Damien (2016 series)
I watched The Omen movies, what seems like, a million years ago. Probably I haven't paid much attention to it as well and since it was the era of DVDs and very slow internet, what I could comprehend in my addled teenage mind was gibberish. A more absurd fact is that all of the films had either some scenes cut out or it'd hang and no matter how many times I went back to that same spot, it'd stay that way - all of these gave me some anxiety and reluctance not to watch them again. Years later the baby antichrist grew up and they made a series about his life struggles. Does that sound funny? Make no mistake, it's not funny but it's dark. So, let's get started with the series Damien.
Damien (2016)

The series follows the original 1976 film The Omen - a direct sequel. At first, I thought probably it had some connection with the other movie sequels but I was wrong. The series starts where the antichrist a grown man trying to find himself and his place amid chaos. The casting is good and they've played their roles great. There are too many directors and writers for this series so just any one of them can't be mentioned - even with that, the series had consistency. Although I had faced some confusion from time to time, that was also cleared up soon after it arose.
Now the main character Damien Thorn, is clueless about his origin and the destruction he's supposed to bring. A seemingly regular man who's leading the life of a war photographer often throws himself in between life and death situations, huge conflicts, and massacres. I'm not sure if I should call him the protagonist or the antagonist due to the character he's playing. Although he believes he follows where the chaos is, he has no clue that he is the one that the death and destruction are following. Even after coming face to face with the numerous conjectures that he might be the son of Satan, he brushes them off as bullshit. He was set on living the life of a photographer chasing after chaos and not being the one to bring it.

The supporting characters played massive roles in the shows. On one side some people want the antichrist aka Damien to become what he's supposed to be and on the other hand, some people try to end him. But there are also people on Damien's side, who want the good for him, helping him take control of his life - so there are three sides to this whole scenario. I guess if Damien didn't fully commit to the role he was supposed to, then this would have been the most likely plot of the story.
I wasn't hoping much to begin with since the film experience had been so horrible but my experience with this series was utterly pleasant. The show ended with only one season and ten episodes - frankly, for any other show I'd be making a fuss over if it feels incomplete, but this show, regardless of how good it was, I didn't feel it was incomplete in any way. The show started with a bang and ended as such. It showed the struggles of the main character and also the supporting characters who either are suffering because of him or for him. Also, it shows how much money and connection are worth in the world and how much it can bend and form one's life or will.
It was an overall great show with a great plot and plot twists.

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