Spoiled Millionaire Suddenly Wakes up in a 19th Century Village Believing he Traveled Through Time

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Welcome back to movie recaps today I will show you a twenty-nine teen comedy film titled Son of a Rich spoilers ahead watch out and take care

Grisha is the son of one of the richest men in Russia and as such he's spoiled incredibly rude and gets in constant trouble because he never gets consequences for his actions, he doesn't do anything useful in his life, he just spends his days partying, drinking and using women. One night after kicking out a girl he had promised a ride home because she wouldn't get intimate with him, Grisha was stopped by the police for speeding, he tried to bribe Captain Semyonov he did with every cop's meat. But Semyonov won't accept the money, Grisha is still allergic to consequences though so he tries to drive away and Semyonov gets in front of the car to stop him this doesn't stop Grisha who's empathy is nonexistent, and keeps on driving with Semyonov holding onto the hood of the car.

Moments later, Grisha's dad Pavel goes to the
police station to pay the bail and release his son who continues to be a spoiled brat asking to be served even while locked in a cell. The chief reminds Pavel of all the destruction Grisha has caused the past few months including a yacht and now he sent a cop to the hospital with great injuries.

The boy is simply out of control and Pavel seriously needs to do something. After the bail gets paid Pavel scolds Grisha for his behavior and threatens to cut him off, but Grisha doesn't care because he knows his dad is all Barca. Feeling incredibly stressed Pavel visits his friend-with-benefits tv producer Anastasiya to find some comfort in her presence, he doesn't know what to do with his son anymore and he can't even send him to the army because he already got him out of being recruited in the past. Anastasiya gets an idea then, she knows a guy that she used to work with on horror movies that could help his methods or unconventional but very effective and Pavel accepts to visit him.

They find Lev Arnoldovich's creepy house hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck but it's all fake, this is what he does best developing devices and special effects to trick the eye. After showing Pavel the method he used with a smoker client which was pretending to cut his finger off, Pavel freaks out a little and wants to leave but Anastasiya convinces him to at least here less plan for Grisha.

Many days later, Grisha was coming out of a club when he saw his car being towed so he ran after the truck and suddenly got shot and fell unconscious. He wakes up hours later to find himself in a stable, wearing strange clothes and being told by stable boy Artyom that he needs to saddle the horses or their lord will get angry. Grisha doesn't understand what is going on especially when Avdey Mikhalych comes to drag him out and kick him while yelling at him for not following orders.

At that moment the landowner Dmitriy Timofeev and his son Aleksey Timofeev show up and give him a weep which he uses on Grisha for not following orders.
Dmitriy tells him to get the horse ready now or he'll get the worst punishment but when Artyom takes him back to the stable, Grisha jumps through the window and runs away, he seems to be in a village in the eighteen-sixties 1860s Russia before the abolition of served as he runs Grisha asked people for help requesting a phone or even the police but nobody knows what he's talking about. Eventually he makes it to the state border and accidentally falls into a lake,

So when he comes back to the village to get dry clothes he's captured and taken to be hanged for having runaway luckily for him Dmitriy's daughter Aglaya shows up and asks her Dad to have mercy on the prisoners because she's tired of all the killing seeing as it is her birthday Dmitriy agrees and Grisha is allowed to live.

A bird is flying above them taking it all in before leave and enter a building near the edge of town. it's not a bird it's a drone pretending to be one because this whole deal isn't time traveling, it is less plan to teach Grisha discipline and paddles money allows for such expensive production levels in charge with the help of Anastasiya who uses her experience as a tv producer to keep the illusion going without any mistakes.

There are cameras hidden everywhere in town even in the trees and there's always a sniper ready to shoot Grisha with a tranquilizer in case something goes wrong. After seeing the whipping of his son is real Pavel is starting to wonder if he's done the right thing but Lev convinces him, that this is for Grisha's good.
After seeing Lev, Anastasiya argues Pavel can't help to wonder what's the issue between them and Lev explains that when Anastasiya said they worked on a horror movie together she meant they used to be married.

While Grisha spends some time alone in the stable, coming to terms with the fact he's traveled in time. The actors are given the scripts for the next scene, and the director reminds everyone of the rules women shouldn't shave their legs, Men shouldn't show their faces, and things like Broz, underwear, earrings, and rings are forbidden. Aleksey picks his script up after saying hello to his girlfriend Liza who works in charge of the horses not acting, he also makes fun of Aglaya for a contract. The writers want her to be a gracious love interest which means you'll have to sleep with him and that has Aleksey wondering where the line between actress ends and harlot begins.

Grisha starts living through an awful routine in the village, he has to wake up before dawn eat broth with only flies as I work with horses he is scared of, use the forest as his bathroom, wear pants without underwear, and get whipped every time is disrespectful. One afternoon Grisha is taking a break from work when he suddenly hears Aglaya crying she explains to him that she is sad because her father wants her to marry an older richman instead of showing sympathy Grisha thinks it's a great idea because if the man is so old and he'll die soon and Aglaya will get all the money. Some days later, Grisha steals a chicken and asks Artyom to get him some tools to make a soup which Grisha ends up eating all on his own instead of sharing it with Artyom who did most of the work. One of them discovers the chicken theft, and he asks the culprit to confess or he'll whip someone at random, once again Grisha fails to show any sympathy for another human being and watches how are ya has been taken away for whipping without saying a word.

Moments later Artyom meets with Grisha and shows him the scars on his back courtesy of the makeup department. Grisha continues not to care and while explaining he sees Liza jumping off a horse and notices that she wearing modern underwear. When her skirt accidentally gets stuck this could mean something for his situation so he runs after her and throws her on the ground to try and see her panties again, but luckily other villagers intervene and get him off her so she can run away seeing as Grisha isn't making any progress, Pavel wants to shut down the whole operation but their discussion is interrupted by some big news.

Grisha is looking for Liza to apologize, the village actors at first ignore him since he isn't supposed to even know Liza, but let's think this a great opportunity to get some progress down and order the actors to tell him where she lives. Glisha apologizes to Liza who is broader stick with a nail just in case and Liza accepts the apology but promises to still beware of him for a while.

Some days later, it's time to celebrate Ivan Coppola, a traditional holiday considered to be the most magical night of the year. Legend says that whoever you spend the night celebrating with will spend their whole lives with you. At the party Grisha teaches the musicians how to play the lambada and gets the villagers to form a condo line which Aglaya jumps into to tell Grisha that the prospect of an arranged marriage is too much for her to handle so she will walk into the late tonight.
Instead of following her to stop her Glisha finds Liza and begins telling her stories about the technology of the future after she takes pity on him and his loneliness and tells him she believes him when he says he's a time traveler, their chat is interrupted by Artyom who after several failed attempts to distract Grisha from listening, mentions that Aglaya has been seen near the lake Grisha finally put two and two together and rushes to the lake to save her and take her back to the village.

However, when she comes onto him, he turns her down and goes searching for Liza instead she isn't at the party so he goes to her house we're all stagehands hurry to hide before she opens the door. Grisha wants to spend the night and Liza as company to see if a legend will come true for them but Liza isn't interested and closes the door on his face. The next day Lev decides Liza will be Grisha's new love interest so she becomes another actress onset, She doesn't like Grisha very much in one except to kiss or sleep with him but she does want to help make him a better person even if Aleksey isn't very happy with seen his girlfriend get involved like this. The production begins a new plot in the story Aleksey is found drunk downtown having caused a lot of trouble and getting the sheriff he thinks it was his right because he's a noble. Instead of feeling disgusted by the entitlement though Grisha gets jealous because he thinks Aleksey had a very fun night ow. His attitude changes however when the Jury wants him to take his son's place and get the punishment instead of him.

At first, he doesn't want to do it but Dmitriy offers him his freedom and good food in exchange so he accepts, This time, he remembers to share the food with Artyom meanwhile Anastasiya and Lev start to get along again and Pavel worries that they may get back together but Lev finds this idea laughable because Anastasiya loves Pavel. This is shocking news for him since he has always thought their things only carnal and now he has some serious thinking to do. Grisha is whipped two dozen times but Pavel can't bring himself to watch it on the screen so he leaves the room. Anastasiya follows him and comforts him by proving how well Lev's plants work it was his finger-cutting trick that helped her quit smoking.

After the punishment is over, Grisha goes to the landowner's house to ask for the papers that would grant him his freedom Dmitriy isn't around so it's Aleksey who receives only to throw him on the floor kicks him, and spits on him while calling him an idiot forever believing they would set him free for real.

Grisha stands and closes his fists thinking about defending himself but decides to leave the house without a word to Aleksey's disappointment.
From then on, Grisha continues to work as a stable boy but he also starts spending more time with Liza and falling in love with her.

One afternoon while they are taking a walk together they see a bird flying in a very weird pattern it's a drone that has lost control, while the producers get the sniper ready in case it falls, Liza tries to distract Grisha by telling him she saw the birds and she was a kid and she believes that to be her guardian angel. Thankfully in the end there's no need for the sniper, the technicians regain control of the bird and get it out of there.

Meanwhile, Aleksey and Aglaya are both rather angry with how things are going, Aglaya can't believe she's been replaced by Liza and Aleksey doesn't like seeing his girlfriend spend so much time with another man. The two of them end up making love inside a carriage and are accidentally found by Grisha and Liza who are passing by. Liza is extremely hurt by having her boyfriend cheating on her and Grisha thinks he's seen two siblings getting dirty with each other. Because of this Lev fires Aglaya and Aleksey.

Liza's mood hasn't been very good since then so to cheer her up Grisha decorates the stable with candles and makes a special dinner for which they eat together while sharing a fork. Afterward, they go star gazing and Grisha admits that if he was free, he would marry Liza remembering how he was tricked by the promise of his papers, he confesses he did want to punch Aleksey he didn't because when he looked at him he saw himself.
Touched by how much he's grown, Lisa kisses him.

Meanwhile, in the real world Aglaya is on a famous talk show telling the world about how Grisha has been kidnapped and now is getting tortured for fun. The police appear on the news announcing an investigation and when Pavel sees this, he panics and wants to shut it all down before they arrive. Lev however tells him it's too soon and that they still have time to plan a final heroic act for Grisha to pull off. seeing as Grisha is dumb and doesn't catch any anachronisms going on they decide to set a group of Mongols to invade the village, Grisha is spending time with Liza when she suddenly tells him that if for some reason they get separated, and she wants him to know that for her everything has been real art. Artyom arrives then and tells them to quickly come back to the village because the Mongols have attacked believing the story with no issues Grisha thinks that they should go the other way to avoid danger so Artyom to amuse an excuse feeds him through his hidden microphone, the Mongols will burn the village if every worker isn't there.

In the village, the Mongols have been given a huge food offering but their leader also wants a woman so he chooses one from the crowd her father immediately jumps into defense and since Mongols respect bravery they allow him to do one of their soldiers for our freedom the father loses and gets decapitating. But since he paid with his blood, this is enough to buy his daughter's freedom so the next woman a leader chooses is Liza.

but no matter how much she cries out for Grisha's help, he gets scared and goes away. Seen the plan didn't work, Pavel is ready to shut it all down especially since the police are on his way but Lev wants to wait a little longer because he believes in him.

When Grisha sees the bird drone fly above him he takes it as a sign from Liza guardian angel and decides to do the right thing. He gets on a horse and after grabbing Lisa's old stick, he rides back and hits the Mongols on the head before getting Liza on the horse with him and riding away. Right after they leave, the police arrive on said, since Grisha isn't around it's easy for Pavel Anastasiya and Lev to lie to them and simply tell them they're filming a movie which the officers believe leaving without arresting anyone.

Meanwhile, Grisha and Liza arrive past the estate limits and find a gas station which greatly confuses Grisha. Liza is about to explain everything to him but that's the moment the sniper chooses to strike and knock Grisha out. He wakes later in the hospital where Pavel tells him he's been three months in a coma after a car accident and pretends not to know what Grisha is talking about when he asks about the village Liza.

Grisha tries to go back to his old partying life but it doesn't feel right anymore and even gives his car to Captain Semyonov to compensate for what he did. One evening while in a club Grisha finds Aleksey and Aglaya and tries to ask them about Liza, but they pretend not to know him Grisha apologizes for the confusion while looking incredibly defeated. So the actors decide to take pity on him and give him some information.

The following day they take Russia to the ranch where the production rented the horses and Liza works and when he finally sees her again he asks her if what she had said is true and truly real when she confirms it, the couple kisses and begins a new relationship.

Sometime later, Grisha takes Liza is plus one to his father's wedding to Anastasiya where he thanks him for having put him in this crazy project making a better person out of him.
From that on, more spoiled rich brats are taken to the village often Grisha helps with rehabilitation.

Thanks for reading through, we sincerely appreciate it. See you in the next movie recaponleo.

The thumbnails are screenshots from the movie and edited with Snapseed

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