(ENG/SPA) Godzilla and Kong The New Empire i liked it a lot

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The whole Monsterverse arc is a marvel and I'm glad it has managed to survive and that it is projected to even more stories with these monsters that when they fight they make the whole Earth tremble.

I have been able to see all the films and Godzilla and Kong The New Empire has not disappointed me at all, it seems to me a very balanced film, according to the concept of monsters that does not seek a philosophical end or anything like that, it's just battles of colossal beasts and that's what I want to see.

  • Kong is a solid protagonist, it helps him to be a Gorilla that makes him have very expressive gestures and connect with the viewer, in my case it has been like that and for the story I consider that also during this new colossal adventure.

  • Godzilla remains as a powerful secondary and powerful I do not mean in interpretation, if not in strength, serves to support the impact of the film for the battle, is a beast that seeks to bring order and makes it accommodates place, its argument is not complicated at all, there is an excuse to battle, he will do it and that's what I want to see.

  • The human plots is the weak point of this kind of films because they can be very boring or a filler to get to all the previous thing that I already described that are the battles, as I would like those arguments to be discarded and only be a monster film but in this case they are and I had no problem, in fact I see positive that there is a cast that at least does not bore, they are funny, it is not perceived forced and I'm happy with what I saw of them.

  • The ancestral cultures in this type of film are filler and should not be so, they are here too, is the most critical part because they are still the necessary script for the story to develop but they are not the pillar, I do not empathize with them and as a fan of ancestral cultures I would like a film dedicated to them instead of plots of present humanity that are filler.

  • Powerful Villain, I was happy with what I saw, my only detail to criticize is that his environment does not support the power that is said to have, or its antiquity, there is a strong evil but I do not see it as a danger, it is an excuse for the battle, I was happy with the fight but as a plot I do not see it as a latent danger at all.

In the video you can hear more of my opinion which is basically an extension of what I wrote and is where the greatest power of interaction of this post is.

Es una maravilla todo el arco de Monsterverse y me alegra haya logrado sobrevivir y que se proyecte a aun mas historias con estos monstruos que cuando pelean hacen temblar toda La Tierra.

He podido ver todos los films y Godzilla and Kong The New Empire no me ha decepcionado para nada, me parece un film muy equilibrado, acorde al concepto de monstruos que no busca un fin filosófico ni nada eso, solo es batallas de bestias colosales y eso es lo que quiero ver.

  • Kong es un solido protagonista, le ayuda el hecho de ser un Gorila que hace tenga gestos muy expresivos y conecte con el espectador, en mi caso ha sido así y para la historia considero que también durante esta nueva aventura colosal.
  • Godzilla queda como un poderoso secundario y a poderoso no me refiero en interpretación, si no en fuerza, sirve de apoyo al impacto del film para la batalla, es una bestia que busca poner orden y lo hace acomoda lugar, su argumento para nada es complicado, hay una excusa para batallar, lo va a hacer y eso es lo que quiero ver.
  • Las tramas humanas es el punto débil de este tipo de films porque pueden ser muy aburridas o un relleno para llegar a todo lo anterior que ya describí que son las batallas, como quisiera que fueran descartables esos argumentos y solo fuera un film de monstruos pero en este caso están y no he tenido problema, de hecho veo positivo que hay un elenco que al menos no aburre, son graciosos, no se percibe forzado y estoy contento con lo que vi de ellos.
  • Las culturas ancestrales en este tipo de film son relleno y no debería ser así, eso son acá también, es la parte mas a criticar porque siguen siendo el guionazo necesario para que la historia se desarrolle pero no son el pilar, no empatizo con ellos y como fan de culturas ancestrales me agradaría un film dedicado a ellos en vez de tramas de la humanidad actual que son relleno.
  • Villano Potente, quede contento con lo que vi, mi único detalle a criticar es que su entorno no apoya el poder que se dice tiene, o su antigüedad, hay un mal fuerte pero no veo sea un peligro, es una excusa para la batalla, quedo contento con la pelea pero como argumento no lo veo como un peligro latente para nada.

En el video pueden escuchar mas de mi opinión que es básicamente una extensión de lo que escribí y es donde esta el mayor poder de interacción de este post.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



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This has been on my radar for a while now. I'm really craving some kaiju action. The last few titles weren't bad at all, which definitely exceeded any expectations I had. There's just something so fun about Godzilla and his atomic breath. The sound design with it all is just such a tease


I liked the previous one much better but this one keeps the tone with good fights and personality and yes, Godzilla atomic breath visual and sound are to admire again and again and again 😀


Yo aun no la veo, pero he escuchado muy buenas opiniones. Ya por lo menos sé que cumple su función, como dices, que es la de entretener. Gracias por la recomendación! 💕


hace no mucho vi la segunda parte, kong es el protagonista aquí, es entretenida, pero algo que no me termina de convencer, me gustó mas Minus One, hay quienes no coinciden conmigo.


Soy uno, minus one tiene un arco que no logro llegar a mi y es su protagonista, la podemos debatir luego 😀


si hay que hablar sobre minus one