The Heart Breaking Song In 3 Idiots That Still Resonance Till Date

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Watching movies is one thing I really love doing and I'm a fan of almost all genre of movie especially when it is way more than interesting, at times there are some which are soul touching and some which are just there but there was this particular one that I really like even till this present day even though it is now an old movie titled 3 Idiots which to me is an Indian based comedy movie, there is no way you will watch that movie without laughing, the movie was based on 3 guys who to us look like idiots, they met in the university while studying engineering and end up in the same room, 2 were dullard (Farhan and Raju) even though they have their passion for other professions while the 3rd (Rancho) was the brilliant one even though he was in the school representing another guy.


Without going in details by narrating the movie, out of all the songs in the movie, only one had this powerful meaning to me because it kind of showcase what most student face in the university. Seriously, university aren't a joke or should I say have lot of surprises in stock, at some point it might be easy and at the other end very frustrating especially when it come to some lecturers, some might be kind and some will just be on your neck and keep choking you will the person give up, well it is also applicable to real life scenario. In this movie, this particular guy was given a project by the prof but he find it really hard to finalise the project but he really did his best yet the professor rejected it, threaten to terminate his admission or he should go to other course instead

He was tired and at the end of giving up, so after deciding to end it all, he sang the song "Give me some sunshine, give me some rain, give me another chance, I want to grow up once again", in short he needed another chance to life if permitted but it was too late, Rancho saw his project where he dumped it and before he could show the guy after fixing it, they find out he already hanged himself in his room, it was really a pained moment for all in general especially to his poor father who find every means to send him to school with the hope that he will take him out of poverty.

When it come to life case scenario, we are somehow overwhelm with what life is throwing at us and somehow we are finding it had to even breath well, at some point I even had to think if this is the life we really hope for, but it is well, if life keep throwing us lemons, we will surely make lemonade out of it.

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