CineTV Contest: Character Most Like Me! Mr. Pink :)

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Hello my dear Hive/CineTV friends and fellow movie lovers!
When I saw today's new contest prompt, I really didn't know what character to write about but somehow I knew it had to be one from a Tarantino movie. Somehow they always haunt me for a while after I've watched them. Haunt in a good way. Replaying them in my head, over and over again. Seeing if I could have done things better. And no, I couldn't have. I have to give the master due where it's due.
The one that's haunted me the most of all Tarantino movies has to be The Reservoir Dogs. WHAT a masterpiece! I believe many who've seen it will agree.

Hollywood's greatest in one single movie


The late Chris Penn, Michael Madsen, Tim Roth, Harvey Keitel, and last but certainly not the least: Steve Buscemi all seemed so natural in this masterpiece. Like they could easily be mobsters in real life. I've seen this movie so many times, I could dream about it in my sleep and say all the lines. I could wake up muttering: "Torture you? I like that!" And singing "Stuck in the middle with you." This would probably raise some eye brows though...

All these characters brought something unique, all actors brought what they were born to do: great acting and entertaining people.

Why am I Mr. Pink?


Those of you who've seen the movie and know it through and through, will recognise this line. It was Steve Buscemi, who portrays Mr. Pink, asking for the reason why he had been given the colour pink, and not purple, or anything else.
At the time, at the very beginning of the movie, I had no idea what very significant role the man would play in it.

Well now I know!

Steve Buscemi as an actor

Reservoir Dogs wasn't his first movie but I believe it was the one that made his career. It certainly wasn't the last movie where he impressed as an actor. Very versatile, whether he plays the underdog or the mobster boss, or even just a voice in an animated movie: he never, ever does a bad job at any of it. I really admire him for all of his work. My top favorite actor's list? He'll be on it!

Mr. Pink the Character

He starts out as somewhat of an underdog when the choice of his name comes up in the movie. Mr. Pink. Not Mr. Blonde (portrayed by the ever amazing Michael Madsen), Mr. White (one-of-the-greats Harvey Keitel) or Mr. Brown (Tarantino himself). Also not Mr. Purple, as he suggested. Nope. Mr. Pink. Steve's character himself is not impressed but has no other choice than to accept his faith: Mr. Pink it is!

Even later on in the movie his character doesn't play much of a huge role, however, in the conversation with Mr. White, about Mr. Orange's faith, he really shows his professionalism, which later on proves essential.
I won't give more away because it would spoil all the fun for people who haven't seen the movie yet. Although I can't imagine how a film fan would ever miss this one!

How do I identify with Mr. Pink

I think we have a lot in common. Except, I do tip waitresses...
Sometimes I can be somewhat of a wallflower, not interacting much with others, and just observing.
There were many times in my life where I felt, and was invisible. Where it seemed that whatever I said, it didn't make much difference because others had already made up their minds.
Much later in life, I discovered, that these just weren't my kind of people!
I think I've now managed to gather people around me who value what I have to say, and see me for who I am.

Back to Mr. Pink: I'm really trying hard not to give too much of the movie away by describing how I identify with the character.
It's hard!
But I'll try. Stuck in the background a little, but still professional. The most professional of all as it later turns out. And the smartest. In the beginning of the movie, his future isn't quite clear. But in the end, it turns out that his is the most significant one. Seemingly a loser at the start...well, he shows us all that he is quite the opposite!

So to those who haven't seen Reservoir Dogs: OMG!!! Where have you been? Under a rock? GO! Shooo!! Watch the damn thing so you know what I mean. :)

I will leave you all with Mr. Pink who ellaborates on why he doesn't tip waitresses. That's the one thing we don't agree on.

bye text.png

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Oh that movie is tha bomb! I loved all these characters I remember, need to watch it again to check if I see you as Mr Pink as well :)

!1UP for you chica!


Yes it is!!! It's one of my favourites of all times! Yes, watch it again :) I think you might identify a little with Mr. Pink too!


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Awesome post @misslasvegas (Mr Pink) about an awesome movie. Steve Buscemi is a fantastic actor.


Thank you! You're too kind :) Yes, he is an amazing actor.


Thank you for your submission about which character you are most like! Mr. Pink is an interesting choice. I absolutely loved Reservoir Dogs! :)


I don't think I have watched this movie but that short 4-minute clip makes me interested in it. I agree with you on tipping and I have seen some people who got bad service for not tipping before (they put you down as last on the list of priorities).


I haven't seen that movie in a very long time. I just added it to my watch list. Thanks for reminding me.


I didn't think I'd see someone identify with Mr Pink here lol!

The similarities do seem to add up though.