Successful loosers l Movie review

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Hello my friends!!
I'm back in this community after a long time. I was busy in doing my exams so I didn't get time to watch any sort of movie and that's why I was unable to do a review also.
As my exams were finished last day so today I came up with a review of a movie which I have watched today. And the movie name is Successful loosers. When I was searching for the best movies I got this movie on top, at first I was like... What's kind of movie it will be because the name is Successful loosers both different words at the same time. Anyway I started to watch it and It became one of my favorite movie.


Summary of the movie

The Successful losers is the movie of 6 boys who came to Mumbai to do their MBA and to become successful in their life according to their ambition but they all were hit by market recession. Some of them had the family problems, some of them had taken the loan and came for MBA degree and also they got peer pressure which makes them really weak. But the bonding between all of them were great and because of that they didn't give up. And they achieved their dreams.

The movie starts with the scene of a boy who's name is Santosh. He was at his home and he gets a parcel which he tried to open it and in that parcel he gets a pic of his Old friends, one of his old diary and one of his friend's wedding invitation. At that time he Started to feel those things as his memories were attached with those things. And then he started to recap all of the things happened to him in his college life and the real movie started from that point.

All of the 6 guy friends meet with each other in the college when one of the boy from the Punjab brought so many bags with him and they all were carrying it and going with him.

Then they all stayed in one rented house. And next to their house one of their sir's house was also their first they were scared from him but later he bacame friend with them.
When they all reached their they all started to clean their house and between the cleaning they used to rest, and play also.

All of the 5 boys were used to enjoy their life except one boy, his name is Santosh, he used to take all of the tension about studies and everything but others were not like that. Other 5 boys used to drink, party, smoke and all time enjoyment. But those boys were also used to complete their work when it is necessary

When it was the time for their interviews they all were rejected. Nobody was able to pass the interview and all of them were really depressed about their future and as I told earlier some of them have taken the loans also so they got the tension of giving back the money.
In all this situation Santosh also started to smoke and drink as he used to take more and more depression. They were failed several times in the interviews and they all tried to do some small jobs also to manage their expenses but It didn't help them.
One day santosh decided to leave them and he leaved them, when all of them were sleeping. He wrote his last letter on his diary and kept on the table and moved from mumbai to somewhere else. All of the other 5 boys were finding him but they failed.

And then in the movie again started from the first scene when Santosh got the parcel he opens it and in that one of his friend's wedding invitation was there,and he hurriedly went according to the adress. And unfortunately the adress was wrong. And there he met his old college sir, and Santosh asked from him about his old friends and he told how there friends were searching for him when he was lost that day. And they got his dairy where it was written that he is going to leave that city.
And later all of the friends got together and decided not to give up, they all worked really hard and achieved whatever they wanted in their life.
Santosh's sir took him to his old friends and they all hugged each other and they all were telling to Santosh what they have become now.

For me it is 10/10 movie because it teaches me not to give up at all. Doesn't matter what's going on around you, you don't have to giveup at all. And also it's my favorite movie because we can see this with our family also, we can say that it's a family friendly movie. Also it have described me no matter what you always have to enjoy your life and not to give up on your ambitions and dreams.

All the pictures that i have used are taken by me from the movie as a screenshot. These pics belong to author and don't use these without the permission of the author.

That's all about the movie I'll be back with another movie review soon.
Bye bye.

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I have not heard about this film. But seeing the screenshots and reading you, I think it's a good movie that we can enjoy watching with our friends. Good write up.


It's really good movie. You can watch it with your family.