Shazam - A movie to watch
Here we go again back to this time when i start write about a movie i watch
Someday i will write my collection of all the movies i see
But for now i will try to see 1-2 movies per week
So is time to write a review which for me is not easy so don't judge me just enjoy it
I always will have 5 Questions i made for myself to review a movie
Here is
Do i like the movie?
Yes i did because even have to do with superheroes show how much value the family and sacrifice
Which was the best part?
I really enjoy the moment when one of the villain say something amazing to a hero and stuck with me in the whole movie
The villains of the movie was good in play?
The final villain yes was the others not so much but enjoy all the fights
You will change something?
I will like more history flashbacks. Was cool
Do you want to add something more?
It will be good to see why the gods actually died in some of the next shazam movies
Until my next review