travel the world, others with tastes for the same gender and some who want to fish in troubled waters to improve their economy; any coincidence is pure coincidence.

The older adult plays a very important role in this comedy, between supposing, believing, thinking for the other and that everything can be solved, there are situations that get out of hand. This program leaves a great lesson, I love knowing that we can be happy at any age is a great motivation. I invite you seniors to let this program bring out many smiles. Imagine for a moment the following situation; believe that a lady of almost 60 years old is pregnant, it turns out that the owner of the dog gave her name and the whole neighborhood worried about this embarrassing situation. It was the dog that was pregnant.

A big hug!

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It's a good thing that you found a show that makes you laugh and keep your mind running.
They said it's good for the health to be curious about some things and also anticipate.

Instead of just staying and ending each day in a cold way.


Hello, @jmis101. Thank you very much for stopping by my publication, it is difficult in these times that people smile healthy and more that there are people who do this great work, I am a lover of laughter. I have no vices, but I feel that this program has me tied to the TV, ha,ha,ha,ha. “Vivir del cuento” that's the name of the program is Cuban. I'm glad that country can express so many realities of their country in a good way


That's a great one.
Keep enjoying the show.

I usually enjoy a south Africa comedy show.
The show stopped and I felt so bad and something deep was taken away from me.
I don't know why I can't remember the name now.

I got better and found other funny shows and movies.


In the platform there was also a community where many users joined to leave all their fun and I felt bad when it disappeared, I have the slogan “Reiresgratis” and I could also enjoy and that many also enjoyed with noble humor, without sarcasm or mockery. Remember when we learn to laugh at ourselves we will never be angry or bitter.

A hug


Laughter removes lots of anger.


Keep smiling all the time, laughter and joy is not sold in any supermarket


Thank you for your motivating comment, I love to smile, this year has been uphill, but with these programs the soul is empowered. Thank you very much @ijelady a big hug