The Garden of Words: A Story of a "Forbidden Love" (๐ช๐ธ | ๐บ๐ธ)

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ย Saludos mis bellos Otakus del Universo de @theanimerealm. Ni crean que me he olvidado de ustedes! Los tengo super presentes siempre y esta semana no podรญa dejarlos por fuera. En esa ocasiรณn vengo a hablarles de un film encantador llamado El Jardรญn de las Palabras, del mismo autor de la pelรญcula 5 cm/s, del cual hice un post recientemente.

ย Una de las cosas que he notado que caracterizan al gran Makoto Shinkai es la forma en la que incluye la naturaleza como un personaje principal. Es decir, el cielo, los rรญos, los objetos o lo cotidiano de la vida, lo muestra de tal manera tan majestuosamente que su espectador, quien disfruta de tantos detalles, puede llegar a verlo como un personaje mรกs dentro del film.
ย En esta pelรญcula El Jardรญn de las Palabras, me causรณ mucho esa impresiรณn y esto al ver algo tan simple de manera tan impecable. La Lluvia sin duda alguna es uno de los personajes principales de este film y la naturaleza alrededor de esta peculiar pareja presentada como historia tambiรฉn hace su papel.

ย Por otro lado, el color verde (del cual tengo cierta obsesiรณn este aรฑo) tambiรฉn hizo de las suyas. Jugรณ un papel importante y la verdad era lo que me mantuvo enganchada desde el inicio (ademรกs de su trama).
ย Aquรญ Makoto Shinkai nos cuenta la historia de un Amor Prohibido que se forjรณ de la nada y surgiรณ como una hermosa flor en medio de la tormenta, de manera literal. Para mรญ fue encantador de ver y lograr confirmar que para el amor verdadero no hay edad, asรญ que no soy persona de juzgar o criticar esas parejas con diferencias de edades tan pronunciadas.

ย Esta historia tambiรฉn muestra los diferentes aspectos que caracterizan al tรญpico japonรฉs. Su forma de ser tan reservada, donde se cuestiona mucho para dar ese importante paso a expresar sus emociones mรกs profundas.
ย Cada personaje mostrado aquรญ es importante pero el espectador nota de manera sencilla dรณnde recae el peso de la historia y deja a quien ve el film con ganas de saber mรกs o ยฟquรฉ pasarรก? Por eso la historia del romance se vuelve tan intensa. Se nota a borbotones un amor puro y verdadero.

ย Esto hizo el film muy especial para mรญ. Desde que empieza hasta que termina, Makoto Shinkai logra plasmar en hermosas imรกgenes la profundidad y lo complicado de los sentimientos de manera tan sencilla que es como si te mostrara que la vida en realidad es muy fรกcil vivirla.
ย Sus pelรญculas me han cautivado totalmente y me he hecho muy fan de รฉl desde que supe que es el creador de una de mis favoritas e inolvidables como lo es Your Name. Asรญ que tengo planeado continuar viendo algunas de sus obras cinematogrรกficas de las cuales les estarรฉ compartiendo mi opiniรณn si me gustรณ mucho.

ย De mi parte la recomiendo ver al ๐ฏ% ya que ademรกs de impregnar a quien la ve de tantas emociones lindas, tambiรฉn logra transmitir una paz y calma increรญbles. Sin duda Makoto Shinkai supo plasmar el significado de la lluvia y lo hermosa que es. Por ello le doy las gracias por permitirme identificarme con este sentimiento y ver la lluvia tambiรฉn igual que รฉl, como algo tan lindo a pesar de que se vea como un ambiente triste y desolado. Por estas razones le doy sus bien merecidas:

Al Final del post puedes ver el Trailer de la Pelรญcula o pincha AQUI para ir allรก
ย Greetings my beautiful Otakus of the @theanimerealm Universe. Don't even think that I have forgotten about you! I keep you always in mind and this week I couldn't leave you out. On this occasion I come to talk to you about a lovely film called The Garden of Words, by the same author of the film 5 cm/s, about which I recently made a post.

ย One of the things I have noticed that characterize the great Makoto Shinkai is the way he includes nature as a main character. That is to say, the sky, rivers, objects or the everyday of life, he shows it in such a majestic way that his viewer, who enjoys so many details, can come to see it as another character within the film.
ย In this film The Garden of Words, I was very much impressed by this and this seeing something so simple in such an impeccable way. The Rain is undoubtedly one of the main characters of this film and the nature around this peculiar couple presented as a story also plays its role.

ย On the other hand, the color green (of which I have a certain obsession this year) also played its part. It played an important role and the truth was what kept me hooked from the beginning (besides its plot).
ย Here Makoto Shinkai tells us the story of a Forbidden Love that was forged out of nothing and emerged like a beautiful flower in the middle of the storm, literally. For me it was lovely to watch and managed to confirm that for true love there is no age, so I'm not one to judge or criticize those couples with such pronounced age differences.

ย This story also shows the different aspects that characterize the typical Japanese. His way of being so reserved, where he questions himself a lot to take that important step to express his deepest emotions.
ย Every character shown here is important but the viewer easily notices where the weight of the story lies and leaves the viewer wanting to know more or what will happen? That's why the romance story becomes so intense. A pure and true love is evident in spurts.

ย This made the film very special to me. From the beginning to the end, Makoto Shinkai manages to capture in beautiful images the depth and complexity of feelings in such a simple way that it's as if he's showing you that life is actually very easy to live it.
ย His films have totally captivated me and I have become a big fan of him since I learned that he is the creator of one of my favorites and unforgettable films like Your Name. So I plan to continue watching some of his cinematic works of which I will be sharing my opinion if I liked it very much.

ย For my part I recommend watching it ๐ฏ% because in addition to impregnating those who see it with so many beautiful emotions, it also manages to convey an incredible peace and calm. Without a doubt Makoto Shinkai knew how to capture the meaning of rain and how beautiful it is. For this reason I thank him for allowing me to identify with this feeling and to see the rain also like him, as something so nice even though it looks like a sad and desolate environment. For these reasons I give him his well deserved:

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Front Cover Image (Imagen de Portada) | DeepL |
Images Used Throughout this Post (Imรกgenes Usadas a lo Largo del Post) | CANVA |
Content and Original Text of my Authorship (Contenido y Texto Original de mi Autorรญa) | Grammarly |

Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.
We hope to see you soon. Best regards!
se ve buena, la voy a anotar para verla, excelente post!
looks good, I'm going to write it down to see it, excellent post!
It is an excellent romantic show which I recommend wholeheartedly.
It have a nice story and good visuals, although it does not have anything particularly "forbidden".
Yes, the love depicted in the film is reciprocated, however, when I said forbidden, I commented on it because of the final decision the teacher made. She was sure that they should not be together because of the age difference issue. Maybe in a few years, their relationship would not look that bad, but if they stayed together, it would be an illegal issue, because the boy was a minor. So that's where what I saw as a forbidden love comes from. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Cheers! ๐งก
Es una pelรญcula bastante corta. Dura alrededor de 45 minutos, pero encierra una gran experiencia para ver lo sencillo de la vida. Si llegas a verla, espero leer tu reseรฑa. Me etiquetas jejeje, saludos bella, gracias por pasar y comentar! ๐งก
Sending you an Ecency curation vote!

It's my pleasure!
The forbidden love context got me intrigued and seeing its majestic art style just heightened that more. I already saw some of its clips from my feed, but I never got a chance to really look into its title. Fortunately, I've read this review. Although in real life I never liked rain, the rain here was indeed one of the stuff that made this anime beautiful. I'm definitely adding this to my to-watch list!
Btw, nice review and thanks for sharing~
It's a short movie, 45 minutes long if I'm not mistaken. And well, to me, it gave me the impression of a forbidden love, but it was a required and special love, it was. If I tell you why I found it forbidden, I'll make you a spoiler so I'll wait for you to see it to read your review and I'll give you my answer. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I appreciate it very much ๐งก
45 minutes?! Woahh it's short indeed. I'll definitely watch this one before things get tough with my second sem! Btw, you're welcome and thanks for the info~
Greetings. You definitely make a very good review of this movie. It is very nice what inspired you since you were drawn to the landscapes, nature, the forest, the rain, and above all the beautiful love story that was presented in the film, and it is like that for love there is no age, the important thing is that it is pure and true. Thank you for leaving us your opinion.
Thank you for stopping by and commenting, I appreciate it. I'm glad you enjoyed my writing, regards! ๐งก