A Fresh Start (Movie)| Forgiveness In Difficult Situation

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I can't really believe the kind of movie I watched today, like it was really an soul touching movie with a drastic turn of event, this is actually something that do happen in real life and mostly the female always fall victim to this especially in marriage and when it really eat deep, it turn to something they find hard to handle and it do break homes, let get into the real deal. This is this faithful innocent man who was really hardworking in his own way, he own a shop where he sells provisions while doing other stuff as side hustle, but he has a problem, any one he employ always swindle him and he was helpless and also very single to the core, so his mom was worried and also disturbing him to get married.
His friend got him a new girl to start working for him, she seems nice and he fell in love with her and after a while they got married. His mom love her and she was friendly at first but fragile, She allowed her aunty who wasn't married nor have any child to confused her. There is this thing about marriage, never allow a third party in, the first issue was that her mother in law was staying with them and this girl aunty advise her to stay wicked and treat the mother in law in a wicked way (the start of the whole issue). She really frustrate her mother in law to the extend that it affected the husband in all state and along the line he had an accident (life threaten) and he was bed ridden for months. This same girl aunty introduced her to a new guy who she was doing lovey dovey with and at the same time treating her husband and mother in law bad at home.
To top it all, she eloped with this new guy by selling all her husband provisions, took his whole move and abscond, but nemesis caught up with her because this new guy swindle her and ran away so she was back to square one and couldn't return home. On the other hands, the guy was back on his feet with the help of his mom and friend, started a constructing business and it boom, then after some months, he saw the girl (now ex wife) struggling to feed and also doing a labourer job in a site he was to supplier materials, he was so kind, forgave her and also beg his mom to forgive her and at the end he married her back and also start afresh.
I was touched at a part and I had to think if the whole movie is really possible in real life, I kept on asking myself if such forgiving spirit still exist in this world, getting swindle by the woman you love and can die for and most importantly during the lowest time you really need her the most, she ran away with another man and you still have her in mind to forgive and forget totally without holding grudges. This movie is a much watch because lot of lessons were passed across, the link is below.