The Idea of You (2024) - ¿Un amor adolescente a los 40?

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El 02 de mayo se estrenó en la plataforma de Stremming Amazon Prime una nueva película cliché de romance que claro que no íbamos a dejar pasar, así que nada más pude sacar tiempo me decidí a verla, en especial porque esta película atrajo mucho a las Fans de One Direction porque dicen que la Boy Band está inspirada en ellos y el protagonista está inspirado en Harry.

Pero realmente siento que podía ser cualquier Boy Band, lo que si admiro es que eso fue una de las cosas que me atrajo más a esta película, ya que aunque no fui fan a morir de este grupo, si formo parte de mi adolescencia, así que siempre es lindo recordar buenos momentos.



Solène está a punto de cumplir 40 años, es una artista que ama su trabajo, tiene una hija adolescente, actualmente está divorciada ya que su esposo la engañó y la dejó por alguien más joven que ella, así que eso es algo obviamente frustrante, en especial cada que lo tiene que ver y hacer como si nada pasará.

Simón su ex esposo, planeó un viaje con su hija y sus amigos a Coachela para que conocieran a su banda favorita de cuando era niña (aunque ahora de adolescentes ya no mucho) pero a este se le complica ir así que Soléne queda encargada de llevarlos, están en el área VIP así que esto ocasiona una rara confusión que cuando ella está buscando el baño termine en el trailer del vocalista de la banda August Moon, el queda fechado por ella, ya que no le importo lo más mínimo quien era.

Lo sé, muy cliché digno de una película de wattpad, pero no es una historia innovadora, solo que la manejan diferente.



Se vuelven a encontrar en el meet and greet y ahí uno de los amigos de su hija le cuenta en donde trabaja para que ose y vea su galería de arte, Teo ese día le dedica una canción y ella comienza a sentir atracción por el.

El va a la tienda, compra todo lo que vende aunque ella no quiere que no valoren dichas piezas, no es solo comprar y ya, luego de eso salen y como él es famoso y todo el mundo lo sigue, cenan en casa de ella, ahí se abren un poquito y cuentan un poco de eso que les cuesta tanto expresar, ella su matrimonio fallido y él la relación con sus padres, como la química entre ellos es notoria se comienzan a besar pero ella da un alto porque “puedo ser tú madre” y es que en la película ella acaba de cumplir 40 y él tiene 24 años, así que este es el principal conflicto de esta relación.


Otro Cine

Soléne se decide disfrutar esto que le está pasando, así que termina yendo de gira con el, todo va Perfecto entre ellos aunque los amigos mal intencionados e inmaduros, le hacen muchos comentarios pasivo agresivos y ahí ella entiende que no fue tan especial esa canción que le dedicó porque aparte mente se las dedica a todas. Ellos terminan y ella decide regresar a su casa, pero resulta que obviamente unos paparazzi los vieron y se filtraron sus fotos, todo el mundo la empezó atacar y su hija (porque estaba en un campamento y no sabía nada de esto) ella se molesta pero solo porque su mamá no le contó, no la diferencia de edad, ya que dicen algo muy cierto “nada más te juzgan porque eres mujer, si fuera al revés eso no pasaría”, así que Soléne decide buscarlo.



Con la aprobación de su hija deciden salir abiertamente hasta que su hija vuelve a clases y es victima de Bullying por sus compañeros, con mucho dolor, ambos terminan pero se dan un plazo de “5 años” para que su hija saliera del colegio y ya no sufriera maltrato por su compañeros y ahí si estar juntos libremente, así que obviamente no finaliza aquí, sino vemos 5 años después como se vuelven a encontrar y vuelven a estar juntos.

La película me gusto, la disfruté bastante, cada uno actuó tal cual, es decir Hayes si sacaba sus comentarios típico de un veinteañero y Soléne siempre con más sentimentalismo, más serenidad y obviamente más madures, pero hacen que funcione, lo único que me pareció innecesario fue ese final de 5 años después porque las críticas van a ser las mismas hoy que en 5 años, él sigue siendo famoso y ella sigue siendo 16 años mayor que el, siento que podían hacer un final mejor.



On May 2, a new cliche romance movie was released on the streaming platform Amazon Prime that of course we weren't going to pass up, so as soon as I could find time I decided to watch it, especially because it's The movie attracted One Direction fans a lot because they say that the Boy Band is inspired by them and the protagonist is inspired by Harry.

But I really feel that it could be any Boy Band, what I do admire is that that was one of the things that attracted me the most to this film, since although I was not a die-hard fan of this group, it was part of my adolescence, so It's always nice to remember good times.



Solène is about to turn 40, she is an artist who loves her work, she has a teenage daughter, she is currently divorced since her husband cheated on her and left her for someone younger than her, so that is obviously frustrating, in special every one who has to see it and act as if nothing will happen.

Simón, her ex-husband, planned a trip with her daughter and her friends to Coachela so that they could meet her favorite band from when she was a child (although now as teenagers, not much anymore) but it is difficult for him to go so Soléne is in charge of taking them. , they are in the VIP area so this causes a strange confusion that when she is looking for the bathroom she ends up in the trailer of the vocalist of the band August Moon, he is dated by her, since she did not care in the least who he was .

I know, very cliché worthy of a wattpad movie, but it is not an innovative story, they just handle it differently.



They meet again at the meet and greet and there one of his daughter's friends tells her where he works so that she can dare and see his art gallery. Teo dedicates a song to her that day and she begins to feel attracted to him.

He goes to the store, buys everything it sells, although she doesn't want them to not value those pieces, it's not just about buying and that's it, after that they go out and since he is famous and everyone follows him, they have dinner at her house, There they open up a little and tell a little about what it is so difficult for them to express, she about her failed marriage and he about his relationship with his parents, as the chemistry between them is noticeable, they begin to kiss but she stops because “I could be you.” mother” and in the film she has just turned 40 and he is 24 years old, so this is the main conflict in this relationship.


Otro Cine

Soléne decides to enjoy what is happening to her, so she ends up going on tour with him, everything goes Perfect between them, although her ill-intentioned and immature friends make many passive aggressive comments to her and there she understands that that song was not so special that she He dedicated it to him because apart from that he dedicates it to all of them. They break up and she decides to return home, but it turns out that obviously some paparazzi saw them and their photos were leaked, everyone started attacking her and her daughter (because she was in a camp and didn't know anything about this) she gets upset but just because her mother didn't tell her, not the age difference, since they say something very true "they just judge you because you are a woman, if it were the other way around that wouldn't happen", so Soléne decides to look for him.



With their daughter's approval, they decide to go out openly until their daughter returns to class and is a victim of bullying by her classmates, with a lot of pain. They both break up but give themselves a period of "5 years" for their daughter to leave school and that's it. He did not suffer abuse from his companions and there they were able to be together freely, so obviously it does not end here, but we see 5 years later how they meet again and get back together.

I liked the film, I enjoyed it a lot, each one acted as they were, that is, Hayes did make his comments typical of a twenty-something and Soléne always with more sentimentality, more serenity and obviously more mature, but they make it work, which The only thing that seemed unnecessary to me was that ending 5 years later because the criticisms are going to be the same today as they were in 5 years, he is still famous and she is still 16 years older than him, I feel like they could have made a better ending.



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Wow, that movie sounds like a whirlwind of emotions! I have to admit, when I first started reading about it, I wasn't sure what to expect. But as I delved deeper into the plot, I found myself drawn into the complexities of Solène's journey. From rediscovering her past through her daughter's admiration for a boy band to navigating the unexpected romance with August Moon's vocalist, it's a tale that seems straight out of a Wattpad novel, yet handled with a fresh perspective.

The age gap between Solène and her love interest adds an intriguing layer of conflict, reflecting societal norms and prejudices. It's commendable that the film doesn't shy away from addressing this head-on, highlighting the double standards women often face in relationships.

Despite its clichés, the movie seems to offer a genuine portrayal of human connections and vulnerabilities. The chemistry between the characters feels authentic, and their struggles resonate on a deeper level.

However, I can't help but agree with the reviewer's sentiment about the ending. While the reunion after five years adds a sense of closure, it doesn't necessarily address the underlying societal judgment they face. Perhaps a more daring conclusion could have challenged these norms and offered a more thought-provoking resolution.

Overall, though, it sounds like a compelling watch, filled with heartfelt moments and relatable characters. I'll definitely be adding it to my watchlist!


I sometimes like to watch romantic movie because they gives some kind of attraction and a sense of feelings while you watch. This is indeed a great pick I should check it out.


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