1.American Civilians and American Overlords!

We will all own these means of production ourselves. Overlords are the useless eaters, and the psychopathic corrupters are worse, holding us back from rational development, personal liberty, and meritocratic prosperity. Now, Yuval Harari didn't mention the boss was really the useless eater, or that Zionazis like him have corrupted national governments of the world and are the reason we don't have these things now, because he and they want to get rid of us and take everything we own.
Given the decentralization of means of production today available, the overlords and evil bastards of the world have no need to steal and corrupt everything anymore. They can just automate production and make the blessings of civilization themselves. If they genocide us all, they'll have to do that anyway.
So, why do they lie and cheat and steal to genocide us? Because they're mad as hatters. They WANT to destroy all that is good and holy. They WANT to kill us all. They don't need our stuff. We're not taking anything they need. There aren't too many of us. That's all BS. They're just evil madmen that are able to use hierarchies to impose oppressive tyranny, and that's all they know how to do. If they succeed at genociding good people they're not going to become all nice and goody two shoes and build a prosperous free society that colonizes the galaxy. They'll keep on being evil and destroying each other until there's only one destroyer left, and that will be the end of humanity, and maybe life itself.
I'm always shocked and amazed when I read @valued-customer's articles!😮
2. American Civilians and Japanese Overlords!
Japanese overlords
I remembered that the Japanese overlords recognized @valued-customer as their most dangerous enemy!
So, Japan's overlords have been researching from 150 years ago to the present to defeat @valued-customer!
From childhood, I grew up as a servant to overlords imitating Japanese overlords.
I learned American and European history, culture, religion, science, and ideology from Japanese overlords.
I reveal this fact to my friends first.

The surrender of the Empire of Japan in World War II was announced by Emperor Hirohito on 15 August and formally signed on 2 September 1945, bringing the war's hostilities to a close. By the end of July 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) had become incapable of conducting major operations and an Allied invasion of Japan was imminent. Together with the United Kingdom and China, the United States called for the unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces in the Potsdam Declaration on 26 July 1945—the alternative being "prompt and utter destruction". While publicly stating their intent to fight on to the bitter end, Japan's leaders (the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War, also known as the "Big Six") were privately making entreaties to the publicly neutral Soviet Union to mediate peace on terms more favorable to the Japanese. While maintaining a sufficient level of diplomatic engagement with the Japanese to give them the impression they might be willing to mediate, the Soviets were covertly preparing to attack Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea (in addition to South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands) in fulfillment of promises they had secretly made to the United States and the United Kingdom at the Tehran and Yalta Conferences.
Japan and Germany declare an Axis alliance
Japan formed an alliance with European overlords to defeat the civilian of the New World, @valued-customer, but was defeated by @valued-customer.
Japan's overlords were outraged and ashamed that @valued-customer became the emperor of Japan and ruled over them!
Japan's overlords began to study the reasons for their defeat by @valued-customer.
They thought that American overlords were more powerful than European overlords.
They thought they could have defeated @valued-customer if they had formed an alliance with American overlords.
So, they started looking for America's overlords.

Prior to Gov. Kotek's election Sam Bankman-Fried was stealing furiously from the rubes that invested in the cryptocurrency fraud scheme he ran. He used ~$100M of that money to bribe politicians, by donating it to their campaigns, including Tina Kotek. In addition to that large quantity of stolen money, the drug dealers that ran La Mota, a retail cannabis chain with dozens of stores across Oregon and the United States, provided stacks of cash to Tina Kotek's campaign at drug fueled orgies attended by criminals and government officials. This isn't a euphemism, but an accurate description of the method and quantities of funds La Mota's owners provided Gov. Kotek.
The government of Oregon represents thieves and drug dealers well, and is utterly unsuitable to a government of honest, hard-working people that build productive communities and raise families. Gov. Kotek exemplifies the criminality and predatory nature of the government of Oregon, and I wouldn't piss on her if she was afire. I most certainly did not aid and abet the criminals that foisted her on hapless Oregonians as our state Crimelord, and oppose every political initiative and act she, and her criminal enterprise known as the State of Oregon, have committed since her accession to office.
Kate Brown infamously wrought havoc and destruction on Oregon during her tenure, particularly against it's children, destroying it's schools.
Perhaps they found new hope in seeing the beautiful(?) female governor whom @valued-customer still showers love and trust with to this day!😆
Perhaps they assumed that @valued-customer was at war with America's overlords.
They believed that by emulating the actions and wisdom of America's overlords, they could defeat and dominate @valued-customer.
Japanese overlords have diligently studied American history since the end of World War II.
They believed that the economic boom caused by the rapid development of capitalism in the United States after the 1950s led to the rise of American overlords.
At the same time, they believed that the extreme gap between rich and poor in the United States was increasing American civilians' distrust and hostility toward the American ruling class.
Americans were worried about the outbreak of World War III as they watched the Soviet Union and China develop into communist empires.
Perhaps my revered spiritual elder brother Steve knows the situation in the 1950s in America better than I do.
He always expects me to use the political and diplomatic English language that American gentlemen use.
He is also concerned about the fact that I study American history through American movies and TV shows.😄
I hope he understand that for American elementary school students like me, American movies and dramas are the easiest way to understand America.
It still takes a lot of time and effort for me to use American gentleman's English as he wants!😅
In September 2185, while on a routine geological mission, astronauts Meyers, Webber, and Kirby land their spaceship on a remote asteroid 655 million miles away from Earth after running low on fuel. They find that the atmosphere and gravity are identical to Earth's. Opening the hatch to the spaceship, they find they have landed near a farm. They initially think they have traveled back in time, due to the old tractor they find, although they notice that there are two suns in the sky. They find a farmer gazing off into the distance and try to get his attention, but realize he is just a statue.
I was greatly shocked and surprised while watching Elegy (The Twilight Zone) 1960 on TV!😲
Elegy (The Twilight Zone) 1960 is one of the works that has caused the biggest issues in the world where I live!
Oregon is a good example of the savage destruction and descent into barbarity corrupt criminals attaining to political power can wreak on good people. Oregon's mail in elections very likely enable election fraud to subject it's people to such criminal leadership of government, as even the deranged leftists in Portland and Salem are alarmed by the blatant fraud and destruction of society Brown and Kotek have caused. Instead of education in a curriculum enabling children to create and staff profitable business enterprises, students are taught to enjoy life on the streets, homeless, shiftless, and hopeless, addicted to heroin, cocaine, fentanyl, and xylazine, with no skills or assets other than begging, theft, or prostitution to live on.
When I saw white American women wearing only their underwear and holding beauty pageants, I felt it was public prostitution!😲
Maybe those white women will become famous prostitutes!
Perhaps Steve will hear me and feel offended and rude?
From my perspective as an East Asian man, that woman did not look suitable for a beauty pageant winner!😳
I think that American man thinks the same as me!😆
I thought this American woman was the perfect beauty winner!
It seems that all men have the same aesthetic standards for women!😄
By the way, These scenes serve as foreshadowing for the shocking truth that is revealed later!
Looking at this photo, I can understand why @valued-customer distrusts governors!😆
I was shocked and horrified to discover that the seemingly kind and nice old white man in America was the overlord!😨
He invited three astronauts to his magnificent Victorian mansion and fed them poisoned coffee.
I thought he was America's overlord who @valued-customer always told me to watch out for!
It was assumed that America's overlords enslave the masses with wealth, food, and sex!😨
So, I assumed that the overlords of East Asia, including Japan, were emulating American overlords!
As I watch American movies and dramas from the 1950s, when my revered spiritual elder brother Steve lived as a young boy, I have a lot of imagination about what the future of America will be like!
Bill Gates meets Xi Jinping as US-China tensions simmer
Bill Gates discuss vaccine developmen
Disclaimer: This article is entirely my own research, so there is a possibility of misunderstandings and errors.
It is interesting that Elegy so well predicts the state of the world today. The West has been hollowed out, it's greatness past only represented in memory, recent beauty pageants reproduce the results in the Elegy pageant, and fashion celebrates corpulence, ugliness, and deformity. The poisoned coffee, like the recent vaccinations, well reveals the enmity of overlords that have corrupted elections to attain to power, and they do not do this to protect and nurture society, but destroy and consume it.
Dear my respected senior, @valued-customer !
I think the current America is ruled by people of the same generation as Biden and Trump!
Maybe they lived in a world like Elegy in the 1950s!
So, Many East Asians attempt to understand present-day America by studying American literature, movies, and dramas from the 1940s onwards!
I especially like The Twilight Zone, which was influenced by Edgar Allan Poe!
Edgar Allan Poe is still recognized in Japan and Korea as the greatest and most genius father of American literature!
Reading his works, I can discover the shadows of humans and the world that all humans, including Americans, always want to hide.
Edgar Allan Poe is especially good at revealing the shadows that Americans always want to hide!
I hope your health and longlife!
Thank you for kind answer!
Oera Linda Book may prove enlightening in your research into free people and Western Civilization. Archaeological evidence shows the core of the culture of liberty, of wholesome family, mutual support of households in the creation of independent nations, has been implemented from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the West to the East of Eurasia, and from the Arctic to the Equator.
Be well and prosperous all your days.
Dear @valued-customer !
Thank you for introducing Oera Linda Book!
By the way, I am worse at listening to English than reading it.😂
Your kindness is a heavy burden for an America's elementary school student.😆
Kindness and mercy usually is.
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