Día de cine,helados y pizza con amigas❤️🥰 | Day of movies, ice cream and pizza with friends❤️🥰 [Esp/ENG]

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Hola amigos de Daily Blog. Hoy con mucha felicidad de compartirles este hermoso día lleno de momentos hermosos con amistades que sin duda te nutren de cosas positivas con su presencia.

Hello friends of Daily Blog. Today I am very happy to share with you this beautiful day full of beautiful moments with friends who undoubtedly nourish you with positive things with their presence.


Mi amiga y yo no nos vemos tan seguido, pero siempre tratamos de sacar un momento de nuestra rutina para vernos y pasar un rato diferente. Está vez fue sin mucha planificación, era Domingo y no tenía muchos planes más que estar en casa, y me escribe al mediodía invitandome a ver la película Intensamente 2, accedí y me informa que la función es a las 5:10 pm. Almorcé, me bañé repose y como a las 4:30 pmme visto, confiada de que teníamos tiempo suficiente para llegar, ella me informa que me pasará buscando, espero que llegue y bajo. Llegamos al cine a las 5:05 pm aproximadamente y confiadas de que como era Domingo iba a estar solo el cine pero al contrario, estaba súper lleno, y había cola para comprar las entradas. La cola se demoró bastante y se hicieron las 5:30 pm, cuando llegamos a comprar nuestras entradas el chico nos informa que hay asientos para la película pero no puestos juntos, todos estaban separados, así que preguntamos cuál otra función había disponible y nos informaron que la película de Mi Villano Favorito 4 así que nos fuimos por esa que era a las 6:20 pm.

My friend and I don't see each other that often, but we always try to take a moment out of our routine to see each other and have a different time. This time it was without much planning, it was Sunday and I didn't have many plans other than being at home, and he wrote me at noon inviting me to see the movie Inside Out 2, I agreed and he informed me that the screening is at 5:10 pm. I had lunch, I took a bath, I rested and around 4:30 pm I got dressed, confident that we had enough time to arrive, she informed me that she would pick me up, I waited for her to arrive and I went down. We arrived at the cinema at approximately 5:05 pm and were confident that since it was Sunday the cinema would be alone, but on the contrary, it was super full, and there was a line to buy tickets. The line took a long time and it was 5:30 pm, when we arrived to buy our tickets the guy informed us that there were seats for the movie but not together, everyone was separated, so we asked what other screening was available and they informed us than the Despicable Me 4 movie so we went for that one which was at 6:20 pm.


Compramos las entradas y nos fuimos a comer unos ricos helados en mcdonald's. Elegimos 3 Sundaes de chocolate y estaban muy ricos y mientras hablábamos y nos poníamos al día la hora se fue muy rápido. Tanto que tuvimos que correr nuevamente porque ya iba a empezar nuestra película.

We bought the tickets and went to eat some delicious ice creams at McDonald's. We chose 3 chocolate Sundaes and they were very delicious and while we talked and caught up the time went by very quickly. So much so that we had to run again because our movie was about to start.



Al llegar hicimos nuevamente otra pequeña cola de personas para comprar las cotufas, allí aproveche de tomar esta foto que les dejo abajo, esos dos combos fueron los que elegimos, mi amiga se fue por el combo duo para compartirlo con su hermana y yo me compre para mí el combo pop que es mas pequeño.

When we arrived we made another small line of people to buy the cotufas, there I took the opportunity to take this photo that I leave below, those two combos were the ones we chose, my friend went for the duo combo to share it with her sister and I bought it For me the pop combo is smaller.



Entramos a la sala, ya la película llevaba unos minutos reproduciéndose y tomamos nuestros asientos, les tome algunas fotografías de las escenas pero de verdad me encantó mucho y se las recomiendo, espero que la puedan ver.

We entered the room, the movie had been playing for a few minutes and we took our seats, I took some photographs of the scenes but I really loved it and I recommend it to you, I hope you can see it.



Al salir de la sala teníamos bastante apetito y nos fuimos a comer una rica pizza, allí seguimos y seguimos conversando, comimos muy rico, pedimos una pizza con queso, jamón, maíz y tocineta. Disfrutamos mucho. Teníamos hambre.

When we left the room we were quite hungry and we went to eat a delicious pizza, there we continued and continued talking, we ate very delicious, we ordered a pizza with cheese, ham, corn and bacon. We enjoyed a lot. We were hungry.




Al terminar de comer nos fueron a buscar, me dejaron en mi casa y ellas siguieron a la suya. Sin duda fue un día muy feliz que alegro muchisimo mi corazón. Me nutrí de cosas positivas y de mucho cariño. De verdad que es una bendición tener buenas y sinceras amistades. Espero les guste amigos. Bendiciones

When they finished eating they went to look for us, they left me at my house and they continued to theirs. Without a doubt it was a very happy day that made my heart very happy. I was nourished by positive things and a lot of love. It truly is a blessing to have good and sincere friendships. I hope you like it friends. Blessings

Todas las fotos fueron capturadas con mi Tecno Camon 30.

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