RE: CineTV Contest: Raiders of the Lost Ark - How to Impress a 5-year-old
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I loved Indi soooo much. I even liked the last film - it had that same feel to it. But you know what my uncle took me to see at that age? Monty Python's Meaning of Life. My sister was traumatised by Mr Creosote. My parents couldnd't believe he took us to see THAT film. It was all way above our heads.
The Meaning of Life is a masterpiece, but I can see how it would go above the heads of young minds. Clearly, the exploding fat guy is hilarious, but to be traumatized by him you'd have to be ... a prissy girl, ewww! (Sorry, this childish outburst was the first thing that popped into my mind.)
Thinking about the movie, I can also see a serious kid asking their accompanying adult all sorts of complex philosophical questions, trying to understand the jokes while getting immersed in pondering deep concepts. Is that the kind of kid I would have been? Maybe, but there's no way of telling. The first time I saw this film I was 17.