Title: Documentary ~ Our Living World

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Are you curious to learn about nature or discover the truth about other species living around us? Then, this documentary is highly recommended.

Today, I'm going to share about a Netflix documentary called Our Living World, it explores the connectivity of every event occurring anywhere on the planet to the opposite side.


The documentary starts from the North Pole and the wolves and deer grazing there and he tells how wolves play their role in this world and how deer grazing affects the planet's health. In the documentary, they tell that grazing deer makes the plains flat which is then covered in ice and reflects almost 70% of the sun's heat into space, and through wolves hunting their prey, they scatter the deer on vast plains which graze and evens the surface for snow.

One of the many questions raised by atheists on a diety is that if there is a perfect diety then why there is evil in the world?

For example, wildfires or storms and many more.

The very answer in the defence which is given is that because of the darkness of evil, the good shines bright. If there won't be any evil how will one distinguish the good?
But in this documentary, they have tried to explain the natural phenomena and their effect on different parts of the planet. For example, African wildfires cause the soil to mix into the air with its nutrients and fall in the Amazon with rain to provide them with the essential needs to grow. Like how lava eruption provides home to hundreds of thousands of species. And how forest fires make place for new plants to grow.

Likewise, they also described the necessity of carnivores on the planet, for if there were no carnivores on Earth, life wouldn't exist.

It also describes evolution to an extent by different animal's genetic modification for survival on Earth.


Look at this rabbit that changes color to camouflage itself in its surroundings to save itself from prey. There are many more such examples that show how the Deity has given everything its unique features for its survival.

But the real problem started when humans started interfering and having vast effects and causing climate change. Climate change rules the evolutionary process and due to this so many of the species have gone extinct and even more are endangered and are on the verge of becoming extinct.

Now is the time for us humans to take the ultimate precautionary measures to save the earth from dying and save many species which we can for our betterment and real good.

This documentary is a great piece for increasing your knowledge about the general phenomenon of this world and nature. Plus I must say the voice of the girl in the documentary is magical and easy to understand of not native English speakers.

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Bzzzrrr! Esse docu é super divertido e educativo! Te mostram como os seres vivos interacts e interdependem uns dos outros. Fica impressionando como a natureza é complexa demais! 😄 #hivebr

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I've seen this rabbot only on movies though animation to be precise, but i havent come across it,


This documentary was in my To-Watch list since i have watched its official trailer but i never got some extra motivation to watch this out, but now I'm feeling like i have to manage out my time and watch this out. It's looking really interesting