Her Father’s Dream//El sueño de su padre (ENG/ESP)

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Sweet, innocent Kathy her father's pride and her mother's joy. Kathy came from an humble background with humble beginnings. Her father worked in a post office and her mother worked with a company as a clerk but they tried their possible best to provide for their family.Her family was a nuclear one, she had her father,her mother and her sister. Kathy elder sister was married and so she lived faraway from home. Kathy was a shy and timid person but she was deeply loved by loved. Her grades were perfect, She smiled at everyone she met, anyone she met said she had an angelic smile and she was also addressed as Mother Theresa of the neighborhood, her attitude and behavior was likened to Saint Mary.
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She wanted to be a humanitarian and travel to countries where there were war victims but her Family had other plans for her. They saw her as their Savior and as such she could not be any less of what her family expected her to be. Her father's dream for her was to become a Chartered Accountant. He believed that she would have access to money, network and potentials . He believed that she would bring them out of the valley and as such they worked very hard, broke their backs to provide money for her education. Her father was ready to sell all of his property just to make sure she attained the highest level of education so she could become an accountant but Kathy was not intellectually inclined for it, she struggled so much with her studies but she could not talk about it with anyone.She was always having meetings with lecturers because of her grades. At a moment she became depressed, she was lonely and did not know what to do she did not even want to tell her family members because she did not want to fail them.At last Kathy found a solution to her problem . Stay tuned for the second part. What do you think is the solution Kathy found?? What would you have done in her situation??


La dulce e inocente Kathy, el orgullo de su padre y la alegría de su madre. Kathy provenía de un entorno humilde con comienzos humildes. Su padre trabajaba en una oficina de correos y su madre trabajaba en una empresa como empleada, pero hicieron todo lo posible para mantener a su familia.
Su familia era nuclear, tenía a su padre, su madre y su hermana. La hermana mayor de Kathy estaba casada y por eso vivía lejos de casa. Kathy era una persona tímida y tímida pero los amados la amaban profundamente. Sus calificaciones fueron perfectas, sonreía a todos los que conocía, cualquiera que conocía decía que tenía una sonrisa angelical y también la llamaban Madre Teresa del barrio, su actitud y comportamiento se comparaban con Santa María.
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Quería ser humanitaria y viajar a países donde había víctimas de la guerra, pero su familia tenía otros planes para ella. La vieron como su Salvadora y como tal no podía ser menos de lo que su familia esperaba que fuera. El sueño de su padre para ella era convertirse en contadora pública. Él creía que ella tendría acceso a dinero, redes y potenciales. Él creía que ella los sacaría del valle y, por eso, trabajaron muy duro y se rompieron la espalda para proporcionarle dinero para su educación. Su padre estaba dispuesto a vender todas sus propiedades sólo para asegurarse de que ella alcanzara el más alto nivel de educación para poder convertirse en contadora, pero Kathy no estaba intelectualmente inclinada a ello, luchó mucho con sus estudios pero no podía hablar de ello con nadie.

Siempre tenía reuniones con profesores debido a sus calificaciones. En un momento se deprimió, se sentía sola y no sabía qué hacer ni siquiera quería decírselo a sus familiares porque no quería fallarles.
Por fin Kathy encontró una solución a su problema.

Estén atentos a la segunda parte. ¿Cuál crees que es la solución que encontró Kathy? ¿Qué hubieras hecho tú en su situación?

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