(ENG/SPA) CineTV Contest: Ivan Drago El Ruso of Rocky IV, Villain Review
There are Characters that are Movies, with this small and powerful sentence anyone would think of a protagonist more of those who are good which guide the stories but in this review is a villain that makes Rocky IV is the favorite movie of my childhood and is in The Russian who will focus this review.
To know what this powerful character is about, a Synopsis would be something like this, The Stoic Personality of The Soviet Destroyer wants to impose himself in the Boxing World, to achieve this he will do whatever it takes along with Selfishness as his guide since he doesn't care about anything or anyone... except fracturing the Soul of his Enemy.
Hay Personajes que son Películas, con esta pequeña y poderosa oración cualquiera pensaría en un protagonista mas de esos que son buenos los cuales guían las historias pero en esta Reseña es un Villano el que hace que Rocky IV sea La película favorita de mi niñez y es en El Ruso en quien enfocare esta reseña.
Para saber de que va este poderoso personaje, una Sinopsis sería algo así, La Personalidad Estoica de El Destructor Soviético se quiere imponer en el Mundo del Boxeo, para lograrlo hará todo lo que sea necesario junto al Egoísmo como su guía ya que no le importa nada ni nadie... excepto fracturar el Alma de su Enemigo.
Ivan Drago played by Dolph Lundgren is a villain with The Perfect Presence, physically he has an enviable body, what man on the planet would not want to have the physical structure, the nature of this character made Evolution in a Titan, the Stoic element that characterizes Drago would be useless if it is not accompanied by that born physical power that executes the positive transition on the big screen between the images and the viewers.
This is all thanks to Dolph Lundgren who is not only a body in the film, it is also his idea of acting as a Stoic man as if he were an unwavering Greek Pillar in the Palaces of Zeus' Olympus, I like to be poetic and metaphorical in my reviews to give more emotion, I like to be poetic and metaphorical in my reviews to give more emotion, then this makes the casting choice was right and nurtured remarkably what would be the fourth installment of a franchise which is easy to say but it is not, how many examples we see of other movies that in the second part everything declines, in this one no, it has a historical villain that thrilled the masses who went to the movies to see him.
How many characters do you know that can crush only with their aura and presence without the need to speak to an entire audience, whatever you name .... there will also be Ivan Drago.
Ivan Drago interpretado por Dolph Lundgren es un villano con La Presencia Perfecta, físicamente tiene un cuerpo envidiable, que hombre en el planeta no quisiera tener la estructura física, la naturaleza de este personaje hecha Evolución en un Titan, el elemento Estoico que caracteriza a Drago no serviría de nada si no viene acompañada por ese poderío físico nato que ejecuta la transición positiva en pantalla grande entre las imágenes y los espectadores.
Todo esto es gracias a Dolph Lundgren que no solo es un cuerpo en la película, es también su Idea de actuar como un hombre Estático tal cual como si fuera un Pilar Griego inquebrantable en los Palacios del Olimpo de Zeus, me gusta ser poético y metafórico en mis reseñas para dar mas emoción, entonces esto hace que la elección de casting fuese acertada y nutriera notablemente lo que sería la cuarta entrega de una franquicia lo cual se dice fácil pero no lo es, cuantos ejemplos vemos de otras películas que a la segunda parte todo decae, en esta no, tiene un villano histórico que emociono a las masas que fueron al cine a verle.
Cuantos personajes conoces que puedan aplastar solo con su aura y presencia sin necesidad de hablar a toda una audiencia, sea cual sea el que nombres.... allí también estará Ivan Drago.
I recently re-watched the film to better structure my review and while watching it, the emotion is the same as when I was a kid and watched it every time it was shown on television on a channel whose programming offered something called Millionaire Movies, I mention this because as a child things impress even more so seeing this character in the best that channel had to offer made the adrenaline for this film and in itself this character that in the ads transmitted everything I have mentioned since I started this post was high, are things that I will not forget for the feelings that pleasantly left in me.
In addition to the above, my dad was a Boxing Fan, in fact I tell you that he did not like the Rocky Franchise because the battles are too much of a spectacle becoming practically wrestling but he did not tell me this until much later haha, he saw me excited in front of the TV so my dad was happy to see his son happy especially when it was time for training.
This part if I can merge it with my opinion about Drago today, it is not the same to see a film now that more than 30 years ago when I saw it, now I have the power of the internet to listen over and over again the soundtrack of the training, this detail is vital because I consider it is the most exciting in the film, the way he trains is as if it were a machine propelled by that power music, there comes a point where Rocky does not interest me and I only focus on Ivan Drago for his barbaric way of training, it makes me envious of his physical ability to follow and this in turn motivates me to exercise.
Recientemente volví a ver la película para estructurar mejor mi reseña y mientras la veía, la emoción es la misma de cuando era niño y la veía cada que la pasaban en televisión en un canal cuya programación ofrecía algo a lo cual llamaba Cine Millonario, nombro esto porque siendo niño las cosas impresionan aun mas entonces ver este personaje en lo mejor que tenía ese canal para ofrecer hacía que la adrenalina por este film y en sí este personaje que en las propagandas transmitía todo lo que he mencionado desde que inicie este post fuese alta, son cosas que no olvidare por las sensaciones que gratamente dejaron en mi.
Aunado a lo anterior, mi papa era Fan del Boxeo, de hecho les comento que a el como tal no es que le gustara la Franquicia Rocky porque las batallas son demasiado espectáculo volviéndose prácticamente lucha libre pero el no me dijo esto hasta mucho tiempo después jaja, el me veía emocionado frente al televisor entonces mi papa feliz con ver a su hijo contento sobre todo cuando llegaban los momentos del entrenamiento.
Esta parte si la puedo fusionar con mi opinión sobre Drago en la actualidad, no es lo mismo ver un film ahora que hace mas de 30 años cuando lo vi, ahora tengo el poder del internet para escuchar una y otra vez la Banda Sonora del entrenamiento, este detalle es vital porque considero es de lo mas emocionante en el film, la forma en que entrena es como si fuese una maquina propulsada por esa música de poder, llega un punto en que Rocky no me interesa y solo me enfoco en Ivan Drago por su forma barbara de entrenar, hace que tenga envidia de su capacidad física para seguir y esto a su vez me motiva para hacer ejercicio.
It seems something minor but it is not, this film is not only Boxing, it is much more thanks to characters like this which motivates audiences to overcome their physical limits, makes adrenaline flow through their bodies and give them the desire to train, be healthy and strong, in fact I hope to encourage you to see this character if you do not know him, focus on him and if he manages to convey the desire to train .... then do it and become an Invincible Machine like him.
A difference between my current opinion and when I was a child is that when I was little I did not see nationalities, I only saw Drago as if he were a Dragon, a Monster that of course all this added to everything that happens in the film makes the conflict generates the necessary uncertainty but now as an adult and knowing that rivalry of yesteryear between those nations, that makes Ivan now has a greater plus and narrative coherence because that nation so to speak concentrates its faith in him but if there is something I love about Ivan Drago is his Selfishness.
I love the way he shouts that La Victoria is his, only his haha, just think about it and he is an example for me to follow because in fact I think exactly like him, there are things that are group successes but if there is something that defines men is the Ego and Pride, that is where the competition and our nature wins us, in my case I like to design things, make strategies and create ideas, when things go as I calculate them.... Victory is mine alone.
A great and powerful villain, I never get tired of saying it and praising him haha.... Ivan Drago is The Personification of The Evolutionary Mountain of Power.
Parece algo menor pero no lo es, este film no es solo Boxeo, es mucho mas gracias a personajes como este el cual motiva a las audiencias para superar sus límites físicos, hace que fluya la adrenalina por sus cuerpos y den ganar de entrenar, estar saludable y fuerte, de hecho espero poder animarte a ver este personaje si no lo conoces, enfocate en él y si logra transmitirte las ganas de entrenar.... entonces hazlo y conviertete en una Maquina Invencible como el.
Una diferencia entre mi opinión actual y la de cuando era niño es que cuando estaba pequeño yo no veía nacionalidades, yo solo veía a Drago como si fuese un Dragon, un Monstruo que claro todo esto sumado a todo lo que sucede en la película hace que el conflicto genere la incertidumbre necesaria pero ahora ya de mayor y conociendo esa rivalidad de antaño entre aquellas naciones, eso hace que Ivan tenga ahora un mayor plus y coherencia narrativa porque esa nación por decirlo así concentra su fe en él pero si hay algo que me encanta de Ivan Drago es su Egoísmo.
Me encanta la forma en que grita que La Victoria es de él, unicamente de él jaja, solo pensarlo y es un ejemplo a seguir para mi porque de hecho pienso exactamente igual que él, hay cosas que son éxitos grupales pero si hay algo que define a los hombres es el Ego y El Orgullo, es allí donde la competencia y nuestra naturaleza nos gana, en mi caso me agrada diseñar cosas, hacer estrategias y crear ideas, cuando salen las cosas tal cual las calcule.... La Victoria es solo Mía.
Un Gran y poderoso villano, no me canso ni me cansare nunca de decirlo y alabarlo jaja.... Ivan Drago es La Personificación de La Montaña Evolutiva del Poder.
I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.
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This brings back memories and now I want to re-watch it to better remember. You did quite the apt review here.
Believe me, when you see the Training Moment with that Power Soundtrack that accompanies it.... you will want to train 😃
Rocky IV does deserve his flowers. Had no idea he has been this long into the industry. Not to talk of Sylvester Stallone on the side. This is surely the kind of movie I'd love to watch. Thanks for sharing
Be encouraged to see it haha, it's powerful movie in many aspects and incredibly although the fight is good, with the above competes the training moment with a power soundtrack and editing of the best I've seen in the Rocky franchise 😃