Lisabi: A Legend Is Born | When Pride & Ego Destroy A Man

Nah Nollywood people have come again, like they did it again but this time around it was from sweetness to sour, I actually thought I will enjoy the second part just like the first but all the anticipation just gone for nothing. The Yoruba-Egba movie titled Lisabi was one of the top movie that took the net last year, it brought to light the story of Lisabi Agbongbo Akala one of the Egba great warrior that play a major whole in unifying the Egbas and also helping them gain freedom from the Oyo empire. It was really an educative movie because we barely know the heros and heroine of each tribes in our country and we knows before some set of tribes can gain freedom, there will be a tyrant involve whose major role is to enslave them.
The first part of the movie ended in a suspense way at the peak of the Egba's gaining their freedom after a farmer was fed up of the Oyo king and his messangers tyranny (killing people, raping and collecting absurd taxes). All of a sudden we notice he had some hidden powers and also friend with some supernatural beings who train and made them powerful, the question was "Since he have access to this kind power, why didn't he use them from the beginning before his bestie die" Why was he just idle. The second part came in with lot of explanation after they won the first major battle by killing the first Oyo king messenger (the most dangerous one), they had to give detail explanation on where he met those spiritual beings and how he became powerful. When he was a baby some palace guards chased his mom to the extend of giving her some serious injury even though she killed the guards and she die on a spiritual ground right so the spiritual beings had to nurture the baby.

Let talk about the real deal, what really pained me the most was that humans will always be humans, even though they fought two battles and won which indicate their freedom, the rest of the group were jealous of Lisabi who is the main master planner due to the fact that all attention was on him and he was receiving gifts from all corners while the rest who took part were neglected. I somehow sense such will happen because have seen it in war movies and truth be told such behaviour isn't right, this war wasn't fought by one man, so it is best to appreciate others even if not equally but at least they deserve stuff too and as the main center of attention, I was hoping he will wisely gift out some of the gift to his group. This was the main issue but the fame was too much and at some point, they killed the lady he love the most just to get back at him, now what vex me the most was how they end the movie, they just twist the whole plot, first of all, the supernatural beings came to warn him to return back home and leave the human world, they told him people are envy of him and planning to kill him, putting myself in his shoe, I will heed to the warning and just disappear but instead he stayed back and still accept their invite to be giving a title when he knows their major intention was to kill him, that was really off because he jump into the pit they made for him.
That part gave the movie some bad review but what interest me the most were the live lesson learnt, pride and ego can destroy lot of things if care isn't taken, Lisabi couldn't control himself when the fame came, he could have calm his group down and discuss equally with them but he didn't, it make them felt like he just trample on their loyalty so they fought back in their own way.

She made a mistake too by siding him even when she knows he wasn't doing the right thing, she even had the chance to at least talk some sense into Lisabi and also calm the group down but instead she try to be neutral so they killed her because they thought since both were close, she will be receiving part of the gift while they get nothing. Ending the whole movie in just 1 part might have been a great idea but it is what it i, still a good watch.
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I've realized that a lot of movies, particularly the Nollywood ones, go from sweet to sour when a second season is released. Personally, it takes a lot for me to watch Nollywood movies that don't end in one production.
I'd rather hold to the delicious memory of the first than mar it by seeing a second.
that is how we do see it now, the first part is always interesting and full of suspense but second part do disappoint at times, now I'm kind of reconsidering waiting for some nollywood movies seconding part
Africa always has one of the best movies, and whats more intriguing is the story line, though its not twisted but it hold alot of action