Legion (2010) || 'All The Little Babies Are Gonna Burn'

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Legion is an American horror film released in 2010 and directed by Scott Stewart. I regretfully found it when someone took a clip of it and made a TikTok. In that clip a harmless looking grandma makes the most creepy statement, "all the little babies are gonna burn" and the next thing that follows is her crawling up the ceiling like a possessed child. I swear I almost lost a nail as I rushed to download and watch the film, anticipating its horrors to make my skin crawl.

Synopsis (Spoilers)

Michael suddenly falls from the sky and cuts his wings off. After that, he picks up weapons and makes his way out of somewhere that looks like a garage with two bags in his hands. Two police officers on patrol see him and try to stop him, especially because the path he's coming from just burst into flames. They point their guns at him and command him to put the bags down, which he does. But he skillfully grabs the gun of the one who inches closer, putting him in a hostage situation while the other threatens to shoot.

Suddenly, the one who threatened to shoot gets possessed with a zombie-like disease and says strange things directed at Michael, then opens fire. The bullet misses Michael and hits the other police officer instead. Michael shoots back and the possessed officer dies too. Without any barriers in his way, he loots their car and travels to Paradise Falls Diner, a place near a desert where lost people always stop by to take a break.

In the diner, the waitress Charlie is pregnant with a child. The father of the child is unknown, and she's seen smoking a cigarette when a single father, Kyle, drops by to ask for directions. They have a small chit-chat, and he ends up walking into the diner where he meets other people like him who were on their way somewhere but stopped by the diner due to certain circumstances.


While they're all inside, an old lady, Gladys, walks in and orders steak. When presented to her, it looks like human flesh with flies buzzing around it. Creepily, she tells Charlie that her baby is going to burn. This riles up Charlie, and she walks out on the woman, but Sandra, who had stopped by the diner with her husband, Howard, and daughter, speaks up for Charlie but gets tongue-lashed by the old lady. Wanting to stand up for his poor wife, Howard confronts the old lady but gets bitten in the neck. Before she can cause more chaos, Kyle silences her with three bullets.

Things get worse when Michael arrives at the diner and warns them about the pandemic of possessed humans who are hunting Charlie's child. According to him, the child is humanity's only hope as God has lost faith in humanity. They have to struggle to keep Charlie alive for the savior baby's sake.

When eventually the baby is born, Gabriel, another Angel, comes down from heaven in all his might and fights to kill the baby so humanity can be completely wiped out. But Michael is ready to give up his life for the child to live.


My review and rating

The first question that came to mind after learning that Charlie's child was the savior humanity needed was, who was the father? Yes, it was mentioned by Charlie after Gladys queried her about the child's father that she didn't want him in her life and she was fine all by herself. But then I was left to think that maybe the child was a product of a one-night stand, plus she was never ready to parent it. She had sworn to give it up to foster care after its birth. What's even more puzzling is how that child, (pardon me) made out of a mistake, turned out to be the savior humanity needed. Mercy, they said, was the reason, but I don't agree with that.

Moving forward, let's talk about the genre, ”horror.” I wasn't in any way terrified. I didn't grip the edge of my bed or pull the covers up to my eyes. The only expression I gave out was that of disgust at the unrealistic happenings in the film.

If they wanted to make a baby Jesus film, they should have just gone for it, not mixing that story up with some kind of boring apocalypse. They should have picked a side and stuck to it.

One very unrealistic thing in the film was the death of Angel Michael. Lmfao. Do Angels die? I thought they were meant to be immortal? Or is it just me?

Anyway, when the film came to a close, I let out a long sigh. I was hoping something interesting would happen, or probably something relatable would come up, or maybe a moral lesson, but nothing happened, and that was a waste of data.

Rating: 2.5/5. I tried.

PS: Check it out if you're into apocalyptic movies. But just so you know, the storyline is stupid.




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I remember seeing this movie a couple of times on TV. I was fascinated by the combination of horror with action and fantasy. The strange and wild way of showing what angels and demons are like in this film is somewhat peculiar. In the end it didn't convince me, but it's very well done.

Good review.


You liked the film? It was fascinating at first when I learnt Michael was an Angel but the later unrealistic happenings and the no backstory turned me off. It just felt like a food with nice aroma but very distasteful.

Thank you for the compliment <3


Ohh angels and gods do die...
Although I won't bore you with the philosophical bit of it😂😂
I've watched this movie before and I did actually like it.
I think it's because you already expected it to be a hardcore horror movie cause of one weird scene and dope line.

Have you watched the Pope's Exorcist?


Although I won't bore you with the philosophical bit of it

I want to hear it.

I've watched this movie before and I did actually like it.

One man's food is really another's poison I guess.

Have you watched the Pope's Exorcist?

Nope! What about it?


The pope's exorcist is a horror thriller that is more thrilling than it is horrific...

Although it's a lovely movie that I think has been cleared for a sequel...

I want to hear it.

Some scholar's argue that a god can die if he loses followers and worshippers.
Hence when it's forgotten.

Although I don't believe it's the same for Christianity though.
As there rmis a verse in the Bible that states.

If man doesn't worship God, he'll raise stones to worship.

It does show that he needs worshippers, but also means that the worshippers mustn't be man.
Quite intriguing....


I'm not watching anything that has all these people in capes please. I need to be able to sit comfortably with them in a public transport. Some movies mess with my thinking ngl.

Some scholar's argue that a god can die if he loses followers and worshippers.

Okay. Thanks for this.

It does show that he needs worshippers, but also means that the worshippers mustn't be man.
Quite intriguing....

Haha. Very fascinating.


People in Capes?😂😂