My 3 favorite romantic comedies 💜 [ESP/ING]
¡Hola, linda comunidad de Hive!💜| Hello, beautiful Hive community!💜
Hello beautiful hive community! I consider myself a person who likes to do many activities, but I will always have my favorites, among those WATCHING MOVIES (or series when I have time), I have always said that the horror genre is my favorite. However, in the last few months I have developed a love for romantic comedy movies and I LOVE this new era, so today I am sharing with you my 3 favorite romantic comedies (although I clearly have more than 3 favorites).
Love and Other Drougs
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Simplemente espectacular, protagonizada por Anne Hathaway y Jake Gyllenhaal es una película que trata temas que son delicados como lo son las relaciones interpersonales en personas que tienen enfermedades degenerativas y la perspectiva de estos ante el mundo. Tiene momentos muy intensos pero que sin duda valen la pena porque es una de las comedias románticas menos predecibles manteniéndose fresca incluso luego de verla varias veces, esta película toco algo dentro de mi al retratar aspectos de una enfermedad que nunca habíamos pensado puesto que en la mayoría de los casos limitamos estas situaciones solo a personas mayores… pero ¿que pasa cuando es un joven con este tipo de enfermedad? Sin dudas un gran 10/10.
Simply spectacular, starring Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal is a film that deals with sensitive issues such as interpersonal relationships in people with degenerative diseases and their perspective on the world. It has very intense moments but they are certainly worth it because it is one of the least predictable romantic comedies, staying fresh even after watching it several times, this movie touched something inside me by portraying aspects of a disease that we had never thought of since in most cases we limit these situations only to older people ... but what happens when it is a young person with this type of disease? Undoubtedly a great 10/10.
-Jamie Randall
"You meet hundreds of people and none of them leave an impression on you, and then all of a sudden you meet one person and it changes your life forever."- Jamie Randall
About Time
Estrenada en 2013 y protagonizada por Rachel McAdams y Domhnall Gleeson, la definiría como densamente romántica pero al menos una vez en la vida debemos verla ya que es algo larga pero sin dudas, al terminar sentirás nuevas esperanzas en el amor que antes no existían jajaja en mi opinión es un buen plan para la tarde con algunas botanas para pasar el rato, no diré mucho respecto a ella porque me niego a hacer algún spoiler solo que a veces me gustaría viajar en el tiempo a cuando no la había visto y sentir la emoción que sentí la primera vez que la vi. 8/10 porque es un poco larga.
Released in 2013 and starring Rachel McAdams and Domhnall Gleeson, I would define it as densely romantic but at least once in a lifetime we must see it because it is a bit long but without a doubt, at the end you will feel new hopes in love that did not exist before hahaha in my opinion it is a good plan for the afternoon with some snacks to pass the time, I will not say much about it because I refuse to make any spoiler only that sometimes I would like to travel back in time to when I had not seen it and feel the excitement I felt the first time I saw it. 8/10 because it's a bit long.
"And then he told me his secret formula for happiness. The first part of the plan was that I should just get on with everyday life, live it day by day, just like anyone else. But then came the second part of Dad's plan. He told me to go back to living every day almost exactly the same. The first time with all the stresses and worries that keep us from realizing how sweet the world can be, but the second time noticing it."
Anyone But You
La más reciente comedia romántica que he visto y aunque en ocasiones tacha en lo predecible sin dudas te sacara más de una carcajada, un super dato que me parece curioso es que esta es una versión modernizada del libro de “Mucho ruido y pocas nueces” de Shakespeare y sin pensarlo te digo que es de esas películas que podrías ver mil veces y aun así no aburrirte, ¿mi recomendación más personal? CORRE A VERLA porque sin dudas no te vas a arrepentir. 9/10 porque en ocasiones es predecible.
The most recent romantic comedy I've seen and although it is sometimes predictable, it will certainly make you laugh more than once, a super fact that I find curious is that this is a modernized version of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" and without thinking about it I say that it is one of those movies that you could see a thousand times and still not get bored, my personal recommendation? RUN TO SEE IT because without a doubt you will not regret it. 9/10 because sometimes it is predictable.
"It is not to do with hate, but rather with love"- William Shakespeare

La lista de las comedias románticas que me gustan es LARGA pero hoy quise traerte algunas de mi top con la esperanza que puedas disfrutarlas tanto como yo, algunas de estas películas son muy conocidas o estrenadas hace años así que lo probable que es que hayas visto la mayoría o todas ellas, si es así coméntame tu opinión al respecto.
The list of romantic comedies I like is LONG but today I wanted to bring you some of my top ones in the hope that you can enjoy them as much as I do, some of these movies are well known or released years ago so chances are you have seen most or all of them, if so let me know what you think about them.
Espero que les haya gustado mi post!💜
I hope you liked my post!💜