FREECHAIN post-screening update // More images from the film

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Final image of the house metaphor animation

A couple days ago we completed the screening for the first 1/3 of the film. We are satisfied with how it went and are currently ramping up the production to finish the film by the time for Hivefest.

Most importantly we finally showed what kind of film it will be, why its being made and for whom its being made.

Showcasing the idea, the method and the goal.

The whole idea behind Freechain was to create something mainstream relevant by abiding by the standards of quality, production value, story telling etc. the industry expects to see. When I first came up with the idea I looked at a number of ways to approach things. Do I make a hatchet job of sorts and attack Justin Sun outright. Which is something people proposed to me.

"Lets get revenge"!.

Do I make it only about Hive? You could do that but you automatically alienate the wider crypto audience and festivals aren't really keen on showing promotional content.


First image of the house metaphor animation

In the end I went with the idea of making something that can appeal to the most layman of layman. What you would call a mainstream viewer. We chose to create something artistic, fun, and educational. That connects to people on a human level through the climax of Hive fighting against oppressions and tyranny.
We wanted to make a film that doesnt require from the viewer a deeper understanding of crypto to enjoy.


The practical idea for Freechain is creating connections with the film industry through creating relevant content by mainstream standards which is why these particular people working on it were chosen. People that have resumes of Oscar qualifying films, names like Netflix, History Channel, Adidas on their resumes. Awards from biggest European film festivals.
They werent picked at random.
Again, none of this guarantees results but it does increase their likelihood dramatically.


Ancient Rome - control metaphor animation

Hive getting the foot in the door and not being limited to playing in the proverbial sandbox of the crypto playground would be huge for Hive. Theres something much bigger I am aiming at with this and its just a matter of Hive stakeholders recognizing it as valuable, or thinking its not, because I definitely don’t intend to stop with only Freechain.


The Boreholes and peoples lives in Ghana, Hive independence, Venezuela and the impact of Hive/HBD...
All these stories once told through the medium of film in the correct manner, using potential connections Freechain will hopefully create would all return back to Hive because theyre our stories.
Theyre not Bitcoin stories, theyre not dogecoin stories.
Max Kaiser isn’t digging holes in Africa and bringing water to people, eating, drinking, sleeping, living with these people, getting to know them, getting to know their lives, hes somewhere in El Salvador sipping tea with Bukele.


stock, protests

Its Hive that’s doing this and I think more people need to know about it.
The story of the people that otherwise would have no one on their side. Whose government abandoned or failed them, who have no one to tell their story.

Ive been repeating something as a mantra since Hivefest to everyone hoping it catches on.

Hive is the proof of the promise crypto is making.

But no one will ever be ready to concede that title to us. We need need to assert ourselves and take it!
By telling these stories using the medium of film we have the potential to show that to everyone and become relevant beyond the noise of the crypto nonsense prevalent nowadays.
Freechain is the first step towards achieving that.

If a tree falls in the woods and theres no one to hear it, does it make a sound?”

In essence, what im saying is, these stories, lets not keep them to ourselves.

"Hive contained" means keeping it to ourselves.


Dan red on red, (not color corrected)

I also want to thank the folks that were present for the screening for their feedback. It was very valuable:


The best, most successful brand doesnt promote you the product features, they promote values. They honor people, athletes, communities.
Do you know the TPS of Cardano? XRP? Even Bitcoin?
Do you know the type of rubber Michelin uses in their tires?
Of course you dont.

We need to promote our stories and associate our brand with our specific and clear cut values.
This is the way to do it.

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I agree, HIVE is the proof of what cryto can make. I hope we will all be able to watch the film.


As always Mr. Butterfly.. Thank you for all the work you do!

What is your next big project after the movies? what do you have your sights on for the next big outreach effort? seems like you always have something cooking!


Thats an easy one to answer.🙂 Once Freechain is done and we go through the festival scene and the film distribution part. If the results are at the minimum what we expect I will be making a proposal for an art documentary. (very different to freechain)

Most people know that wer doing the borehole project down in Ghana but no one knows the actual stories happening because of that project.
Me and the Freechain director Jovan had a call with Samuel (hes heading the boreholes project) and listened to these amazing human stories. There is 1 specific one that amazed us and would be the basis for the film.
What he told us has even a bigger storytelling potential than the Steem/Hive split.
That is what I will be doing next.
We want to fly to Ghana, spend 2-3 weeks there, live with these people, film a documentary and tell their story.


Wow! Im glad I asked the question!

Thats really cool!


Sharing true stories of people who utilize Hive will surely catch the attention of most people who are still skeptical about this blockchain and its full potential.

I felt grateful and had goosebumps upon reading this very important statement "Hive is the proof of the promise crypto is making."

Let us do our share, let us do our part by sharing all the good things that Hive brought into our lives. Thank you @lordbutterfly for leading us in learning more about Hive, and I am more than excited to see the film and share it with non-Hive users.


Can't wait to see Hive in the mainsteam news because of your documentary :)


Getting more and more excited with every update. Cannot wait to watch the full movie and see the impact of it :) Keep up the great work guys!

@tipu curate 4


I'd like to see the rally car documented in the same way you foresee the borehole project, if we are gonna pay for it we need something persistent to show for it when the rallies are done, imo.


My team made the rally video. It was supposed to be pushed out already, but it seems it will be for Sardinia. I did my best to develop a strategy on how to get that the reach it deserves but Im not the one making the decisions in that project. I just helped out since the race was in Zagreb and the driver is from there.


Looking forward to viewing it when it's released. I know it will make it easier to discuss with my family what I am involved in and maybe be able to get them on board as well.