(ENG/SPA) GALADRIEL and the Attraction of Light for the Darkness SAURON The Rings of Power

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galadriel ama a sauron forever.jpg


Galadriel and Sauron were not always the pinnacle of what could be good and evil, it is logical because light and darkness are sculpted over time.

They are characters that for many are omnipotent, their power transcends and the fans look at them with an admiration and respect that is as if they were affected by the control of the rings of power, how not to think so if the magic that characterizes all this history even in books is ambiguous and attractive, that's why I am pleased to see them that way, now in my case I do not want to see them already perfect because in reality what attracts me to both is to see them in their imperfection, so I give a 9 out of 10 to the series because I have loved what I've seen.

Both are the representation of the Light and the Darkness in a new era and the duality is attracted to be united forever, so I think solidly that Galadriel reaches a point where she falls in love with Sauron and I see palpable in the story that it is reciprocal, is the feeling that I perceive because I notice the look of admiration and even a point where he defends his actions, fans mistakenly think that this goes against the essence of Galadriel but I see it valid because we are knowing the imperfect foundations of how these characters are forged.

The essence of an Elf is light and if this becomes corrupted, what is born from there is a lot of dark power, Galadriel is not perfect at all, she has never been but power is confused with perfection when it is not.

Both are characters that have lost their way because of the obsession that each one has in their objectives and that is where destiny plays and unites them to serve as a pillar for each other. It seems to be forgotten that Sauron was a servant of an even more powerful being that was defeated, he is in his worst situation and in the drowning of his darkness he finds the light, the pure beauty of a being like Galadriel that only supports him.

It's like a dual story where a King can't live without his Queen and the Queen can't live without her King, that's why they fail because they both reject what might be in their hearts.

I have no problem with the casting but I am critical of the chemistry of the two, Morfydd Clark conveys to me the doubt in his heart but from actor Charlie Vickers I am not solidly convinced in his evilness. In the video you will hear my extended opinion of what I just wrote.


Galadriel y Sauron no siempre fueron la cúspide de lo que pudiera ser el bien y el mal, es lógico sea así porque la luz y la oscuridad se esculpen con el tiempo.

Ellos son personajes que para muchos son omnipotentes, su poder trasciende y los fans les miran con una admiración y un respeto que es como si estuvieran afectados por el control de los anillos de poder, como no pensar así si la magia que caracteriza a toda esta historia inclusive en libros es ambigua y atractiva, por eso me es grato verlos de esa manera, ahora en mi caso no quiero verles ya perfectos porque en realidad lo que me atrae de ambos es verlos en su imperfección, por eso le doy un 9 de 10 a la serie porque me ha encantado lo que he visto.

Ambos son la representación de la Luz y la Oscuridad en una nueva era naciente y la dualidad se atrae para estar unida por siempre, por eso pienso sólidamente que Galadriel llega un punto en que se enamora de Sauron y veo palpable en la historia que sea reciproco, es la sensación que percibo porque noto la mirada de admiración e inclusive un punto en que defiende sus actos, los fans erróneamente piensan que esto va en contra de la esencia de Galadriel pero yo lo veo valido porque estamos conociendo los cimientos imperfectos de cómo se forjan estos personajes.

La esencia de un Elfo es la luz y si esta se llega a corromper, lo que nace de allí es mucho poder oscuro, Galadriel para nada es perfecta, nunca lo ha sido pero se confunde el poder con perfección cuando no es así.

Ambos son personajes que han perdido el camino por la obsesión que tiene cada uno en sus objetivos y allí es donde juega el destino y los une para que sirvan como pilar uno del otro. Pareciera se olvida que Sauron era un sirviente de un ser aún más poderoso que fue derrotado, está en su peor situación y en el ahogo de su oscuridad encuentra la luz, la belleza pura de un ser como Galadriel que solo le apoya.

Es como una historia dual en la que un Rey no puede vivir sin su Reina y la Reina no puede vivir sin su Rey, por eso fallan porque ambos rechazan lo que pudiera haber en sus corazones.

No tengo problema con el casting pero si crítico la química de ambos, Morfydd Clark me transmite la duda de su corazón pero del actor Charlie Vickers no me convence de manera sólida en su maldad. En el video escucharas mi opinión extendida de lo que acabo de escribir.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.


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the image is great, good and evil. By the way, I think it's great that you add your camera in the reviews.

La imagen esta genial, el bien y el mal. Por cierto, me parece muy bueno que agregues tu cámara en las reseñas.


Muchachon believe me I'm in love with that image you selected as a thumbnail, it's a beauty within what the story represents by mixing two characters with so much power and representing the duality of good and evil, light and darkness reflected in the ever changing ocean 😃

I also liked it, I like to see the images while I talk, they inspire me, I wish I could record as I would like and with better equipment, I hope next year I can have all that, now regardless of that I can at least transmit my opinions that in the end is the most important thing of a review 😀

Muchachon creeme que estoy enamorado de esa imagen que seleccione de miniatura, es una belleza dentro de lo que representa la historia al mezclar dos personajes de tanto poder y que representan la dualidad del bien y el mal, la luz y la oscuridad reflejado en el oceano siempre cambiante 😃

ajajajaj a mi tambien me agrado, me gusta ver las imagenes mientras hablo, me inspiran, ojala pudiera grabar como quisiera y con mejores equipos, espero al año que viene poder tener todo eso, ahora independientemente de eso lo bueno puedo al menso transmitir mis opiniones que a la final es lo mas importante de una reseña 😀


If you separate books from movie, then whatever.
You like the series and the story there? OK. I like to watch it anyway.

But if we are talking about source material and comparing to it, all that reasoning is a complete nonsense.
And the source of a problem is simple. Those who made up that story for series thought that they are smarter than J.R.R. Tolkien and knows better.


I am part of the general audience that does not know the sources of the story, in fact the series encourages me to know the author and book because WoW is a very attractive lore

Now regardless that I do not know the books, I think that seeing perfect characters be perfect I think it would be just fan service, I see Galadriel well structured by how imperfect she is, because she alone can not do everything and in fact could not overcome evil by more powerful, etc. things that were because if anything we know, is that Sauron far exceeded all the characters because in the end if forge the ring .... he managed to make fun of everyone in the series, movie and books

So I have no problem that Galadriel has fallen into the trap of Sauron because it is the great Sauron before what she fell defeated, I do not know the author, book etc but I note its inspiration in the Biblical Lucifer because I see feasible that his ability to manipulate was infinite and is amplified by the ambiguity of magic in history

I am pleased to read your solid opinion about the story and to be able to debate it 😃, and I also note that Galadriel in the way she has been portrayed is the Achilles heel of the series because it is very noticeable the frustration in fans with respect to her part of the story 😅


WoW? What? 😅

I'm not surprised that fans are frustrated, because if you would read the books, you will see how absurd it is. Galadriel is one of the few characters with the foresight and strength to resist the temptation of the One Ring and see through deceptions.
Not to mention that they present processes that took place over hundreds of years as if Sauron managed to execute it in a week or two.

But again, other than that, it's fun to watch, yet those who wrote scripts are narcissistic idiots who though that they could write a better story.


Sorry i didnt notice the notification 😅, the "WoW" it mean this


Because "WoW the Tolkien lore", that story tolkien created is a whole universe that expands, surprising the capacity of his creativity and imagination for names, creatures and how he mixes all of that 😃