Perfect Blue --- Disturbingly Beautiful! <3

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I've been eyeing several animated films by Satoshi Kon for years now, but for some reasons, I keep delaying... and now, I'm kind of regretting it. Anyway, it's never too late to watch them. :)

Earlier today, I finally decided to give Perfect Blue a shot... and it was definitely my cup of tea! As a fan of the horror genre, the psychological type has always been my favorite... and this movie satiated my hunger and thirst. haha


The movie started with the idol group CHAM performing as a trio for the last time after being together for more than two years. One of its member, Kirigoe Mima, decided to leave the group in order to pursue an acting career. Despite receiving mixed responses, she was hopeful that her fans would continue to support her.


Her life drastically changed as she entered the world of acting. Wanting to create a career as an actress and get rid of her image as an idol, she starred in a crime drama series.

Her career started to become more demanding and stressful not only for her, but also her manager, Rumi.


Adding more salt to the wound, Mima got herself an obsessive fan who couldn't accept her leaving the idol world and ended up stalking her. In addition, an anonymous site began impersonating her with scary details of her everyday life and situation. Her previous group also seemed to be doing well without her.


With so many things happening one after another, Mima found herself unable to distinguish which among them are real and which are not. Here's the trailer of the movie below.


It was disturbingly beautiful, indeed!
I found myself getting immersed in the movie that I'm also losing track of which of the scenes are real or not. hahaha

It could be confusing for some, but this is truly my kind of movie. I love how psychologically disturbing it is. The way the scenes are layered one after the other was phenomenal! And if you're into plot twists (yes, emphasize on the "s"), this movie got you!

There were times when I thought, "Ohh.. she must have DID!" since most actors can experience a similar situation especially when they're too attached to their roles... And ohh boyyy~!!!! I won't tell you... just watch! hahaha

Watching this film made me want to push all Satoshi Kon's movies on top of my to-watch list. haha

Story-wise, it was perfect! (at least for me)... I love the twists and turns and all the complications. haha It was darker than dark. Somehow, humans are much scarier than ayakashi and mononoke. (Refer to my previous posts.. haha)

The animation style and art style gave me a dose of nostalgia. I love the 90s art style and it's like I was transported back to those years. The animation style of MADHOUSE in the 90s was already really good!

All in all, it's a must-watch! I'm glad I gave it a shot... so if you're into disturbing, dark and psychological thrillers, then this movie is for you. Enjoy and prepare yourself! lol


That's it for this post. :) See you around! (^^,)/

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He visto tantos buenas opiniones sobre esta película, que no sé porque no le ha visto. Excelente reseña.

I've seen so many good opinions about this movie, I don't know why you haven't seen it. Excellent review.


I could say the same... It's my first time to actually check it out... It was worth it! <3


Perfect Blue is truly a gem of anime and captures Mima's inner struggle incredibly well. I love how you describe the mix of reality and fiction; that's what makes it so fascinating and disturbing at the same time. ❤️


That's true... It's interesting how realistically they portrayed someone's mind and inner demons... :D


se ve interesante, con buena trama. excelente reseña!

looks interesting, with a good plot. excellent review!


Yes... the plot was complicated, but truly great! Thanks! ^^