Train To Busan: zombies and human nature.

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The screenshots in this post were taken directly from the movie by me.



Although when we talk about zombies it is easy to think of the stereotypical stories that mix horror and action using non-living dead as the central focus, there are several examples of the great narrative potential that these supernatural beings provide, especially when they are contrasted with humanity trying to survive to them.



The Last of Us, The Walking Dead or World War Z are just some relatively recent examples of this, examples that, although they have very different philosophies and rules, at the same time share a narrative core that is difficult to ignore.

Although I had heard a couple of times about Train to Busan, I admit that I did not expect to find this Korean film another story worthy of sharing the Olympus with the works that I just mentioned, being able to entertain and move us in practically equal quantities.

For me, one of the reasons why zombies are so striking from a narrative point of view is because, like apocalyptic adventures, they are usually an element that, beyond the spectacle, is implemented to tell us about human nature, the consequences. of desperation and the value of life when all the things we held dear begin to fade before our eyes.

Train To Busan is constructed in an extremely tragic way, but I wouldn't dare call it pessimistic... On the contrary, it serves to demonstrate in a more or less realistic way that humanity is capable of finding goodness in the least expected places, and although There are always people willing to trample on others for their selfish survival, genuine love is what will lead us to salvation.





Apart from this, it works in its favor that it is an extremely neat film from a technical point of view, with brilliant performances, high-level special effects and a direction that knows how to keep us trapped.

Score taken from my Letterboxd account.



Las capturas de pantalla en este post fueron tomadas directamente de la película por mi.



Aunque cuando nos hablan de zombies es fácil pensar en las estereotipicas historias que mezclan terror y acción utilizando muertos no vivientes como foco central, existen varios ejemplos del gran potencial narrativo que brindan estos seres sobrenaturales, especialmente cuando son contrapuestos a una humanidad tratando de sobrevivir a los mismos.



The Last of Us, The Walking Dead o World War Z son solo algunos ejemplos relativamente recientes de esto, ejemplos que si bien cuentan con filosofías y reglas muy diferentes entre si, al mismo tiempo comparten un núcleo narrativo difícil de ignorar.

Si bien había escuchado un par de veces sobre Train to Busan, admito que no me esperaba encontrar ante este filme coreano otra historia digna de compartir el olimpo con las obras que acabo de mencionar, siendo capacidad de entretenernos y conmovernos en cantidades prácticamente iguales.

Para mí una de las razones por los cuales los zombies son tan llamativos desde un punto de vista narrativo, es porque al igual que las aventuras apocalípticas, suelen ser un elemento que más allá del espectáculo es implementado para hablarnos de la naturaleza humana, las consecuencias de la desesperación y el valor de la vida cuando todas las cosas que apreciábamos empiezan a desvanecerse frente a nuestros ojos.

Train To Busan se construye de forma extremadamente trágica, pero no me atrevería a tacharla de pesimista... Todo lo contrario, sirve para demostrar de forma más o menos realista que la humanidad es capaz de encontrar bondad en los lugares menos esperados, y aunque siempre existe gente dispuesta a pisotear a los demás por su egoísta supervivencia, el amor genuino es lo que nos va a llevar a la salvación.





Aparte de esto, juega a su favor que sea una película extremadamente prolija desde lo técnico, con performances brillantes, efectos especiales de buen nivel y una dirección que sabe mantenernos atrapados.

Puntaje sacado de mi cuenta de letterboxd.


Twitter/Instagram/Letterbox: Alxxssss


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This is my favorite Zombie movie. I wonder how the director manage to made that poor little girl cried like that 😭
Also when she sang her song while still crying... Damn... So sad 😭😭


When I finally watched this movie I was so sick of zombie films but a friend insisted "you have to watch this one!" So I reluctantly did. I don't think I have ever been made as sad as I was made by the ending of this movie. The rest of the film says more about human nature than it does about a zombie outbreak too. Very intelligently made film and in a league of its own as far as the genre is concerned.


This is my all-time favorite zombie movie, the movie entails everything I expected in a zombie movie. I loved it