Death Becomes Her (1992)
I'm aware that the spooky season is over but there is no particular season for a horror comedy. I can watch a horror comedy any time of the year and find them entertaining. I watched Death Becomes Her (1992) a few years ago and I found it funny a little bit at the time. Recently I watched it again and found myself laughing but for many other reasons besides its dark comedy. So let's talk for a while about this movie.
Death Becomes Her (1992)

I have a habit of watching movies just by picking titles mostly - whatever title looks interesting that's the pick of the day. The same thing happened with this movie as well but then I went to check the cast and crew. Imagine watching a handful of movies directed by the same director and never knowing his name. That's right. Without even knowing his name or existence, I have watched quite a few of Robert Zemeckis' movies. And I might as well say, I liked quite a few of them. But another one of my reasons for watching this movie was the cast. I mean there's Meryl Streep, Bruce Willis, and Goldie Hawn. If I hadn't watched this movie, I wouldn't have known that Willis was capable of such comedy and that too so long ago.
I wish I could say about the characters here but there's not much to tell. On one hand, there's a woman who is too self-obsessed and much too self-absorbed to care for anyone else other than herself and her beauty, and on the other hand, there's another woman who also is obsessed with the idea of destroying the other woman that her whole world revolves around this single obsession. In the midst of this is the poor man who is plain, boring, and spineless, and doesn't know what to do other than be pulverized between the two women.

I was just mildly amused at the whole plot and the characters the first time. I thought the three leading roles would wow me but that didn't happen. But since there is no amazing story or character development anywhere, I didn't bother watching it again. Then I saw the poster of this film while browsing a few weeks ago and rewatched it. And, by god, I tell you I was laughing so much. Not because of the story, it's nothing that interesting. Yes, there are some moments where it was funny. What I found hilarious were the special effects. It was hilarious to see how Streep's head turned backward and then her neck turned into a spring or how Hawn had a big hole in her stomach but still managed to stand up and sit with the handle of a shovel still peeking out of her stomach or how both of them shattered into hundreds of pieces literally. Also, Willis acting like a headless chicken and getting told what to do almost entirely the whole movie was somewhat laughable. Come to think of it, the premise may not be hilarious and somewhat cruel but from the middle of the movie till the end, it was full of tiny pieces of comedy all over. And I can't get enough of the set; especially the house - it reminded me of the house from the Sunset Boulevard. I was somewhat disappointed that the three of them didn't do another movie together because I thought the chemistry between them was marvelous.
It's not one of the best movies I have watched but I can say if you're looking for something funny and entertaining to watch, this movie is just right.

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