Alien: Romulus - Movie Review [ES - EN]

Las franquicias cinematográficas iniciadas en los 80' se niegan a morir; en especial producciones que usaron los géneros del horror, acción y ciencia-ficción para crear clásicos del cine; justamente una de esas franquicias que nos regaló a uno de los antagonistas más letales del cine regresa con una nueva historia que funciona como un homenaje a todas las demás películas antecesoras a esta.
Film franchises that started in the 80's refuse to die; especially productions that used horror, action and sci-fi genres to create cinema classics; precisely one of those franchises that gave us one of the most lethal antagonists in cinema returns with a new story that works as a tribute to all the other films that preceded this one.

"Alien: Romulus", película la cual funciona como secuela directa de "Alien" (1979) de Ridley Scott, relata la historia de un grupo de seis jóvenes, pertenecientes a la colonia Jackson's Star del oscuro planeta LV-410, quienes están cansados de prácticamente ser esclavos de la empresa Weyland-Yutani y por eso deciden escapar usando una estación espacial que parece abandonada en la órbita del planeta que habitan; un plan perfecto para poder alcanzar la libertad y vivir en un mejor lugar, pero la realidad es que la estación que podrá proveer todo para su escape, al final podrá convertirse en su perdición al descubrir que no están solos.
"Alien: Romulus", a film which functions as a direct sequel to "Alien" (1979) by Ridley Scott, tells the story of a group of six young people, belonging to the colony Jackson's Star of the dark planet LV-410, who are tired of being practically slaves of the company Weyland-Yutani and therefore decide to escape using a space station that seems abandoned in the orbit of the planet they inhabit; A perfect plan to reach freedom and live in a better place, but the reality is that the station that could provide everything for their escape, in the end could become their undoing when they discover that they are not alone.

Fede Álvarez tomó la responsabilidad de dirigir y co-escribir un nuevo film para esta gran franquicia de horror y ciencia-ficción, en donde justamente toma influencia de los films anteriores, convirtiendo a "Romulus" en un buen fanservice. El director uruguayo con la experiencia de hacer un excelente remake de un clásico del terror (Evil Dead) y crear un excelente thriller con también elementos de terror (Don't Breath), creó el ambiente necesario y con un corto presupuesto para crear una historia perfecta que encaja entre los dos primeros films de "Alien"; las escenografías solitarias, silenciosas generaba la tensión necesaria lo cual produzca la expectativa de esperar el ataque inminente; ese factor junto a lo grotesco son de lo que considero puntos positivos, son como dije anteriormente un homenaje a lo ya hecho dentro de esta franquicia que pareciera ya haber demostrado todo lo que se debería hacer en esta historia. Me agrada que se tomó el tiempo de producir buenas escenas dando protagonismo a cada etapa del Xenomorfo lo cual demuestra por qué es de los mejores villanos del cine y en dónde repito, se nota la seriedad del homenaje y del fan que es con "Alien".
Es extraño decir, pero la historia de los seis protagonistas me ha gustado me refiero a lo referente a como es el origen o mejor dicho el motivo de las acciones que deben tomar para hacer lo que creen que es lo mejor para ellos; mi queja es que a pesar de ser tan pocos, no existe una empatía plena por todos y tan solo por algunos y eso es debido a la relevancia que tienen en el guion, pero de igual manera me gustó que en este caso, quienes serán las víctimas sean un grupo de jóvenes lo cual es un grupo de personajes que todavía no había sido explorado en esta franquicia y lo cual es perfecto porque como jóvenes tienen la necesidad de revelarse aunque eso signifique su inesperado y cruel final.
Fede Alvarez took the responsibility of directing and co-writing a new film for this great horror and sci-fi franchise, where he rightly takes influence from the previous films, turning "Romulus" into a good fanservice. The Uruguayan director with the experience of making an excellent remake of a horror classic (Evil Dead) and creating an excellent thriller with also horror elements (Don't Breath), created the necessary atmosphere and with a short budget to create a perfect story that fits between the first two "Alien" films; the solitary, silent scenery generated the necessary tension which produces the expectation of waiting for the imminent attack; that factor along with the grotesque are what I consider positive points, they are as I said before a tribute to what has already been done within this franchise that seems to have already demonstrated everything that should be done in this story. I like that he took the time to produce good scenes giving prominence to each stage of the Xenomorph which shows why it is one of the best villains in cinema and where I repeat, the seriousness of the tribute and the fan that is with "Alien" is noted.
It is strange to say, but I liked the story of the six main characters, I mean the origin or rather the reason for the actions they must take to do what they believe is best for them; My complaint is that despite being so few, there is no full empathy for all and only for some and that is due to the relevance they have in the script, but equally I liked that in this case, who will be the victims are a group of young people which is a group of characters that had not yet been explored in this franchise and which is perfect because as young people have the need to reveal themselves even if it means their unexpected and cruel end.

Como dije anteriormente, de los seis personajes, solo algunos tiene una necesaria relevancia así como un desarrollo de su historia para crear cierta empatía, algo normal en este tipo de filmes en dónde se deben cumplir con los obligatorios clichés; es por eso que en este caso me enfoco en la actuación de Cailee Spaeny quien es la protagonista principal de esta historia; su evolución me hace recordar a muchas de las mujeres que lideran varios de estos filmes, ya que deben demostrar fuerza, decisión y valentía para luchar por su vida; hay que recordar que está franquicia dio origen al término "The Final Girl" y no hay duda que para que enfrentar a tan duro rival, entonces la protagonista debe ser igual o más fuerte y el personaje de "Rain" lo es, es atenta, cuidadora, creo que tiene un fuerte sentido de maternidad y eso es debido a su especial hermano y justamente esa manera de ser es lo que la diferencia de los demás y la que la impulsa a ser la heroína del film; es muy buen personaje y gran anexo a la franquicia.
As I said before, out of the six characters, only some of them have a necessary relevance as well as a development of their story to create some empathy, something normal in this kind of films where the obligatory clichés must be fulfilled; that is why in this case I focus on the performance of Cailee Spaeny who is the main protagonist of this story; her evolution reminds me of many of the women who lead several of these films, since they must show strength, decision and courage to fight for their lives; we must remember that this franchise gave birth to the term "The Final Girl" and there is no doubt that in order to face such a tough rival, then the protagonist must be equally or stronger and the character of "Rain" is, she is attentive, caring, I think she has a strong sense of motherhood and that is due to her special brother and precisely that way of being is what differentiates her from the others and what drives her to be the heroine of the film; she is a very good character and a great addition to the franchise.

Alien: Romulus fue una gran sorpresa, originalmente está película estaba programada para llegar en alguna plataforma de streaming y creo que el éxito de "PREY", impulsó a estrenarla en las salas de cine lo cual generó una aceptación positiva recaudando mucho dinero; como dije anteriormente me sorprende que al ser un film tan pequeño, con una historia repetitiva, haya creado tan positivo impacto y eso me hace pensar que el público fan o no de la franquicia se sintieron satisfechos con lo hecho por Álvarez y me parece genial porque siendo sincero este fue un trabajo fácil de realizar, digo esto porque usó mucho de los otros films convirtiendo a "Romulus" en un enlace perfecto para la franquicia, pero esto a la vez crea presión para Álvarez quien está confirmado para dirigir y escribir la secuela de este film lo cual genere expectativas de lo que deberá hacer para ahora realizar una relevante nueva incorporación al universo de Alien.
Alien: Romulus was a big surprise, originally this film was scheduled to arrive on some streaming platform and I think the success of "PREY", prompted to release it in theaters which generated a positive acceptance raising a lot of money; as I said before I am surprised that being such a small film, with a repetitive story, has created such a positive impact and that makes me think that the public, fan or not of the franchise, were satisfied with what was done by Álvarez and I think it's great because to be honest this was an easy job to do, I say this because he used a lot from the other films making "Romulus" a perfect tie-in to the franchise, but this at the same time creates pressure for Álvarez who is confirmed to direct and write the sequel to this film which creates expectations of what he will have to do to now make a relevant new addition to the Alien universe.
Cover image edited in canva; the image was taken from the following source
I have used as a translator

Happy to see how these franchises do not die, revive and reach new audiences although that has always been since the time of Dracula 😃, I saw this movie with my friends and I liked it especially when I was catching the references to previous films, my friends did not like it kjaja in fact they found it awful but it is the eternal conflict of the general audience with the terror 😅
In my case I enjoyed this film from start to finish, 7. 5 was my perception, the empathy for the characters and I consider there is almost no empathy haha, in my case to say two examples Dr. Shaw and David are characters that at a narrative level I married for the great depth that they manage to convey in their stories etc, none of the above I perceived in Romulus precisely because of what you mention, because it is a very well crafted Fan Service, I think the success of this film is that the Xenomorph shines and that reached the classic audiences and new generations 😃
I think that the audience that was satisfied with what Alvarez did is because he made a film simple in narrative which fits with the simple minds of current generations, there is no philosophical depth as in previous films that in my case I do love and appreciate but those narratives with so many reflections is difficult to fill theaters haha 😅
Happy to see that this Xenomorph Universe is still alive \😃/
Exactly, that depth of Prometheus or Covenant doesn't exist in this film and I think it's the most similar to what happens in the first one, where a crew has to deal with a lethal creature that's great, but as you and I both perceive, the danger is increased by 10, as there's everything that happened in the franchise in one film; it's definitely a movie for the fans.
This year the series or miniseries called Alien: Earth is coming out and I will try to have as low expectations as I had for this film and there is also a new Predator movie coming out, so the 80's live on.