RE: The Corruption of the British Television Industry


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InLEO is another front end to HIVE with some extra features added in. Since HIVE is decentralized, anyone can create their own UI. Some of these are general UIs that has all the content. Others such as only show some of the content. The article you wrote is already posted there.

What you can do now is share your previous articles on Threads. Play around and interact with people there. You can nominate your work articles to @leo-curation account on as long as they are not older than 12 hours. This is there Discord link:

There are many other communities and DAPPs you can be a part of. Check out for the largest collection of links on all types of things that can be done on HIVE. Most of the time you can login with @keychain.

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Yeah I thought it might be posting to the same chain which is why I checked. Don't worry I will not be lazy and repost anything. Thanks for clarifying. I will absolutely be experimenting with different front ends, thanks again.


I will add you to my Fanbase. You should get few automatic upvotes from me even if I miss one of your articles. It is not anywhere near big. At least you will have some support to keep going. Best of Luck!



Oh dude that's really nice of you to do that, thanks for your support, it means a lot.


You deserve some love for all the hard work.


Thanks! I took you and @sircork's advice and I have just posted using the Leo front end. However, the cover image hasn't displayed for some reason but shows on Peakd. It's taken from a video but should nonetheless still work. Am I doing something wrong?


I don't know because I don't use Inleo, I'm a peakD fan.

But I have to say, I read your exchanges here, @peaceandmoney and @vimukthi and it's just so damn wholesome and warm-fuzzy. I love it!


Everything seems good when I look at it now. It could be a delay caused by the differences in the front ends. Ultimately what matter is what get posted to the blockchain:

All the other things are superficial and a perk/fault in the infrastructure of different front ends.