What Happen with this Movie 😱😱 Knight of The Zodiac Review

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The important thing about the stories are their plot cores, their essence in which a fandom always swims happy to see a product that in its different variants entertains and wants to see more, that's why I appreciate the effort of authors, of directors who take a reference material to make their own story, I will always defend the above because I don't want to see repeated things, I want to see the new universe that a director creates.

Knights of The Zodiacs is a film that convulses just for posing its own version of these characters, of this argument and I think objectively that it fails to achieve its goal, I still see an effort to wrap too much material in which it is inspired and then deform it into something that loses its essence, many characters I do not recognize and this is lethal.

Now the correct struggle of someone who reviews is to be as objective as possible and leave aside the heart because every product has its positive and negative elements as well as the reference material in which it is inspired has strong elements that are lousy in its plot and it is the affection, the nostalgia of the fans what saves those anime or manga because they also have a lot to criticize.

  • Positive aspects of the film:

It has a powerful actor who has proven in works like Samurai X to give his best and I consider that we have a good Seiya here, that's a lot to say because precisely if something is lousy in the anime and manga reference material of Saint Seiya is precisely its protagonist who is demonstrably how much the fandom detests him. So based on the above I save the actor Mackenyu who does an excellent job in the film.

I also save the actress of Athena, it happens exactly the above, the character is one of the most detested in the franchise then I rescue that I like the actress, she looks beautiful and complies with just being a maiden in danger, which has always been Athena, a very empty character in manga, anime.

  • Negative Aspects of the Film

The plot is lousy, I respect the intention of the director and writers to make their version but they got lost in limbo with a Villain that nobody is interested in, totally unknown and drowned in her character, a Cassius that looks like a Kano from Mortal Kombat, other characters that for God's sake I don't know where they came from and they make them look cool and of course the one who knows this story is negatively impacted with what he sees.

I know that Saint Seiya is a difficult story to bring to the movies and that is why I consider it a good idea that the Phoenix is the villain but not as it was shown in the film, the plot should change to the Galactic Battle, it would be a simpler movie, faithful to the original material and that would let the viewer know the characters and a powerful battle between the Dragon and Seiya. This I think would be the right way to go, I wish I could direct a film haha, it would do just the above.

In the video is a complement of what I just wrote, I invite you to watch it and judge it for yourselves, may the cosmos burn in your hearts, I say goodbye.

Lo importante de las historias son sus núcleos argumentales, su esencia en la que un fandom siempre nade feliz por ver un producto que en sus distintas variantes le entretiene y quiere ver mas, por eso aprecio el esfuerzo de autores, de directores que toman un material de referencia para hacer su propia historia, siempre defenderé lo anterior porque en sí no quiero ver cosas repetidas, quiero ver el nuevo universo que crea un director.

Knights of The Zodiacs es un film que convulsiona justo por plantear su propia versión de estos personajes, de este argumento y pienso objetivamente que falla en lograr su meta, sigo viendo un esfuerzo por envolver demasiado material en el que se inspira para luego deformarlo en algo que pierde su esencia, muchos personajes no los reconozco y esto es letal.

Ahora la lucha correcta de alguien que reseña es ser lo mas objetivo posible y dejar de lado el corazón porque todo producto tiene sus elementos positivos y negativos así como también el material de referencia en el que se inspira tiene contundentes elementos que son pésimos en su trama y es el cariño, la nostalgia de los fans lo que salva esos animes o mangas porque también tienen mucho a criticar.

  • Aspectos positivos del Film:

Tiene un potente actor que ha demostrado en trabajos como el de samurai X dar lo mejor de sí y considero que tenemos un buen Seiya aquí, eso es mucho que decir porque justamente si algo es pésimo en el material de referencia anime y manga de Saint Seiya es justamente su protagonista que es demostrable lo mucho que el fandom le detesta. Entonces basado en lo anterior salvo al actor Mackenyu que hace una excelente labor en el film.

Salvo también a la actriz de Athena, sucede exactamente lo anterior, el personaje es de los mas detestados en la franquicia entonces rescato que me gusta la actriz, se ve preciosa y cumple con solo ser una doncella en peligro, lo que siempre ha sido Athena, un personaje muy vacío en manga, anime.

  • Aspectos Negativos del Film

El argumento es pésimo, respeto la intención del director y escritores de hacer su versión pero se perdieron en el limbo con una Villana que ha nadie le interesa, totalmente desconocida y ahogada en su personaje, un Cassius que parece un Kano de Mortal Kombat, otros personajes que por dios santí no se de donde salieron y los hacen lucir cool y claro el que conoce de esta historia queda impactado negativamente con lo que ve.

Se que Saint Seiya es una historia difícil de llevar al cine y por eso considero un acierto que el Phoenix sea el villano pero no como lo mostraron en el film, el argumento debe cambiar a la Batalla Galáctica, sería una película mas sencilla, fiel al material original y que dejaría al espectador conocer personajes y una batalla potente entre el Dragon y Seiya. Esto pienso sería el buen camino, ojala pudiera dirigir un film jaja, hiciera justo lo anterior.

En el video esta un complemento de lo que acabo de escribir, les invito a verla y júzguenla por ustedes mismos, que el cosmos arda en sus corazones, me despido.

I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.



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thanks for the mention work team of hive buz and i will reach more 😀


It is a problematic film because of the intention that it raises, if it is bad but I think the same about pegasus, that actor is fine but the plot is that left much to be desired, thanks for the recommendation to always have criteria on a product and for that you have to see it, thanks


Yes because many people go with what people write without a critical eye, like sheep, so in this perfect case the film may be bad but there are always positive things to say and not to keep


los actores son buenos, habría que verlo para juzgarla jeje gracias por la recomendación!

the actors are good, you'll have to see it to judge it hehe thanks for the recommendation!


Recommended for viewing and if you are part of the general public that has never seen Knights of Zodiac, I hope you like the film 😃


it was horrible, only I can say that.


In spite of everything I saw its positive things haha, I liked Athena who is cute and the good Seiya because the actor did a good job with a character that many hate in the anime and manga because of the lousy protagonist he is 😅


It's not the best, but it's not the worst live action either. In the following link you will see my opinion about it.


Thanks for sharing!


Correct, i have friends that WoW kill this movie and for me was a 5, it have things that can be better a lot but the essential that is seiya and athena i like it, just need a better arch 😀


Ohhh it's Mackenyuuuuu! He's been one of my favorite Japanese actors since the time I watched him in Let's Go Jets...I haven't watched this movie yet, even tho I already saw it a lot of times on twitter... I'm not familiar with the source material, but I'll try watching it (since he's thereeee hehehe).


Go and see it because the actor gives a very good performance in this film, regardless of the criticisms of the film, I consider it a failure in the story but not in the choice of its protagonist.

I saw him in samurai x and in one piece (both are on netflix if i remember correctly) and he is an actor that convinces with his good performance in a world as difficult as live action


I saw him in samurai x and in one piece (both are on netflix if i remember correctly) and he is an actor that convinces with his good performance in a world as difficult as live action

Indeed, he really is good at portraying characters who're good at swords...Those action scenes really suit him, and it's amazing seeing him do those!




As a die-hard Knights of The Zodiacs fan I have to say that I haven't seen this because I feel like I'm going to come out very upset after wasting my time hahaha.

I don't trust live action and I know I'm speaking without knowing but I don't really want to see it. The funny thing is that it has a good cast but I don't know, maybe I should make the titanic effort and watch it.