A Brief Biography Of Brian Selznick, The Writer Of “Hugo”

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Video Script:

Hugo is a movie adoption of the book 'The Invention of Hugo Cabret (2007)' written by Brian Selznick, an American illustrator and author born in 1966. He is best known for his visually stunning books, containing numerous images and illustrations that capture the eyes of the readers and allow the audience to enter the powerful imagination of this brilliant author. He has written numerous books, but his most iconic work is The Invention of Hugo Cabret, which was adapted as a film, Hugo, by director Martin Scorsese and released in November 2011.

Work Cited:
Kampff, Joseph. Brian Selznick. United States, Cavendish Square Publishing, 2014.

Writer: TAS
Kampff, Joseph. Brian Selznick. United States, Cavendish Square Publishing, 2014.
Video Producer & Director: TAS
Voice-over: Google Clouds
Footage: Google Play

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