RE: Is the TV Series of 100 Years of Solitude Worth a Watch?

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I've been wanting to read this book forever, but I kept putting it off until "my Spanish reached a really good level, so I could fully enjoy it in original." As you may guess, that day never came when I felt completely satisfied by my Spanish skills, but when the first season of the series came out, my wife and I watched it. We both enjoyed it so much that we decided to read the book together, which is what we're doing now.

It's long, so much so that we're convinced there will be a third season. Otherwise they couldn't pack the whole story into the show, which I believe is the whole point. As a two-hour motion picture the essence of it would be destroyed, but as a multi-season series it may bring out all the feelings the author intended.

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I'm so glad you are reading it!! I can't even imagine the vibe in Spanish - it was extraordinary in English so must be amazing in its original form.


It is amazingly difficult: Long, elaborate, multi-layer sentences, sprinkled with words that could be used a couple of times in one's lifetime, but all in all it's worth it. I am certainly enjoying it.


Sometimes a novel that makes you work is infinity better than one that treats you like a fourth grader.


That's right, particularly if the novel is actually good. Not because of the difficult language, but in spite of it. This reminds me of something I saw, just the other day:
