Paprika --- made me trippy! XD

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I ticked another Satoshi Kon movie from my list. I have watched two out of the four popular movies he has directed. They were "Perfect Blue" and "Millenial Actress". There are two more movies left on my list, Tokyo Godfathers and Paprika... and I chose the latter!

Photos are screenshots from the movie...

What is PAPRIKA about, you may ask... well, it's quite complicated to describe, but let me start by introducing a device called DC Mini.

DC Mini is a device developed by the main characters Atsuko Chiba and Kosaku Tokita. These two believe that the world of dreams can be a useful entryway to people's psyche as it shows people's desires, repressed thoughts, and memories. And the device they both worked on was made in order to delve deeper into their patients' minds and cure their psychological disorders in the process.

However, despite the positive potential of the device, it could also be threatening. Diving into someone's mind is a huge responsibility and if the device is used in the wrong way, it could be a form of psychological terrorism that causes mental breakdowns.

Their fear was ignited when the device was stolen. People around them started acting strange... harming themselves or acting as if they were in an entirely different world.

Because of this, they had to act fast! They had to search both reality and dream world for the mental terrorist!

Here's the trailer for the said animated film.


First things first... the movie made me trippy! hahaha

It's not necessarily because of the story, but the animation style. The transitions were so colorful and bouncy. It's like I was warped to many places more than a dozen times. I'm not complaining though because it made the experience and the story much better.

Story-wise, this is definitely my cup of tea. It reminded me of those months when I worked as a student nurse at the psychiatric ward in one of the government hospitals in my area. It was an unforgettable experience for me. I've met various types of patients and talked with them. There were times when they spoke realistically, then they'd start talking about otherworldly things that they see and hear.

This animated film also reminded me of Inception, a Christopher Nolan film. I also enjoyed watching that one... the dream within a dream concept is so attractive for me. I've experienced it in the past... times when I'm conscious that I'm dreaming and try to wake myself up, but I struggled. (Good thing I was able to wake up! lol)

Maybe because I'm interested in people's mental and behavioral health that movies like this easily get my attention. Although they're fictional, there will always be a reference in the truth and in reality.

It's crazy how reality merged with the dream world. It's something I think about at times when my brain suddenly asks "what ifs" and the like. Our brain indeed is fascinating!

All in all, it was an amazing film. The characters were distinct and faced their own trauma and worries... the animation was trippy in the best way possible and the art style was stunning. It may be difficult to understand due to some jargon or concepts especially when you're not into psychology and/or psychiatry, but I'd still say it's a must-watch.

I have my own interpretations of the characters' situation... but it may be different from another's point of view. I guess that's what's fun about movies and stories, right? Anyway, if you're interested based on the summary and reaction I've written, then give it a shot! ^^

Thanks for dropping by... and I'll see you in the next one! (^^,)/

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Never heard of Satoshi Kon but I'm intrigued and bookmarked him in my backlog tab to possibly watch some day. Thanks


Great! Based on what I've watched, they're mostly psychological... I hope you enjoy his works as much as I did... 💙✨😎


I love this anime, but it will leave you hanging in the end lol


You think so? I like how it ended, but I kind of know what you mean... 💙✨ Thanks for dropping by! 😎✨


Yes, you know a lot of weird stuff something like that, and that is what makes a good anime


True... I like weird stuff, but it's still a matter of preference. :D


Have you seen my reviews of Perfect Blue 1 and Tokyo Godfathers 2?
I'm planning to post review of Paprika next week.

IMHO the best Satoshi Kon's series are Paranoia Agent (a.k.a. "Mousou Dairinin") 3 and its review is also pending. ;)


I haven't.. though I've seen some people posting reviews of these movies here, too... I reviewed Perfect Blue and Millennial Actress last year, too...

That's on my list, too... I'm still trying to find time to insert it.. :)


Uy if it has psychological concepts, then I'm lost haha I never understood that kind of plots, even so, I think it's a very good recommendation, I like the design and drawing style 😊


Hahaha... I like stuff that stirs my brain. But yeah... the drawing style was neat! :D


Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!


You're welcome... :D
See you around! ^^


Oohoh que fascinante se ve esta película, me encanta porque aborda todo es del inconsciente, es como si dieran vida a todo lo que Freud manifestó. 😍

Oooh how fascinating this movie looks, I love it because it addresses everything is of the unconscious, it's as if they brought to life everything Freud manifested. 😍


the world of dreams can be a useful entryway to people's psyche as it shows people's desires, repressed thoughts, and memories.

This part reminds me of the two subjects I had in my first year which almost blotched my 1.+ grades. I'm interested in this kind of stuff, but my professor really likes to see us fail (or at least almost fail) so he made us memorize all the famous concepts of known psychologists word by word. Answering that test was a nightmare for me because I'm more like an analytical type of person...I can understand but I can't perfectly memorize stuff (so I failed the test lol). So much for that bad memory, I'm really curious about that concept—I mean dream terrorist sounds intriguing so I'm now writing it down for my to-watch list. Thanks for sharing such a nice review!


This movie is fascinating, although honestly I would have to watch it again right now because I don't remember well what its story was or how it ended. It has amazing animation and a unique, well-detailed style. Although what is most striking is how bizarre it is in its entirety.

Good review.


I guess the movie being bizarre added to its impact!!! Yes, do watch it again! 😜😄