The crown

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I finished the last season of our favorite prestigious soap opera called The Crown and I'd like to rant about how much it disappointed me.
First, this season (intentionally or unintentionally) is the most anti-monarchy of the series so far, but also the worst.
I didn't like any of the acting choices. Stoughton doesn't have the coldness that would suit the role, she has a slight sarcasm in her tone (which also made her a perfect Umbridge). Price also, I feel, did not fit the role of Philip, who was a ....., while Price is more bearish and loving. I don't understand why the excitement and awards for their performances. We are talking about impressively experienced and mainly theater actors, who were mostly asked to perform simple things. I'm not saying they weren't good. Of course they were very good, but we are talking about behemoths.
about Karol west a lot has been said in general, let's not say it again.
Here comes take, because I found Debiki's performance a simple good imitation, without much depth. Emma Corinne may not have perfectly captured Diana's style and kinesiology, but she gave us a fantastic performance.
Otherwise, the Al Fayeds were presented in a completely caricatured manner.
The season chose to give far more time than we cared about to some small and insignificant incidents, such as the development of Philip's relationship with his godson's wife. Unlike previous seasons, whenever the writing team chose to deviate from the historical events, it worked to the detriment of the quality of the script and characters.
Symbols such as the old Elizabethan television and Britannia are very obvious and the series makes sure to rub them in your face over and over again.
What I missed, however, is something that the series has done well so far and that was the stakes. The success and difficulty of the series and any series or movie that deals with people who are disgustingly rich is to make you care about their problems and wonder what you would do in their shoes. This season was so poorly written that I don't think it made it in the slightest and everyone was just unbearably annoying.
In closing, I would like to say that the best scene of the season in my opinion was the one where Elizabeth plays with her corgis.

Posted using CineTV

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Story of this season is disappointed you. Hopefully this series characters improve his performance and over all this is very bad season and never recommended to watch it.


Everybody talks about this show. But I loved your last paragraph ! It brings something that maybe I am not missing anything