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I kept procrastinating watching this film until yesterday when I took another glance at its poster and saw that it starred Kevin Hart as the lead character or should I say the BOSS. Directed by Gary Gray, this film is a banger. Not all heist films turn out brilliant but this one, love it! Since the beginning of this year, this is my first time watching a heist with a little bit of comedy and that, in summary can be likened to a joy ride.


Honestly, when I saw Kevin Hart, I thought it was going to be an action film that would seem like child's play but my thoughts were disappointed. Yes, there's humor in this one but it's subtle, making the crime and action stand out.


A team of art collectors, as I'd call them, are given a job by commander Huxley, after they'd stolen a Van Gogh painting and staged the kidnap of its artist called N8, so as to increase the price of the artwork. The job given to them was to lift gold owned by a certain billionaire and if successful, they get to clear their name of the criminal record as the Interpol were on their tail from crimes they committed in the past. So as to not end up rotting in jail, they take the job, even though it is pretty risky, and have to come up with different strategies that would work on how to get the gold.


My review and rating

Cyrus, being Kevin Hart, is the Boss and his teammates are badasses. Any crime lord would kill to have such. The strategy at which they lift the gold and at which they delude the man who had sent them to get the gold gave me the thrills. Initially I was thinking why do all the work and end up with nothing but a common clean record? But, what eluded me was that they had a more beautiful plan and when it was eventually revealed, I couldn't help but grin and vibe to the befitting background song.

don't know who she is but she fine

Crime films excite me a lot and I just can't place a finger on why I'm always sucked into it even when I know that ethically, crime is not a good thing but common, it feels good to be a smart criminal.


I'd rate it 4.5/5. Has lovely soundtrack that gets you shaking your head and feet while your favs do their thing. I applaud all the round characters in this one. They ate their roles.

You should see it if you haven't. It was released in January of this year. Still pretty new. Will be worth your time.

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