That One Moment

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That was the moment everything changed.
The entertainment industry is tough, the acting world is even tougher. Casting is hell, and you being 99% talent doesn't mean anything if you're not in the in with the directors and producers.
Even if you were in with them, there were still variables. Age, beauty, following, money, numerous things could define the birth and the death of a bright new star.

Still I loved it. I loved all aspects of acting from the grueling early morning till late night rehearsals, to the overbearing fans and pushy directors. I loved the ecstasy of nailing a scene and the horror at doing worst than you expected. Even the online banter, trolls and criticism gave me a push.
Above all, I loved the fact that I was oke of the best, the most elite and the most talented.
I knew when the spotlight was on me and I immediately rushed to take it. Enjoying all the media, embracing the fans and working hard with my crew.
I wasn't some pompous bastard, I knew my shine would soon be taken from me as I had taken it from someone else.
I just didn't expect it to happen so soon and in such a manner.

Troy Greüb was a shining star eyed by our company. Immediately I saw him, I knew he was someone big, I even had an inkling that he was going to be my replacement.
I had a dream though; before this shine of mine is taken, I'd have sold at least a Hundred million tickets for a movie when I'm lead.
That was all I needed, and at the age of forty-five, that dream was slowly and steadily slipping off.
When my producer started dropping me from plays and began giving me less amd less scripts to study, I knew that time was ticking, and as such I had to be a bit assertive.

"A forty-five year old, whose highest sale was seventy million copies, shouldn't be expecting any more. One's peak of popularity is when you're in your youth age of twenty five. Anything past that is just a slow slope downhill in the acting world."
Another Producer who owed me a debt, the one person who I had hoped on shut me down. It was a hard pill to swallow, the truth always was.
I sat down thinking about my life, about my dreams.
My life was successful no doubt, made money, had fame and a nice family, I had no reason to complain and yet I did.
"Were all my dreams wasted?
Was I a fool for dreaming?"
I sat down and began crying right there in my office.
My phone rang again, I looked at it, bewildered to see the name of the producer who just turned me down.
"I guess you really do have some luck on your side pal." He began with a chuckle.
"I was on the verge of breaking a deal for my company to take on a project for a show. This is probably gonna be your last gig, I already know you'll say yes. So I just have one more question. How's your singing?"

The movie was about an old man who wanted to join a band. I was overjoyed seeing the crew, cast, and director.
Everything in order to make a best seller, then rehearsal started and it was heated.
Immediately, I realized how much young talent was in this band.
They were all musicians in real life though, not as perfect in acting but their musical skills were exceptional. I could easily outshine them, all except one.
I knew easily he would be trouble, the way he moved and danced just begged all eyes to be on him, which was a problem since I was the lead actor.
He was a true shining star, but I swore not to be outshone. I had just one last chance to fulfill my dream, a hundred million sells with me being the lead character in name and in performance.

With such determination in mind, I took to the stage again, ready to show this young lad what he didn't have... experience.
As I set my mind to crushing the boy so I could fly, that was the moment everything changed.
I picked up the prop guitar and began my scene. My hand motions were smoother, expressions crisper, voice clearer.
I didn't need to relisten or watch, I knew that that was the best scene I had ever acted out.
A few months later, as I saw it on the big screen once again, that scene brought me to tears, sitting on the cinema chair, wearing shades and eating popcorn as a retired actor with a movie of over a hundred and fifty views in his belt. I smiled and really watched and immersed myself in the scene, remembering that one moment of determination, the moment when my dreams were fulfilled, the moment of change.


This was an attempt to mould a story using two weekly prompts and making it as short as possible. The prompts used are last weeks prompt "Am I a Fool For Dreaming" and this week's "The Moment Everything Changed"

The Image was generated Using Meta Al

My Instagram page.

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This is a brilliant story, motivational too. Glad he took that chance, gave it all he got and succeeded :)



Experience really matters in any or every aspect of life.

Well done for this life story you have told us here.


Quite enthralling. Determination matters in most, if not everything. When you are determined and you aim high, you tend to accomplish your goals and watch your dreams come true. Thanks for this inspiring story.


No problem b😂✨

Thanks for the comment


Giving up! Nah! I didn't see that. You were full of determination and you outdid your role. Well done 👏
Dream fulfilled ✅️


Your determination made you accomplished your dream. Indeed no height is too high to reach we set our minds on it. This is a beautiful and Inspiring story 👏


The world of entertainment is an all-out war where every day new young stars emerge and relegate the veterans. The protagonist had his last great performance before he went down the curtain of his successful career.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Excellent Friday.


Thanks for commenting ✨🔥


Movie stars watch movies?
That part got me imagining. I've been in movies, I mean church dramas and I don't find it fun to watch 😂


They would watch the premiere.

it's a change of perspective...


This is an inspiring story. Even when the odds seems to be in the favour of the protagonist, he gave his dream a last push and he actualized it. This is awesome.


Being in the in this must have to do with something. But not having that "something" doesn't give a room for one to give up.

Nice piece you have got.


Good story @seki1. There is no age that limits dreams. I loved that message.