Movies & TV Shows Community Highlight #948
Hello! As part of our ongoing efforts to improve both interaction and curation in the Movies and TV Shows Community, this post is one of many to highlight and boost members of the past week that have posted what we believe is exceptional content.
The Details
Each week, our Moderators will monitor the posts within the Movies and TV Shows Community and handpick the ones that are believed to stand out under numerous factors: post quality, length, and subject.
There are no entry requirements, and this is not a contest, but simply a roundup intended to provide additional exposure to all of you for your efforts. Just have fun posting in the Movies & TV Shows Community and five or more posts will be chosen frequently.
Author: @jessuses1381

The movie does a brilliant job when it comes to recreating Queen's most iconic performances. The attention to detail in the costumes, the designs of various sets and all the overall production value is mind-blowing, watching the recreation of their Live Aid performance gave me goosebumps.. it was like being transported back to 1985, but this is where things get a little tricky for me.. The film often seems to play it safe, giving us a glorified version of the events, which doesn't fully capture all the raw energy and controversy that constantly surrounded this band.... It's as if the filmmakers were so concerned with appealing to a wide audience, that they toned down all the questionable or rough stuff about the band, resulting in a story that sometimes feels too generic, too perfect...
Author: @gigi8

But let's start breaking it down. Let's start with the main plot, which deals so beautifully with Roz's task of becoming a mother, where she has to put aside her programming and get down to improvising in order to give Brillo what she needs. It's so satisfying to watch her begin to allow herself to feel emotions (even though this isn't supposed to exist for her), to bond emotionally not only with Brillo, but also with the fox, and to watch all this growth and change that ends up crinkling your heart.
Author: @generp

Finally, Do I recommend it? Yes and not, I considered it is a cute movie with a good message (not that contundent as the book). If you read the book, I recommend you to watch it understanding sometimes movies adaptations has issues to pour the important book events into the time lapse they have to produce and adapt it properly to the screen to please not only the readers but natural viewer. Because sometimes as readers we pretend the adaptations to only please us and sometimes depending on the book nature that could not be possible. SO, DO I RECOMMEND IT? Yes, it as an entertaining movie, not special but fine. I think it do not deserve all the hate is having, 'cause definately could be worse.
Author: @sofiaquino98

"Romper el círculo" es una película sobre las distintas formas en las cuales se puede presentar el amor, y no porque exista el romance, las mariposas en el estómago o la pasión, se trata necesariamente de un amor bueno y sano. Me parece especialmente importante este tipo de obras cinematográficas para las nuevas generaciones y las formas en las que romantizan el amor que no necesariamente hace bien. Es una película que nos permite recordar, seamos hombres o mujeres, el daño que puede hacernos una relación abusiva.
Author: @ikigaidesign

It's a good horror series, it has its bloody scenes, plus the mystery of everything that happens, gives it a plus; in my first review I compared it to the series LOST, and the truth is, in my opinion, this one is definitely better.

The point here is that the show was based on a bachelorette and three hopefuls, one of them being our killer Rodney. This man had a very “charming” personality, he always knew what to say so approaching women was easy for him, hence he got a good first impression from Cheryl. Soon she will realize everything and will live moments of great tension. It's a film where tension and uncertainty reigns to know what will be the next move of this guy, it's more what we don't see than what is shown on screen. Personally, it always kept me watching, you don't get bored or lose interest, true crime stories have a hook that makes people get really hooked.
Author: @dinaaczib

Undoubtedly evil is near and can come from anyone, like the old saying faces we see hearts we don't know. It can be your friend, your neighbor and a person in pain can transform into the worst monster and take anyone as such to achieve their goals. Greetings DinaAczib, I hope you can see this movie very soon! Hugs!
Author: @naath

Juno, despite being an extroverted girl with a very strong sense of humor, makes the decision to tell her parents and then Bleeker, her parents in this situation that is not easy at all tell her that she has their support in the decision she decides to take and this is something that I thought should be emphasized in the story, We know that a pregnancy, especially in adolescence, can bring so many conflicts that even your own parents can decide that you have the baby and form a family with the father of the child or simply that you lose the support and trust of both of them and they decide that you must take responsibility for your actions. Juno was very fortunate to have a family that even though it was not the traditional one since she lived with her father and stepmother, they still told her that they had her support and made it possible for Juno to decide what was best for the baby.
Author: @abenad

I also kept wondering how she was able to receive calls from her husband at that location. Even at the seashore, sometimes the reception is just so poor so I don’t know how she was able to talk to him for about 2 minutes or more without having a block in reception. Well, these were the factors that kept reminding me that oh, it’s just fiction.
Author: @nameless16

"In a Violent Nature" Canadian slasher film, released this year, has the premise of using the perspective of a supernatural killer who, upon resurrection, begins a murderous rampage against innocent people in a vast forest; this may be the shortest synopsis I've ever written in a review, but that's what this straightforward story about a killer and his numerous victims offers.
Congratulations to everyone that was chosen, and thank you to everyone posting in Movies and TV Shows! We look forward to the next report and highlighting even more of you.
Thank you for the recognition and congratulations to everyone else.
Thank you so much for your support 🤗
Thank u so much for the support🩷💕