Secret of the Wings

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Secret of the Wings is an American fantasy film. If you enjoyed previous installments of Disney's fairies franchise, you're sure going to love this one.

In this film, the warmer fairies are forbidden from going over to the winter woods but Tinkerbell, out of curiosity and admiration for the winter forest, breaks the rule and crosses the border into the forest. When she's in, her wings glow and she's astonished. But being not used to the cold, she almost freezes to death if not for her friend Fawn, who helps pull her out of the forest.


Tinker's glowing wings after she ventured into the Winter forest sparks more curiosity in her, making her run to the fairy library in search of a book that would answer the questions that troubled her mind. When she finally found the book, a part of the page which talked about the glowing wings had been eaten by the bookworm. Tinker then proceeds to question the librarian but he refers her to the Keeper, the one who writes the books but the only problem was that he lived in the winter forest.


Determined to meet the Keeper, Tinkerbell makes a cozy coat for herself and gets in one of the baskets that the winter owls were meant to pick up and take to the forest. Her bestfriends are scared for her but have to let her go get the answers she so desired.


When she arrives at the winter forest and in the chambers of the keeper, she meets her lookalike, Periwinkle, whose wings also glow when they come in contact with each other. Eventually, they find out that they're sisters, born from the same laugh, but live in different worlds.

Winkle and Tinker wish to spend more time together but the law governing the two worlds makes it impossible. It's impossible because if Tinker stayed too long in the winter forest without warmth, she was likely to get a broken wing, which had no cure and vice versa. To get to see each other whenever they wanted, they had to find a way to unite the two worlds without anyone getting hurt in the process.


My review and rating:

Tinkerbell was one of the animated films that made my childhood. I enjoyed everything related to fairies and adored every opportunity I got to watch any fairy-themed film. I don't know how this one skipped me because checking the year at which it was released, which was in August 2012, I was still pretty much a child.


Anyway, seeing it now as a young adult, the excitement is still there. One thing I know, I'd never get over, is watching animations.

Disney's Secret of the Wings is an enchanting film with a soothing soundtrack and vibrant colors that leave everyone glued to the screens. It runs for 1 hr 15 minutes.

I especially enjoyed the adventures, the landscape, and unity amongst the fairies.

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This is one of the animated Tinkerbell movies that I liked the most. I have watched them all with my daughter, as well as the Barbie animated movies. As a parent I watch all of them with her and even sing the songs, 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Aww, that's so sweet. You're creating a beautiful bond with your daughter. I admire that. Thank you so much for stopping by💜.