Cine TV Contest #127 - Favorite Movie Around a Big Event

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The Kings Speech is a historical film based on a true story that took place during World War II The film tells the story of King George VI of Britain especially his struggle with stuttering which greatly affected him and made it difficult for him to deliver speeches to the people especially at a time when Britain needed a strong leader and a steady voice.

King George VI played a very important role in the war and he needed to speak strongly to his people to raise their morale especially with the threats coming from Germany But the problem he faced was the stuttering that prevented him from expressing himself properly in front of people The film shows us how the king despite being a king had problems like any ordinary person This reflects that even people in positions of great power have their challenges.

In the film the king needs help from a speech therapist named Leo Peterson which will change his life dramatically Leo is not a traditional speech therapist and he was offering the king new ways to deal with his stuttering The relationship between the king and Leo develops beautifully and this was essential in the kings ability to overcome his problem .

Sometimes the relationship between the therapist and the patient can be difficult but when there is understanding and appreciation change happens Ultimately The Kings Speech is not only about stuttering but also about courage and about the fact that a person no matter his abilities or position in society can face many challenges Just as King George VI was able to overcome his problem the film teaches us that with patience and support we can face the most difficult circumstances.

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