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Everyone is at risk in Rosas because of Magnifico, King of Rosas. He collects their wishes deceiving the people he got it from with the fact that he keeps it safe for them and would grant it when the time is right but that's far from the truth. He keeps the wishes of the people and keeping their wishes kind of hypnotizes them. They become gloomy and can't live a normal happy life anymore.


But, the people trust their King so much, thinking he's doing them a favor by keeping their wishes. On the flip side the King sees how powerful their wishes are and feels threatened by it so he collects them and stores them like pebbles in his lair.


Nothing they say is hidden under the sun. The king's secret soon comes to light when he's in need of an apprentice. A girl named Asha is up for the position, to serve the most handsome and trustworthy king. She's even more interested in becoming his apprentice so that he would grant her Saba's wish but on the day of her interview for how fit she was for the position, she finds out the truth. The truth is heart wrenching and she tries to warn her grandparents about it but they think she's crazy. With a heavy heart, she runs out of the house, into the woods where she makes her wish upon a star. Her wish is acknowledged and seems threatening to the King. Immediately, he sets out to find out who was behind the wish that was made upon the star and when he finds out it was Asha, with the trust of his people, he sweet talks them into believing Asha was a traitor, one who wanted to destroy their dreams by ruining their wishes. He said she needed to be stopped by all means.


But with determination in her heart, to give the people, her grandparents back their wishes, she's ready to face the raging storm. With the help of the star she wished upon and her little animal friend, will she conquer the king who's cooked himself with powerful magic enough to wipe everyone out?

My review and rating


This animated film is a production of Walt Disney's company. This alone made me watch it as I really wanted those musical moments that come in between when the characters are either expressing excess joy or sadness. The songs in all the Disney films I've seen make me connect even more to the plot. That said, I love the soundtrack.


I also love Asha for her bravery. She gave me Moana's kind of vibe; resilience despite raging storms. Even though she later had moments of regret, thinking she should have let sleeping dogs lie instead of endangering the lives of her family members and the people in the village, she managed to sweep the fear and regret away by going back to finish what she had started.


The cinematography is vibrant. I love all the colors used in creating this beautiful piece. The animals, landscape, and people make it mesmerizing.


This film is perfect for family time. It's fun, didactic, and entertaining. I recommend it and give it a 4.5/5 rating.

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Amo las películas de Disney esta no la he visto pero tu reseña me llama la atención voy a buscarla, gracias por la recomendación.
Saludos @teknon


I don't understand your comment but thank you 😊


I love Disney movies, and this WISH I haven't seen it but your review catches my attention I'm going to look for it, thanks for the recommendation.
Regards @teknon


Oh. Haha. Thanks for the translation. I really appreciate your effort.

You really should see the film. You'll love it I promise. Happy Sunday 💕


This is one movie I loved, imagine that guy deceiving people about their wishes and stealing them..