CineTV Contest: Movies I Shared With My Aunt
I am so excited that the @cinetv community is firing back up their contests and when I saw the subject matter for this week's contest, my memories were flooded with images of the movies that greatly impacted my childhood.
My first exposure to cinema was through one of my aunts who was like a second mother to me and who I often felt closer to than my birth mother. She took me to my first movie, but I don't remember what it was. What I do remember was her adoration and fascination with all of cinema from the darkest comedy to the most moving of dramas. She loved film and, I image, that is where I get my love of the cinema as well.
Although I'm certain we must have watched thousands of movies together, there are three in particular that are seared into my memories and I can't even see one scene from one of these films without felling a pluck in my heart for my aunt and her love of movies.
The Wizard of Oz
If my aunt loved anything, it was scaring children....wait I know what your thinking, but really she wasn't a bad lady and I have to admit scaring children tickles my funny bone more than most other things. lol I guess it must be genetic. For my aunt, movies were the perfect accomplice to perpetuate her ruses against children.
And while I love the adventure of The Wizard of Oz, it's those evil, demonic flying monkeys that stand out the most in my psyche. The way they swooped down and grabbed at our brave travelers is still the fuel for some of my most vivid nightmares lolol I can clearly hear my aunt laugh and cackled with delight as she would convince me she could see the red burning eyes of the flying monkeys in the trees during some dark frightful night!
As I became older, I fell in love with so many other aspects of this epic film. The story of courage and friendship is as immortal as the characters themselves and it is truly one of my favorite films. Just for the record....yep I terrified my daughter of those flying monkeys and I sincerely hope she does the same with my grandson and granddaughter. lololol
Following in the footsteps of my aunt's eternal desire to terrify children, we come upon the move, Legend. My aunt would get so very tickled mimicking the voices and movie lines of the goblins in that movie. She relished it with such enjoyment that it puts a smile on my face sitting here remembering her delighting in this roleplay fun!
Of course, by the time of this movie I was bit more older and not so easily scared by movie theatrics. However, the pageantry and poetic themes of this movie are eternal and quite something to behold. Few people realize this was one of Tom Cruises first roles and I promise you, Tim Curry, makes the most enchanting devil you will ever encounter.
This movie was saturated with sights and sounds, magic and mayhem, and can claim one of the most beautiful soundtracks by Tangerine Dream that you will every hear. I still find myself from time to time humming the tune "Loved by the Sun". Oh and did I forget to mention that it was directed by Hollywood legend(see what I did there??? lol) RIDLEY SCOTT! If you haven't seen this film, I beg you to give it a try and when you do.....say a "thanks" to my aunt who exposed me to such rich film textures!
Apparently my aunt had a severe penchant for fantasy films, because the next one that popped up in my memories was the sights and sounds from Labyrinth. I mean you have there...end of story...lolol but seriously this movies is a well written fantasy tale about good versus evil, responsibilities, and of course dancing babies! lol
The characters of this enchanted film are endearing and will stay with your soul for an eternity. With David Bowie highlighting the cast as, Jareth the Goblin King, and a young Jennifer Connolly in the role of the ill-fated heroine. Of course, with Bowie being involved, I think the soundtrack is what will set this movie apart for fans of the superstar. It is inventive, creative, and catchy. This is a fabulous movie for generations of families to pass down and should be enjoyed by everyone.
There you have it, my submission for the rebirth of the @cinetv contests. I hope this opened a few new movies to you and gave you a little peek into why I am the way I am....lolol....blame my aunt, I know that would make her smile up in heaven!!! Thank you for reading and make sure you enter this great contest initiative.
All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter,
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

Ah the wizard brings up memories, the other two funnily enough, I do recall bits and pieces of (for example the Unicorn in Legend I remembered as the unicorn in The Neverending story which was not correct lol) I think these movies may have left a mark on my soul somehow as I just can't remember them fully while defo recognizing some strange scenes when I saw Labyrinth. I plan on watching Legend in the near future if I can find it.
Lol I remember our conversation about the unicorn. I was just thinking that I can't believe I don't own any of these movies. i think I need to rectify that!
yeah, the unicorn. Today I found one in the store, not a real unicorn of course but a head band haha I also got reminded about Legend thanks to your post :)
These old movies are from another level, nothing like we're having now. I think I will have to do a little deep dive in these oldies again soon as well. May be fun!
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These are some classic movies right here. Pretty sure I wasn't born when they were newly released.
The Wizard of Oz was way before my time but I was a kid when the other two were released. Thanks for the support!
Wow, thanks for sharing those beautiful memories. Those stick with us.
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my post. It was great fun going back through the memories of my childhood for sure!
dance Magic, dance! ermagerd, I just watched that last week with my liluns and they loved it!
It is a true classic that spans generations!