It planted an idea in my mind. Resilient, highly contagious, an idea that when it took hold of my brain was almost impossible to eradicate.
What do you think I'm talking about?
Well, something more interesting that brought a smile.

...for the moment.
And while it is true that I listened to it while reading and felt a certain oppression... it is not just any theme, it is the curtain that opens or closes a great story. However, this was not clear to me until yesterday afternoon, when I settled down -without popcorn- in front of my laptop, accompanied by my beloved fans, the table and ceiling fan.
But don't despair, everything will come in due Time. See, I tend to be repetitive.
I have a certain love-hate relationship with mind games. But she play it right. She talked about Time, with her exquisite writing skills, made me think of it as the beginning and end of all things and I loved it. The time that moves stealthily and almost cruelly, without stopping, on this well known plane, and that perhaps there are even many people willing to buy it if they could... she also mentioned a whisper, the roots of a dream, perhaps.
So here I am to recommend you a film that you should not miss, even if it might be a little hard to understand. Its director, Christopher Nolan, made sure it was as complex in its making as the plot itself. It is also overflowing with action and special effects for those who seek such attractions in the seventh art.

Source - filmaffinity
Kamikaze. That's how you can define Leonardo Di Caprio (in his role as Dom Cobb), an expert in penetrating people's subconscious and stealing their secrets. How? Through shared dreams. And the point is that it's not about lying down to sleep, going in, stealing and that's it, but about achieving a complex architecture, by dream levels even, in which you will have to do more than just steal a piece of information... and it will be much more than dangerous: there is a real possibility of being left in a limbo or a loop... shall I let you discover it there? Yes. I can't tell you about the film.
I was immediately fascinated by the proposal of this US-UK co-production, which came out in 2010, and where the director himself is also the screenwriter. What a genius, Nolan!
Imagine... shared dreams. It is said that it is possible to connect with people who are not physically next to us, through energies or thoughts, and experts say that shared dreams exist and most likely occur because people are experiencing similar emotions or living similar situations. I am not here to talk about scientific studies. Surely there will be people more qualified than me for this, so I am going to focus on Inception, that work of art that I am infinitely grateful to have been able to enjoy yesterday.
This film has more than 20 awards, and a hefty wad of nominations that you can see on this filmaffinity page.
Interesting fact.
At the 83rd Academy Awards in 2011, Hans Zimmer's score for Inception was nominated but did not win any awards. It had to compete with John Powell's "How to Train Your Dragon", Alexandre Desplat's "The King's Speech", A.R. Rahman's "127 Hours" and "The Social Network" by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. The latter took the golden statuette.
(I'll leave you both in case you want to listen to them and then comment on which one you liked the most)
The social network
Has anyone already reviewed The Social Network here?
It's time to watch it.
Back to my initial topic: the film Inception.

Transcendental themes, familiar to all, are woven here or knitted together in a skein of sensations.
To mention a few, longing, memories, willingness and the incorruptible desire to fight to achieve a dream or something that remains distant, almost lost. Fear, doubt, courage... and love, of course, are also addressed.

I should also mention that the film has a great cast, in which veteran Michael Caine and French actress Marion Cotillard stand out. She is known to have appeared in at least 80 films. I consider it an extensive filmography, no more than Caine's, and I have seen some of them, others not, but I specifically remember Love Me If You Dare (2003), a love-hate story in which, despite everything, fate is the one who plays the last card. I recommend this one too.
The other characters in the plot are there as wild cards supporting the story, the action, let's say. They are presented simply, each in their proper role. This allows Nolan to focus in great detail on the complexities of Cobb, played by the always handsome Di Caprio, and Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy) - anyone who's seen Oppenheimer (2023) knows who I'm talking about. The architect of the dream, then Ellen Page as Ariadne, does a very decent job in Inception.
Interesting fact.
Ten years after her participation in the film, Ellen Page came out as transgender, which is why she is listed on filmaffinity as Elliot.
Is Inception what we really see or is it something else?
It is a complex issue, as I have already said. But incredibly addressed in the film is the theme of Time not passing in the same way while dreaming. It also mentions certain curiosities of dreams, and how we come to them, what we can remember and how we remember it, if we manage to gain the mastery to do so.
And... apart from the fact that at the end you may be left with "the big doubt"... Yes. I mean, thinking that maybe you've got it all backwards... let's see how I explain it... that you don't know if the story you've been told is the reality or the dream. That. Apart from that possibility, it is remarkable how in 148 minutes, the author of Inception can masterfully pull so many strings and create in the viewer's mind a sense of suffocation and at the same time enjoyment. Am I a masochist? 😂
Seriously, I can't tell you about the film and I don't want to let you go either, I can't let you go... without first telling you that the love story between Cobb and Mal (Cotillard) is presented as something beyond palpable reality, that is, it has its home in the subconscious. And even though it's not displayed in detail, she plays a very important role... which I'll leave you to discover on your own.
See you in the comments.
Original content by @nanixxx. All rights reserved ©, 2024.
I've seen this film and I'll tell you it's fascinating and if you look closely it has some interesting things to reflect on, there is some background in this film. I recommend the Dark series, one of the best... on the other hand the Matrix saga... all with a background of truth and reality for those who have a developed third eye.
I think it's a film that we have to see more than once, just like the Matrix saga. It is of course created under the assumptions of the entertainment industry but it touches on quite complex and fascinating subjects.
Above all, look at the details, because in the details is the key, certain things are said in disguise.... Life is a dream? Are we a dream of another?
Yes, the details. So important they are... to go mad (perhaps) or to belong to the few truly sane people who exist in this world.
There's the key.... as long as we look crazy we'll be fine...hahahaha
Thank you very much, @ewkaw and @qurator Team. 📽️🎞️🎬
That's cool that the music from that post inspired you to watch this movie and write your post. Es cierto, esta película alberga una historia compleja, creo que la vi varias veces y podría volver a verla. ;)
Yes, the music led me to the film. But your awesome writing led me to the music. ;)
Hi @nanixxx, I was able to see this movie on the big screen and I can say that, at times, the movie overwhelms with its special effects. That being said, it had the virtue of not burying the plot underneath the spectacle, because the film is a fast-paced visual spectacle at times.
The idea is suggestive. The mind is inhabited by characters with a life of their own (mine is inhabited by many). Of the two plots, that of the "assault" group and Di Caprio's story (the force of love), I liked how the latter is treated. I found the blend of these two stories fascinating.
Maybe I'll see it again... on the small screen... although I have so much more to see...
Well, I guess the film won't melt in the snow hahaha... and speaking of that, I really like the filmmaking details. For example, in the snow part you never see blood, only Saito's blood. And now that I think about it, I don't think we can see it in any case, even though there is a lot of killing.
Why does Cobb's totem keep going round and round at the end? mmmm.... interesting.
🤗 (gracias)
I think I'll watch it again...😄 I'm still thinking about it 🤔.
And now more, I didn't remember the blood detail, or I didn't give it importance at the time.
Hug back.
Well, I just gave you an example of a detail. Hay muchos otros que me encantaron, pero prefiero que los descubras tú.
It,s ok. By the way, you're still there, huh?
I am still here. 😇 Always. Sometimes more talkative than others.
Gracias por preocuparte.
👏🏼 Hasta pronto.
I'm stuck in a question trying to recall exactly if I have watched this movie or if I simply forgot it.
I think that the fact that I've forgotten about it is enough reason for me to go view it again 😂😂✨
Well, you should since you just reviewed Oppenheimer. 😁
One of my favorite movies! I watched it like 3 or 4 times when it came out and a few more times after that. Great review, keep on doing the good job!
And a film that has encouraged so many interpretations after Nolan left that ending open-ended.
The one I like most is that Dom Cobb no longer cares whether he's in a dream or in reality because he doesn't be worried about the spinning top. He just wants to live the happiness of having arrived where he wanted to be.
Thank you.