Sweet Home (Movie Review) | The Apocalypse Era | If The World Come To And End

I really don't know why I love watching apocalypse movie anytime one is up on netflix, to me such movies are always interesting even though they are somehow scary but it teaches a lot about survival. There are days when I do have this end of the world feelings or imaginations especially with the rate at which sciences/research are really going wide and vast in different dimensions, we have top scientists making and inventing different kinds of stuff just to how humans as a whole can react to whatever they create. There was a day me and my friend where discussing about Hiv/Aids and the guy as a microbiologists, said Hiv was actually invented to be use for something goods, like to somehow train the body to be immune to things but now, it is one of the deadly virus out there if not treated well.
Same thing happened in this movie, somehow researchers failed in their project and all of a sudden the world change and people started turning, there is this guy who was tired of life due to how people and family around him treated him and also he lost his family in an accident and he is the only one that survive, so he thought of ways to end it all without knowing that life have its own plan. I have never see this kind of changes in apocalypse movies before, this people were turning into dangerous undefined monsters like aliens and were really dangerous and see everything as a threat, people were running for their life and the funniest part was that monster don't need to bite you before you turn into one, they just develop some signs like nose bleeding, then within 15days of the first signs, they change completely into a deadly monster.

Some were able to conquer their inner mind and win over the monsterous mindset so they remain humans and turn to monster at times or if provoked but some couldn't win so they change completely, Cha hyun soo was one of the people that have control over this thing and he is the main character, things weren't easy for him since he find out he is a monster and face lot of people dejection but he determine to still help the survivor in surviving this chaos. this movie really made me emotional at some point and it is really interesting to watch. I had to watch the two season and later find out there is still season 3 coming out next year which will be the final part and might be full of more chaos
Credit: antisocialist
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