The Good Witch's Family (Movie Review)

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image.pngscreen shot from The Good Witch's Family

Cassie discovers she has a cousin when Lori gives her a belated wedding gift of a family tree. But when her cousin Abigail comes to visit what will be the result?

Brandon is working on a piece of music so he can get a scholarship to college but his friend, Wes has eyes for Lori. Will romance spark causing Lori and Brandon to butt heads?

Cassie is planning a sweet sixteen party for Lorie but what happens when everyone is mad at each-other for one reason or another?

Mayor Tom's term is coming to an end and Cassie is nominated. At first she is running unopposed but then she and Jake find out that his co-worker Derek is running against her. The issue is whether or not Middleton should be annexed.

There is also talk between Jake and Cassie about having a baby but with everything that is going on will it be put on the back burner or will there be a surprise for Jake and the children?

In this movie there seems to be a lot more going on than in previous ones. I think it is sad Grandpa George is not in this one but I believe his time is coming and he will be the next one to find happiness. As it is after Jake and Cassie's wedding he moved into Grey House to help Cassie run the bed and breakfast.

I am really looking forward to finding out more about Cassie's family history. If you enjoy a good story line I recommend watching this. As far the series spin-off I have yet to get to it and am not sure I will. Only time will tell.

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