IT WAS A SKY FLOOD, PDC, Chores, Tunnel, Moss, Fly Fishing Film Fest - Friday
We got trounced yesterday. The sky flood hit and hit with full force out of the southwest so it was warm and stupidly laden with water. From the time I woke the doppler looked angry and once the sun rose the air was just filled with rain..
It got heavier as the light came up and the full force of the wave hit us.
PDC is on so I had that on all day and some serious upsets happened with a couple full blowouts.
Wave one through there was a "lull", if it could be called that, for a bit but then the storm filled in behind and dumped super heavy again. I was watching the doppler and much of the region got some actual dry times where we just kept getting hit by more rain.
This is an insane November for rain. Much of my morning I spent trolling around finding the first #3dprinting design files I want to try. Lego blocks, Tardis, and puzzle cards are all ready to try and I have so so so many more things I have in mind to print. If I were to get one of the scanners then there would be no limit to what I could print... MWA HAH HAH HAH!!!!
There was a glimmer of the storm lightening mid day and there was a definite line to the backside of the system.
Finally after noon the heavy down pour of the back of the system hit the farm and I watched as it snowed on the upper property but rained on the house below. The white in the trees was full on snow and I could see the line where it changed quite clearly.
While I waited for the last rain to go I got the couch moved and cleaned under and around it as it is a natural hyper collector of garbage.
My moment during the day without rain and I went on a walk around the farm to see how things were managing the insane rains. The creek boulder is in FULL moss now and it all looks nice and healthy thanks to the hyper moisture.
Surprisingly the creek is not super high with all the rains.
The moss on the rocks in the creek is super vibrant right now.
R had a birthday party to go to after school so J got home normal time as the storm aimed the next salvo at us. This time it was a straight up RIVER! It flowed directly over the region from the southwest to northeast and got psycho heavy. @stryeyz got home after 5pm and soon I was in the truck headed an hour north.
I was stoked to follow a Spokane Police car north as they were off duty and hauling ass to go home which made the section of the trip go nice and fast. The shit part was following assholes going 45mph later that I had to get around. The rain was insanely heavy and it followed me the whole way to Sandpoint.
I got parked right below the Panida theater and walked up to the entrance in a super heavy down pour.
OUTSTANDING films about fly fishing and damn does it light a fire in me. Now as I shift my life focus away from production gardening my summers and life in general will have much much more opportunities for activities OFF the farm. I live in an area that is truly prime for fly fishing with so many lakes and rivers within an hour drive of the farm... Hell I have the Little Spokane river within sight of me as I type this (except for the darkness at the moment... but you get my point). My goal for this next year is to take my paraglider and fly fishing gear, head north and fish the early morning then mid day go catch the winds before heading back home in time for the boys to get off the bus.
The fest was great and goes a long way to support The MayFly Project:
The Mayfly Project is a 501(c)(3) national organization that uses fly fishing as a catalyst to mentor and support children in foster care. The Mission of The Mayfly Project is to support children in foster care through fly fishing and introduce them to their local water ecosystems, with a hope that connecting them to a rewarding hobby will provide an opportunity for foster children to have fun, build confidence, and develop a meaningful connection with the outdoors.
I was headed for home at 9:30 and half of the drive was in the still super heavily down pouring storm. It wasn't until I hit Washington again that it finally calmed down. HOLY SHIT are Idaho roads GARBAGE!!! From Sandpoint to the border the US2 is grooved deeply and those grooves were rivers which if one let the tires drift into would try to toss the truck off the highway in a hydroplane.
Nicely there was minimal traffic so I was able to cruise at normal speeds and was home about 10:30. @stryeyz hadn't gone out to soak until after the rains stopped so we spent a while in. It was midnight before I went to bed.
It is STILL raining this morning but it is to the south and just moving off now so we will have a dry day, thankfully. 5.16" of rain this month is the most in the 5 years I have been tracking.... and we still have a week of the month left!
PDC is on today, the rain will be stopping soon, the house will be getting cleaned as our friends are coming over in the afternoon, I want to start working on the tower, I have connectors arriving so I will be able to build my antenna, then I will be getting a fire in the pit for the evening and likely grill?
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Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
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Looking forward to your antenna tower being built!👍
I had no idea that north of Spokane you got so much rain !😅
You guys get more than we do in the north section of the Pacific Northwest !😳
Well this year is a rather abnormal year as of the last decade+. This is my November rain record since I started daily tracking with CoCoRaHS.
Wow… Looks like the rain is steadily increasing!😮
We always thought if we relocated it would be on the border of Idaho in Washington, but it looks like the rain storms storm hit them just as hard!😳
@generikat lives about 30 miles due east of us on the other side of the Mt. Spokane "range" in Idaho and gets a lot more snow than we do. There are some severe micro climates throughout the area, my farm being one.
Interesting… I guess you can’t put a general weather pattern in a bottle it can change from micro climate to micro climate!😮