Spider-Man No Way Home - Comedy or Action
The film revolves around Peter Parker, whose identity was revealed by Mysterio in the events of the movie "Spiderman Far From Home."
I think the best words to describe the movie Spider-Man are that the movie is first-class comedy and also a bit dramatic except for one scene that was touching and also I felt that the movie didn't care about Homecoming and Far From Home, which was disappointing from my point of view.
But the character of Peter Parker, as it is in the three, does not have the social skills that make him stupid in dealing with others, even with the bad guys, and that was good from my point of view. In many films that have chains, the protagonist's character becomes different.
But one of the problems that I faced in watching the movie was the script, which did not use the logic of the appearance of the evil characters well, and their situation in the form of a comic became the basis, as I said at the beginning of the review, but the character of Green Goblin was the one who removed the comedic aspect from her except in one scene. As for the rest of the evil characters were Comedy, and that was frustrating from my point of view, as the weight of their presence in the events of the film was not present.
The appearance of the character of Doctor Strange was frustrating, with the absence of four years of a movie about Dr. Strange was frustrating, of course, his appearance was better than the movie Thor Ragnarok for sure, but the character was put in a comic form more than serious.
But Peter Parker's harmony with My Ned and MG was wonderful because that template has been comedic since the past two parts, but the character of Happy Hogan disappeared from the events of the third part, especially in the second and third half, which was a comic addition in the first part, especially the second, and his appearance was very dim.
As for directing from John Watts, it was acceptable, especially with less action moments than the first and second parts, and the comedic and dramatic interest of the director succeeded in it. I was hoping for many epic action scenes, especially with the many enemies of Spiderman, and the movie drew a little comedic and dramatic interest, which I did not understand. I was hoping for one or two villains to appear if the rest of the characters were not exploited.
Acting Performance
As for the acting performance, it is still coherent, as is the case in the first and second seasons, with characters such as Peter and Ned, who took more space, as well as MJ and May, who gave a good dramatic performance, but unfortunately Jamie Foxx as Electro and William Dafoe as Green Joplin was frustrated and clear that they were not prepared to play the role or Alfred Mullen gave a good performance, especially that the technique of de aging was applied, and it was well presented in the events of the film.
Unexpectedly, with a bold decision by Sony to make the Spider-Man movie more comedy than action, and it is the movie with the least action moments as well as adventure among the Spider-Man films, but this has a negative impact on the evil characters that appeared modestly, unfortunately, and it was better to show a villain or two better and also I missed The feeling of the atmosphere of the Marvel movies or even the Spider-Man movies, and I think it is a relative feeling among the viewers.