RE: Poker Face Movie Is Not So Much About Poker | Available On Hulu


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Though i haven't watch the movie, but the story line has given me small insight.

Just have few points
Concerning the part where they sell data's to the government,
You where wondering why the government should buy peoples data from a poker company that has few data's of citizens living in a country.
But i think, Since Rich set of people gamble, then the government should want to get their details for selfish reasons. This makes me remembered your post about Facebook giving out some amounts to people whose data where sold.

Just as you've have said, The movie is quiet confusing, But i think it's also interesting.

And my last point-out is
Why must people keep all their riches to themselves while being alive, and only will them out before death. This is also a major factor while people still live in the dark.

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Good points. I doubt wealthy people would play online poker though. I might be wrong, but my assumption is wealthy gamblers would prefer in person poker instead. But I can see how this data may be valuable.