Crossworlds (Movie Review)

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screen shot of Crossworlds

Crossworlds is a 1996 movie staring Rutger Hauer as A.T., Josh Charles as Joseph, and Andrea Roth as Laura among others.

Joseph is a college student who gets dragged, unwillingly into an action packed adventure.

After attending a party with friends who are also neighbors, Joseph finds himself being woken up by the beautiful blond, Laura whom he saw disappear at the party. She came to steal the pendant his father left behind when he died but gave her position away when she touched it.

Shortly after, the window is broken by a branch and a gunman appears, shooting up Joseph's apartment. Laura grabs Joseph and they are on the run. Laura takes Joseph to see a former aly, A.T, to get help.

Joseph, Laura and A.T travel to the Crossworlds, a gateway to other dimensional worlds only to be found and forced to escape back to Joseph's world.

The guy who wants Joseph's pendant also wants the staff it goes with and will stop at nothing to get both. Together the pendant and the staff is the key to open and merge all the dimensions.

I really enjoyed this movie but the one thing that threw me as I was rewatching it to get a better idea of what to write, I noticed the way he behaved in the scene where he was thrown into a room with Laura. For a man who was not a willing participant he behaved a bit like a macho man when he told Laura that he had come with A.T to rescue her. I could not tell if this was where he started to take a romantic interest in her or he was just trying to be brave.

All in all, even though IMDB has this movie rated a 5.2 out of 10 I would say it is worth the watch. If you watch it let me know what you thought of it.

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