RE: Netflix Streaming: Elvis - Surprisingly Enjoyable


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I believe Black music is at the roots of a lot of what we have now, but the segregation in the early days of rock and roll was an awful thing.

Absolutely shameful. A lot of it was fought through pop culture too. Frank Sinatra was another person who worked and played with a lot of black musicians.

I'm sure Elvis was exploited by others, but he may not have been as big otherwise.

He was definitely a shooting star. The world was ready for rock n roll. So much of our modern music has morphed and evolved from early blues and rock n roll.

I see there are conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift now. Don't believe all you see online!

Some of this stuff is hysterical. I tend to doubt just about everything online until I can verify 🤣 It's getting so difficult to discern the truth these days.

There is a new movie about Priscilla too. That may give a different angle on things.

I'll have to check that out. I'm sure she had a really interesting perspective too.

I can remember when he died as it was big news. I am sure there was a comic strip telling his story in the newspaper.

Me too. My mother still has the newspaper, front page news when he passed. It was a really big deal in our house.

Sorry for the late reply. Took the weekend off from the internet and just seen this! Hope you had a great weekend. Cheers!


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It doesn't look like the Elvis movie is on Netflix here yet, but I'll look out for it.