Baki Hanma vs. Kengan Ashura: "Two Worlds Collide" [EN - ES]

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I always had the impression that "Baki" is one of Netflix's flagship anime, it is one of the original productions that has a strong support from this platform by having several seasons; possibly that also happens with "Kengan Ashura" which is the other original fighting anime of this Streaming service that currently has a season and a half, waiting for the outcome of the story in the next episodes to be released; both anime are very similar in developing stories where a group of men with hunger to fight, with the need to demonstrate their skills and more than anything with the title of the strongest, will face in surprising fights and it is not surprising that at some point they should meet.


Siempre he tenido la impresión de que "Baki" es uno de los animes insignias de Netflix, es de las producciones originales que posee un fuerte apoyo de esa plataforma al contar con varias temporadas; posiblemente eso también suceda con "Kengan Ashura" que es el otro anime de combates original de este servicio de Streaming que por los momentos cuánta con una temporada y media, esperando el desenlace de la historia en los episodios próximos a estrenarse; ambos animes son muy parecidos en desarrollar historias en donde un grupo de hombres con hambre de combatir, con la necesidad de demostrar sus habilidades y más que nada con adueñarse del título del más fuerte, se enfrentarán en peleas sorprendentes y no es de extrañarse que en un momento deberían encontrarse.


Fuente / Source

"Baki Hanma vs. Kengan Ashura" is a anime film, Netflix original, released on June 6 which brings together two worlds made up of the world's most lethal fighters, who will have the opportunity to show their skills in a series of fights to prove which fighter and which tournament is better.

To be honest I was not motivated to see this film, first I expected it to be a production with some other development in the story where a real rivalry is created which offers good fights, by that I mean I expected a series of episodes, but the end is that this is possibly one of the shortest, direct and simple anime films I've seen; I can say that it is a short film, since its duration is only 60 minutes and it does not waste time in showing the important part of this story which is the fights, which unfortunately are not the best and that makes this movie is not good either.


"Baki Hanma vs. Kengan Ashura" es un sorpresivo anime film, original de Netflix, estrenado el 6 de junio el cual une a dos mundos conformados por los peleadores más letales del mundo, que tendrán la oportunidad de mostrar sus habilidades en una serie de combates para demostrar que peleador y que torneo es mejor.

Siendo sincero no me sentía motivado de ver este film, primeramente esperaba que fuera una producción con algún que otro desarrollo en la historia en dónde se crea una verdadera rivalidad la cual ofrezca buenos combates, con eso me refiero que esperaba una serie de episodios, pero el final es que esta es posiblemente una de las películas anime más cortas, directa y simple que he visto; puedo decir que es un short film, ya que su duración es de tan solo 60 minutos y no sé pierde el tiempo en mostrar lo importante de esta historia lo cual es los combates, lo cual lamentablemente no son lo mejor y eso hace que esta película tampoco sea buena.


Fuente / Source

The direction is part of Toshiki Hirano, who is very linked to what is the anime of Baki and that is why the favoritism of that character and the world he represents in this film is noticeable, but that notorious characteristic is not the problem of the film; what I didn't like is the simple, repetitive, boring design of the scenery and characters which looks like a fan-made production, instead of something made by Netflix; there is respect for the design of the characters, especially those of Baki, but those of Kengan Ashura, all are bad, they don't have that aura that is appreciated in the manga and anime (criticized for the use of CGI).


La dirección es parte de Toshiki Hirano, quien está muy ligado a lo que es el anime de Baki y por eso se nota el favoritismo de ese personaje y del mundo que representa en esta película, pero esa notoria característica no es el problema del film; lo que no me ha gustado es lo simple, repetitivo, aburrido diseño de los escenarios y de los personajes lo cual parece una producción realizada por fans, en vez de algo hecho por Netflix; existe el respeto del diseño de los personajes, más que nada los de Baki, pero los de Kengan Ashura, todos son malos, no tienen esa aura que se aprecia en el manga y en el anime (criticado por el uso del CGI).


Fuente / Source

The idea of bringing together these characters in a short fighting tournament was not bad, but this movie repeats the problems of other productions, in this case film versions of video games which must choose the fights and opponents to develop and at the same time use the most fanservice possible to be attractive to that product; I am convinced that this was partly the plan to follow in this new Netflix anime production, but the result was not the best; this is a bad movie that does not contribute anything, whether or not canon, there is no relevance, there is nothing remarkable and I do not recommend it to anyone. I do not know if this collision of anime based on the world of combat will be repeated again or will be made with other anime, but I just hope they put effort to do a better job.


La idea de reunir a estos personajes en un corto torneo de combates no fue malo, pero en esta película repite los problemas de otras producciones, en ese caso versiones cinematográficas de videojuegos lo cual deben elegir las peleas y contrincantes que desarrollar y a la vez usar el más fanservice posible para ser atractivo a ese producto; estoy convencido que ese fue en parte el plan a seguir en esta nueva producción anime de Netflix, pero el resultado no fue el mejor; esta es una mala película que no aporta nada, sea o no canon, no existe relevancia , no hay nada destacable y no sé la recomiendo a nadie. No sé si se volverá a repetir esta colisión de animes basados en el mundo el combate o se haga con otros animes, pero solo espero que pongan empeño en hacer un mejor trabajo.

Baki Hanma vs. Kengan Ashura - Trailer

Cover image edited in canva; the image was taken from the following source

I have used as a translator

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Sounds like this is a great fanservice. No doubt it's a content to entertain those who like the fighting genre, it doesn't really catch my attention, but I might watch it at some point out of curiosity.

Thanks for sharing. Please remember that it is important to visit and support the work of other users. Greetings!


It complies with some fanservice, especially to Baki's, as the film's director has worked on the anime for Netflix, but the highlights (so to speak) are in the character design and not in the fights and so on li which is very flawed.


I agree with you on several points. The fact that it is such a short movie, only 60 minutes, without much plot development and focused mainly on the fights, may have been the wrong decision. That doesn't allow for the creation of a real rivalry between the characters or more context to make the fights more exciting and meaningful. I also agree that the visual design, both of the scenarios and of some of Kengan Ashura's characters, looks too simple and even looks like an amateur production, when one would expect higher quality from a work backed by Netflix. To pass the time it is entertaining. Cheers!!! 👍


Exactly, it's just for fun, but it could have been done better anyway, we'll have to wait if they decide to make a sequel.


Tu post me recordó que tenia que ver este corto jaja. Y me convenció tu reseña, parece que vale la pena verlo.
Saludos n.n


@leansorribas no la veas, no te pierdes de nada, espera al final de ambos animes en agosto.

Bueno, en realidad si la quieres ver, pues el hecho que dure tan solo 60 minutos es un plus.