Guardians of the galaxy 3

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The best Marvel Studios production since Avengers Endgame came out. It stands on par with the previous 2 Guardians movies, if not higher.

Another character-focused film, but this time with an even greater emphasis on the emotion and the relationships between them, as it develops as much as it can even the most minor members of the team. Being the third film in a trilogy, there's always the anxiety of it falling apart at the end, but I think they all had a very satisfying closure given their motivations over the course of several films. Especially the subplot between Quill and Gamora developed in a very mature way, scriptwise.

The film delivered in all departments that one would expect from a Marvel Guardians film (action, humor, effects, character moments, etc.) but at some points it seemed that some elements could have been missing. These elements are usually unnecessary or prolonged subplots within the play, or characters that seem forced into the plot. Prime example, Adam Warlock.

Guardians 3 contains perhaps the best shot and most satisfying action scene in the MCU, with the most impressive "one piece" shot.

Each character gets their chance to shine either through action or through dialogue and conflict, but the emotional weight of the film falls mostly on Rocket. I won't go into detail about Rocket's flashback as a lot has already been said, but it stayed true to the image the character had built for us over the years.

As for the main antagonist, he was satisfactory given the role he played in the story, nothing more was needed.

Definitely check it out if you've bothered to check out everything else Marvel has been churning out lately, as it wraps up the story arcs of many characters.

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I have to watch this, I loved the first two movies, more so the second one. I think all the characters are great, so it's nice to hear each of them get their space, and room to shine.

I never heard of the "one piece" shot but that sounds interesting, I'm looking forward to checking that out.

Rocket was one of my favourites, so I'm really excited to see what comes out in his flashback.

It's annoying that I still haven't gotten around to watching this, but hopefully, that can change over the next few days.