Cine TV contest - Favourite actor - Leonardo Dicaprio aka Bighead

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The @stickupboys may have this one with their selection of Tom Cruise, as he has a formidable record and amazing on-screen presence. They didn't highlight one of my favourite roles of Tommy boy in Eyes Wide Shut which was a great performance by Tom and his (ex)-wife Nicole.

Anyhow, we aren't here to talk about Tom as the stickupboys have covered it well. Another big contender for me would be Mel Gibson as he has had many well played and impactful roles. I have fond memories of my teenage years humming along to Tina Turner singing "We don't need another hero" while a nuclear apocalypse is going on around us.

I would often wake up in the night with heart palpitations and a dead arm as though I had dreamed we had been hit by a nuke. Thanks for putting those thoughts into my head Mel! I later realised these were just some side effects of medicine from Big Pharma.

However, my favourite actor and I think the best actor (sorry Tom) is Leonard Dicaprio. Or as he was affectionately known by an ex-girlfriend of mine as Bighead. I don't think that's his real nickname or if he has actually a particularly big head, but the name sort of stuck for me.


The beginnings

Leo was and always has been an actor and he fits into and takes the life of every role he has ever played. He is one of those Hollywood child actors that didn't actually go off the rails crazy and stuck the course to deliver hit film after hit film. Moreover what makes him my favourite actor is that he really brought life to those films and made them a hit, when they could have easily been a flop.

If you search youtube, you will find Leo starred in Lassie and Roseanne. Yes, they are terrible, but what's a desperate child actor to do? I can forgive him for those roles. It gets worse, he played this Jack fella in Titanic which turned out to be a huge hit for women everywhere and propelled him to stardom.

This film had probably one of the worst storylines you have ever heard and a soundtrack to die for (literally). It would take at least a decade before the radio stopped playing it. Here even, the power of a young Leo shone threw with his powerful performance and memorable cliches like "I'm on top of the world" or something similar.

But this wasn't when Leo came to my attention, they weren't playing Titanic down at the pub. Usually, it was Man Utd vs. Chelsea on the box whilst playing pool and downing pints.


The Beach

Leo came to my attention in his role in The Beach as Richard. Being a wage slave and bored out of my head working in an office as a freshly minted 20 something, I was obsessed with travelling and escaping civilisation. And when I saw this film with Leo in, like most of my age group, I was hooked. I wanted to live on a beach and chill with hot chicks like Richard did.

I wanted a totally crazy friend like Daffy. Even though Leo was clearly American and not English like in the book, Leo pulled it off. He had a whole generation sucked in! Damn you big head!!

I would love to swim to an island where the weed grows freely and you live away from civilisation with just a clear blue sea and pristine beaches. I could build myself a hut too! What a way to live.

Fast forward a few years and I went to Thailand to chill out on the islands. I took just myself and my backpack and flew over. First I went to the Kho San Road like on The Beach. I drank the buckets laced with drugs and stayed up all night! It was awesome! I met some fellow travellers, but none as crazy as Daffy.

I headed to the islands and it was just a huge tourist resort, not like in the film! What's going on here!?! It seemed everyone was trying to live like Leo on The Beach.


Later Films

Since then, I've still followed Leo's films. Even though this was the biggest impact on me and made the most impression, he still went on to impress me in further roles. He managed to not get stereotyped into just that one role. He has a huge catalogue of films worth watching but for me, just a few really stand out.

I thought he was amazing in Catch Me If You Can. He was so impressive in this role as a counterfeiter, I was really cheering for him in the end. I guess what really appealed to me was his portrayal of someone disregarding all of the social systems we have in place but with tragic consequences in his personal life.

It is worth a short mention, but I really loved his hilarious African accent in Blood Diamond. How adaptable is this guy! Similarly his loveable rogue portrayal of Jordan Belfort in the Wolf of Wall Street. I think he really brought what should have been a very dull film to life.

Another film in which I think he was also particularly good and really gets you thinking about our reality is in Inception. I think his crisp, clean screen presence, really brought you into the film and the possibility of questioning if our current reality is real!?

In parting, I could mention how great Leo was in The Revenant, but I'm sure everyone knows. But I want to say that even in one of his most recent pieces which is as boring as watching paint dry, Leo was the only bright spark in Don't Look Up.


Leo nabs it

Leo has been so good in the roles he plays that they have been able to leave such a strong impression on us. The films have also been quite varied and targeted different audiences and he still manages to bring a presence to us that shines through. Just watch Once Upon a Time in Hollywood if you have any doubts.

Therefore, Leo has beaten Tom and Mel to the top spot. I'm sorry Brad Pitt, I know you are an awesome actor too. That Irish accent was hilarious.

But Leo is number 1.

Please let me know if you are a big Leo fan or not in the comments.

Thanks for reading.


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I got two words for Leo and Tom: Christopher Walken !CTP


You cant pull out the Walken card!! He is already legend status. !CTP


Oh but I just did I needed something to Trump Leo and Tom 😁


I like the Kiss of Death scene in True Romance, but he has been one of my favourite actors of all time since deer hunter. Tag me when you post it!


Tom Cruise is a good choice but I have to go with Patrick Steward or Hugh Laurie because of their many talents in addition to acting.


Some good choices there Bob. I loved Hugh Laurie in Blackaddar and remember him also from his A Bit of Fry and Laurie comedy series. More recently, my wife loves him in Dr House. I wonder, does he have a limp in real life?

Patrick Steward has a talented background for sure, he was great in XMen for example. I remember watching him in Star Trek TNG, but can we forgive him for wearing that pantsuit??



I love "The Revenant". I still remember I read somewhere that he ate raw liver during the film to make it looks real. He really deserve winning the award for this movie.


It was an amazing film, I want to go back to the frontier times of America! It would be awesome!


No doubt the amazing and beautiful acting of the actor make him famous and our favourite and I think Leo have all these qualities that's why you liked it most😻.
Anyhow after seeing the lead image I start thinking that why you used beach image instead of the actor. I think you do this because you like Leo Beach character as a Richard


Yes, he literally took me to the beach! I wanted to go there the same! But I think he is a great actor to do it so well and he has beautiful acting as you say! 🙂


When I hear big head, all what my mind was telling was that, Leo has the biggest head in the whole universe.


It really amazing when we portrait a name to the actor's and actress we love, it shows uniqueness and importancy.

Nice entry 🤗


I was reading with so much enthusiasm hoping to see a mention of how you finally met Leo. You adore him so much and it's quite evident in your post. I never knew Leo as a child actor but I have seen him perform excellently in so many movies. His interpretation of roles is magnificent. This movie he acted where he was in an iron mask hidden away, I can't remember the title, I loved it so much. Catch me if you can is my best movie of Leo. I'm glad he's done so well for himself with little or no scandal.


That would have been so cool to meet Leo! hehe I agree he is a great actor and I always enjoy watching his movies. I've just found a movie of his that I didn't watch before, so will watch this now: What's eating Gilbert Grape.

Thanks for dropping by! !ALIVE